A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village

Chapter 291: name oneself

Tokyo Daily Headquarters.

President Sakai roared at a group of subordinates in the conference room: "What are you doing in the planning department! Our Tokyo Daily has been the number one newspaper sales in the country for ten years! Now it has been surpassed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Evening News, you guys Have you ever wondered why the other party surpassed us all of a sudden?"

   "President, our sales have barely changed. It\'s the other party\'s sales that have increased. So it\'s not that our newspaper\'s popularity has deteriorated, but the other party\'s popularity has increased." The humane of the planning department.

   "Then why are they number one in sales?" Sakai said angrily.

"I checked and they turned the entertainment section into a manga section. The manga series Spirited Away they launched was very popular with readers. This led to a one-third increase in their sales! \' said a supervisor loudly.

   "Since they make comics, how about we also make comics?" a manager asked.

   "No, no. A few days ago, several peer newspapers began to follow the example of serial comics, but instead of increasing sales, sales declined. I guess the reason is that the other party\'s comics caused some readers to abandon them."

   "What the **** is going on then?"

"In my investigation, I think that the success of the Tokyo Metropolitan Evening News is because of their comic "Spirited Away". Now the external evaluation has been very enthusiastic. It is said that this comic is very novel, the story is very strong, and it is oriented towards The crowd is not just children, but teenagers, teenagers and young adults! It is also called an epoch-making work by those in the comics industry."

   "In other words, the other party is relying on the author of that comic?"


"Immediately find this person named Yuko Miyamoto, we must dig it at a high price! Even if the current "Spirited Away" is not available, then buy her next work!" Sakata clenched his fist and said loudly .


   At this time, it is not only the Tokyo Daily Newspaper that is looking for Miyamoto Yuko, but many publishing houses want to find her after seeing the popularity of "Spirited Away". Find her and publish it. As the serialization of newspapers is so popular now, if it is published, it will sell for hand cramps.

  I don\'t know about these Minami Shuuichi and Miyamoto Yuko.

  On the ninth day, Minano Shuichi took the two daughters to the Tokyo Metropolitan Evening News.

   As soon as they came in, the entire newspaper office was disturbed. Those people looked at Minano Shuichi and the others with unusual respect.

   "Oh, it turns out that three people are here, please, please, please." After they came, Kudo, the old man, came out to greet him respectfully. One manga has increased his newspaper subscriptions by one-third, directly killing the newspaper boss Tokyo Daily to become the number one. Can he be disrespectful?

After sitting down in the reception room, Kudo said softly to Chiba Yi who was beside him: "Why are you still standing here, why don\'t you buy three cups of coffee? By the way, go to the coffee shop three kilometers away to buy other coffees. It\'s too rubbish, I\'m afraid Miss Iloti won\'t be used to it."

   "I..." Chiba Yi felt that a dignified supervisor had become an errand runner.

   "I am what I, don\'t hurry up."

   "Yes." Chiba Yi pouted and went out.

Now the three of Nanye Xiuyi are his God of Wealth, so he smiled and flattered: "Miss Miyamoto, I don\'t know how many drawings you have on hand?" Of course he was in a hurry when it was in stock.

   "I don\'t have it anymore~" Miyamoto Yuko said.

   "Kudou, let me ask you. How\'s the response to "Spirited Away" for more than a week?" Minano Shuichi asked indifferently.

"Okay, very good, the response is very good! This comic is recognized and loved by consumers. By the way, all the cartoonists in Tokyo have praised this as an epoch-making work. They all want to see you, Miss Miyamoto. ." Kudo laughed.

   "Oh, that\'s not bad." Minamino Xiu nodded, his mood fluctuated not much. Pretty much as he had guessed. As long as the exposure rate is large enough, this kind of cross-generation comics will not be worried.

   This is also the reason why he chose to serialize it in the newspaper before!

   Because newspapers are definitely one of the biggest advertising exposure channels these days. Especially a powerful newspaper like Tokyo Metropolitan Japan. It seems to be responding very well now. I believe Yuzi also has a lot of fans.

   "Really? That\'s great!" Miyamoto Yuko looked excited. Even Iloti was very happy, and felt that the five thousand dollars he threw away was very worthwhile.

   How much is the first five thousand dollars worth? Very valuable!

  Minano Shuichi knew that his grandfather and father\'s generation in the previous life, when he was in junior high school in 1980s, a penny was a day\'s food expenses! A penny of RMB, you can imagine how valuable the money was at that time. Where is it like a quick sum of depreciation now! For five years now, one dollar can buy one gram of gold.

   Kudo was a little worried after hearing that the other party said that there was no draft. What happens after a week without a drawing? Now the copyright of "Spirited Away" has not been sold to him, it is all in Yuzi\'s hands.

   Now that his evening news is so popular, his colleagues probably know the reason. At that time, if someone digs Miyamoto Yuko away, it will be a big deal. Another is that Miyamoto Yuko is now famous. Then her next work will definitely be very popular. He believes that as long as Miyamoto Yuko\'s comics continue to be serialized, his Urban Evening News will definitely remain the first in sales!

   Kudo\'s heart began to turn.

"That, Miss Miyamoto. I wonder if your next "Spirited Away" can continue to be serialized in our newspaper? Our newspaper will pay you the manuscript fee. By the way, Iloti gave me 5,000 yuan that day. I don\'t want the dollar either. I hope Miss Miyamoto can sign up as a long-term cartoonist for our newspaper. I don\'t know if I can?" Kudo said through gritted teeth. Although that $5000 is a lot. But for the sake of long-term interests, he felt that it was the kingly way to keep Yuko Miyamoto.

   Miyamoto Yuko looked at Minami Shuuichi after hearing this. She couldn\'t make up her mind about this matter, but she still hoped that Hideyoshi Minano would make up her mind.

   "Oh~" Minami Shuuichi was slightly surprised. He didn\'t expect Kudo, an old guy, to be so willing to sign Miyamoto Yuko as a resident cartoonist even after spitting out five thousand dollars.

   This old guy is a long-term old fox! Five thousand dollars is 1.8 million yen.

   However, Shuichi Minano likes this kind of person very much, proving that this kind of person is not a person who is greedy for money, not a person who only looks at immediate interests, but also a person who is trustworthy. It\'s a good choice to work with such a person.

   Anyway, "Spirited Away" will continue to be serialized, and it can be serialized there. Besides, the current strength of Tokyo Metropolitan Evening News is also very top.

   "Mr. Minano, is my sincerity enough?" Kudo said cautiously. He was actually very flustered, he was gambling.

"Yes, yes, but after Yuko becomes your newspaper\'s resident cartoonist, "Spirited Away" can continue to be serialized in your newspaper to the end. Even the next work can be serialized in your newspaper. However, the copyright must belong to Ours. If the manga is published or made into a TV movie in the future, it has nothing to do with you at all." Hideo Minano. As long as the other party agrees to this, there is no problem. What he wants is full copyright, and the serialization of the newspaper here is just a platform. Copyright is none of your business.

   "Yes! As long as Miss Miyamoto\'s "Spirited Away" and the next work are first serialized in our newspaper." Kudo said.

   "Okay, it\'s a deal, you can sign the contract right away." Minami Xiuyi smiled.

   The contract was signed after half an hour. This "Spirited Away" Kudo gave Miyamoto Yuko 1,000 yen for about one episode. The price is definitely not low. Because in this era, many manga manuscripts cost only a few hundred yen, and as many as 2,000 yen for a thousand copies. But now she\'s 1000 yen a word.

   In fact, this amount of money is nothing, the publishing fee and film and television rights fee in the future when Hideyoshi Minami takes it seriously! At that time, once the animation is made, it will be a lot of money. Of course it\'s too early to say that.

   Comics, he still thinks it\'s fun, and it doesn\'t make much money at the moment. If you want to make a lot of money, you need to wait for more than ten years to enter the mature stage of animation.

   After finishing everything, Chiba Yi finally got the coffee back.

   Drinking coffee, Kudo said flatteringly: "That\'s it, since Miss Miyamoto is now the resident cartoonist of our newspaper, can we get an interview with Miss Miyamoto?"

   "Yes, of course. This is a good opportunity to continue to promote the popularity." Minami Shuuichi agreed directly for Yuzi.

   The interview started soon, directly in the reception room, as for the reporters and photographers, it was the reporters and photographers of this newspaper.

  The beginning is to learn more about Miyamoto Yuko\'s detailed information, family situation, education and so on.

   The next step is to ask her when she started studying manga, when did she start creating Spirited Away, and where did she get her inspiration from.

   In addition to these, I also asked questions about epoch-making comics that were evaluated outside.

   These things Miyamoto Tamiko said truthfully.

   When she said that the story of "Spirited Away" was told to her by Minami Shuichi, everyone on the spot was stunned, and then they all respected Minami Shuichi.

In the end, Hideyoshi Minano said: "Okay, let me tell you the last few words, you must record them and put them on the news. "Spirited Away" is an epoch-making new work, it is innovative, It has cross-age significance! Its style of painting, storytelling, and reading all break the tradition. I want to tell the world with "Spirited Away". Comics are not so-called naive children\'s books. They are artistic. It\'s for different age groups like movies, TV, poetry, literature! It\'s for the world. It\'s not just for children, it\'s not childish! Today, I\'m going to make a name for myself, for comics Correct name. The new era of comics will start from me and rise from me!"

After    Minano Shuichi finished speaking, there was loud applause in the conference room.

   Of course, he said this paragraph instead of Miyamoto Tamiko. Anyway, the news released at that time will not say what he said, it must be what Yuko Miyamoto said.