A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village

Chapter 75: Shrimp and longline fishing boats

When the   moon was about to end, the whole fish feast this time was finally over. Many people were exhausted, and many people were drunk. In particular, the sailors drank the most, and most of them were drunk.

  The sailors helped each other back to their village. The rest of the mess was, of course, cleaned up by the women in the Beiwan fishing village.

   As soon as Hideo Minami saw a group of women clearing the dishes, he was too lazy to do it, so he went home with Yuko Miyamoto. Originally, Minamino Shuuichi wanted to send Sakai Xuena home, but he didn\'t plan to send it after drinking two more glasses. It will be difficult if you can\'t come back.

   As for Ami Inoue, she seemed to be drinking too much. She ran back to sleep alone, making Minano Shuichi sigh a little. He wondered if he should sneak into her house alone. But looking at Miyamoto Yuko, who was also a little drunk, he canceled the plan. It would be difficult if this girl woke up in the middle of the night and couldn\'t see herself looking for herself.

   Overall, this whole fish feast was a complete and happy one. This is also the first time that Shuichi Minano has eaten such a delicious seafood feast in his life. I feel excited when I think about it now, and I must hold more in the future.

   went home and took a bath, Nan Yexiu lit a cigarette and drank tea, thinking about his thoughts.

   This time I went to sea and got a total of more than 304,000 yen! At that time, taxes will be removed, as well as various miscellaneous taxes on going to sea, and money from fishing boat rentals. There are also fuel, material money, sailors\' wages, fishing boat maintenance costs, and so on. It is estimated that a total of about 70,000 yen will be subtracted. Usually, the cost of going to sea is definitely not so high. This time, I made a lot of money and the tax was high, so the total deduction was only about 70,000 yen.

   In the end, it is estimated that the net profit of my own is about 220,000 yen. If I add the more than 30,000 yen left over from the last time, I still have about 250,000 yen.

   "Now that prices are rising, it is not the best way to save this money in this situation. It seems that you have to spend it immediately." Nanye Xiuyi thought to himself. Prices have been rising slowly over the past month. Shuichi Minano, who is familiar with history, knows that this will definitely be the case in the days to come. So once you get the money, you must spend it to strengthen your own strength is the most sensible decision!

   As a qualified businessman, it is stupid to keep money in the bank, and you should invest your money.

   "I won\'t do any other business. It seems that I can only buy fishing boats and build my own fishing team first."

   When you buy a fishing boat, at least it has some value, after all, it is a real thing. As for the small box of gold in hand, I am not in a hurry to release it. Anyway, gold will always preserve its value!

   There are many types of fishing boats, such as purse seiners, trawlers, longlines, prawns, squid, whalers, etc. This kind of fishing boat is a professional single fishing boat. For example, purse seine boats are specialized in the work of purse seine, and others cannot. Longline fishing boats specialize in longline fishing for tuna. For example, shrimp boats are specialized in shrimp fishing. Squid fishing boats are specially designed for squid fishing.

   Such a fishing boat is a single-performance fishing boat, while the Junshi fishing boat that Shuichi Minano purchased before is a fishing boat that belongs to a variety of operations, also called a functional fishing boat, or it can be said to be a panacea.

  The main items that the Junxi fishing boat can operate are purse seine, trawling, and longline fishing! In addition to the tonnage of 280 tons, it can be used as a mother ship.

  Because of the King\'s Attack, Minami felt that trawlers and purse seiners were no longer needed, and Minami had not considered squid fishing yet. Squid is not consumed so much locally, and most of it is used for export. Now that the market is down, I still don\'t want to buy it.

   Minamino Shuichi wants to buy a shrimp boat and a longline fishing boat right now!

  Junxi, as a functional fishing boat, can perform three kinds of operations, but in terms of professionalism, it can’t compare to those specialized fishing boats. After all, those fishing boats were originally built for this kind of fishing method. In the current market, the shrimp market is not bad, not to mention tuna. At that time, it should be better to buy a professional longline fishing boat for catching tuna.

   "It looks like I\'m going to see the fishing boats after finishing the tax procedures tomorrow." Minami Shuichi said to himself. He feels that prices will rise to a terrifying level in the near future. If the money on hand cannot be released as soon as possible, then the value of the money can be greatly depreciated! It would be a big loss then.

   "Nano-kun, are you still sleeping?" Miyamoto Yuko, who came out of the bath at this time, saw Minano Shuichi sitting in the living room smoking a cigarette in a daze, and couldn\'t help asking curiously. In fact, he is not in a daze, but thinking about things.

   "Don\'t worry, it\'s easy to vomit if you go to bed too early after drinking." Minami Xiuyi smiled.

   "Then I\'m not going to sleep first, I\'m afraid of vomiting." Miyamoto Yuko was flushed after taking a bath, while wiping her hair with a towel, she knelt down opposite Minano Shuichi.

   "If only there was a hair dryer." Minami Shuichi saw Miyamoto Tamago wiping her hair with a towel, and she thought of the hair dryer in her previous life. Coming to this age is really uncomfortable.

   No good TV, no movies, no computer games, no popular songs, and no good cars! Looking at those old cars, Nanye Xiu didn\'t even bother to buy them.

   "What is a hair dryer?" Miyamoto Yuko asked curiously. Maybe there is a hair dryer now, but Miyamoto Yuko, as a girl from a fishing village, should have never seen or heard of it.

   "Well, it\'s a blow-drying machine. In this way, you can blow-dry your hair in a minute or two." Minami Hideyoshi said.

   "Like a fan?"

   "Well, almost."

   "Wow, if only I had a hairdryer, then I can wash my hair every day." Miyamoto Yuko showed a hint of yearning.

   "There will be in the future." Minamino Shuyi smiled.

   Many inventions are not available these days, why don\'t you make a few small inventions yourself? Minami Hideichi was YY in his heart. Of course, that\'s easier said than done, and I\'m not an inventor myself.

   "Nano-kun, tell me another story, I want to hear the story." After being silent for a while, Miyamoto Yuko prayed. She thinks Minano Shuichi is very good at telling stories.

   "Well, then I\'ll tell you a story, this story is called "Rurouni Kenshin"..."

   An hour later, Minamino Shuichi finished telling the story, and it was "Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance".

   "It\'s so sad, the person who loves each other in the end turns out to be the enemy, it\'s fine that the people who love each other can\'t be together, and in the end the heroine Xuedaiba died..." After listening to the story, Miyamoto Yuziqiao had a touch of sadness on her face.

   "Haha, it\'s just a story, don\'t be sad." Minano Shuichi touched his nose in a funny way, why don\'t he tell such a sad story next time, and tell a story about a joyful adventure like "One Piece"?