A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village

Chapter 279: Boyfriend and boyfriend interlayer film

The other party\'s words got louder and louder, and Minano Shuichi could almost hear it clearly. The other boys don\'t seem to care about Minano Shuichi\'s hearing.

"Damn, these second-generation **** look down on Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu has no money? Lao Tzu is not as rich as you, but Lao Tzu earns it with his own hands. What about you, you **** only know how to eat old **** How dare you be so arrogant? I just look down on you." Nanye Xiuyi said with contempt in his heart. Although he has systematic help, he also started from scratch. And what about these guys? One dares to speak out louder than a waste!

"Hey, poor boy over there, I\'ll give you $100,000, and you will immediately disappear from my eyes. If Miss Iloti invites you out to play, you\'ll say you\'re not available. How\'s it going?" Suddenly, a handsome boy walked away. In front of Minano Shuichi, he said to him with a condescending look.

   "Well said, if you get out of here immediately, I\'ll give you $100,000!"

   "I will also give you 100,000!"

  In an instant, the five young masters all said they wanted to give money. In their eyes, as long as Shuichi Minano gets out of the way, they will have a chance to invite Miss Iloti when she comes out. Five people are so competitive. But it\'s better than not even having a chance to compete.

  If this guy named Shuichi Minano didn\'t leave, they wouldn\'t even have a chance to invite him.

  In their eyes, if one person gives $100,000, that is $500,000, and $500,000 is a lot of money. They didn\'t believe that the poor ghost in front of them was unmoved.

   Originally, Minami Shuuichi ignited another boring waiting, but he didn\'t expect these sons to come and humiliate him. Really **** him off.

   Seeing the arrogant arrogance of these five bastards, Minami Xiuyi was delighted: "Cough, if you tell me to go, I will leave, isn\'t it shameful for me? Besides, you want to kill me with so much money?"

"I know, you all want to date Iloti, but unfortunately, she just likes to play with me. She, only asks me out." Minano Xiuyi spoke slowly, and the five young masters followed his words. They were all **** off.

  Especially the sentence: She only asked me out.

   Anyway, these five sons received 10,000 points of damage. He also wanted to know why Iloti didn\'t ask them, only the guy in front of him.

   One of the most handsome young man stood up and said with a smile: "You think it\'s less than half a million?" He saw that Minano Shuichi let go, since problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

   "Yes." Minami Noh nodded.

   "Very well, do you leave immediately and reject Miss Iloti\'s invitation?" the most handsome boy asked.


"Very good, then I\'ll give you a million dollars! How about it, enough. For a million you can find 10,000, no, tens of thousands of beauties." The most handsome guy Brady said coldly laughed.

   "One million is like getting rid of me?" Minami Shuuichi shook his head disdainfully.

  To be honest, a million dollars is a lot of money, but the poor guy in front of him is still not satisfied. Greed, indeed greed!

   But what his family has is money! At most he spent a year\'s pocket money.

   "Give you two million dollars and get out of here!" Brady was a little angry.

   "Yes, get out of here!" The four young masters also helped.

   "Hehe... Two million dollars just wants me to get out of the way, is Miss Iloti worth two million?" Minano Xiuyi sneered.


   "Did he really get Miss Iloti\'s heart?"

   "This, it\'s impossible." After listening to the young masters, they all looked at each other. The amount of information in this sentence is a bit large.

   "Gigge..." Brady gritted his teeth.

   "Then how much do you want!" Brady took a deep breath.

   "I won\'t go without a billion dollars." Minano Xiuyi blew a cigarette ring and smiled as he dropped the cigarette butt.

"You, you\'re talking like a lion, you might as well go rob!" Brady roared, a billion dollars, although his family is very rich, but spending a billion dollars this year is also a pain for his family bony.

   "One billion...hs...is this **** crazy about money?"

   "A poor ghost is a poor ghost. He doesn\'t even know what a billion dollar concept is." A young man sneered.

   "Hey, I\'m just a robber. Since you can\'t afford it, I won\'t leave. When I and Iloti get married, I\'ll despise one billion as too little." Minano Shuichi said lightly.



   This amount of information exploded instantly compared to the amount of information above. These young masters almost vomited blood after hearing this. When they thought that Iloti often asked about this Minamino Shuichi in front of them, they ignored them at all. There might be something in such a close relationship.

   "You are already Miss Iloti\'s boyfriend?" Brady\'s face was ashen.

   "Guess." Minano Shuichi smiled. In fact, he just wanted to disgust the group of idiots in front of him, who told them to speak ill of themselves before, and finally want to humiliate him with stinky money. Since the other party is so disgusting, can he go back without being disgusted?

"No, it\'s impossible! You are an ordinary person, you want money but no money, and you want a family without a family. Even if you are with Iloti, her family will object, hum!" gone back.

   "Yo, you\'re not stupid." Minano Xiuyi smiled meanly, "However, what if she is pregnant with my seed?"



   "Rogue, beast!"

   A few brothers were so angry that they almost vomited blood again, Nima, what a rogue.

   Just when the group of young boys wanted to rush up and rub Minano Shuichi on the ground, the gate opened, and two cars drove out.

   The one in front was driven by Iloti herself, and the one in the back was driven by her four bodyguards. How could an eldest lady like her go out without bodyguards?

   "Hey, what are you doing together?" Iloti looked at the people gathered in front of her and asked coquettishly.

   "Uh, nothing~"

   "Miss Ilotti, I wonder if you are free, how about I invite you to a famous concert?"

   "Miss Ilotti, I would like to invite you to a reception tonight. I wonder if you are free?"

   "Miss Iloti..."

   As soon as Iloti came out, the five young masters gave up in an instant, and Shuichi Minano immediately ran to the side of Iloti\'s car and not only delivered flowers, but also said what they had always wanted to say.

"Hehe... I\'m sorry. I don\'t have time all day today. I\'m going out to have breakfast with my friend Minami Shuichi later. Bye. Minami Shuichi, don\'t hurry up and get in the car!" These five sons and brothers are upset to her.

"Okay." As soon as Minami opened the door, he sat in the co-pilot, looked at the jealous and murderous eyes of the five sons, and then smiled and said: "Yes, Miss Iloti is very busy today, no Empty. Don\'t block us, we\'re going to have love breakfast."


   "Love Breakfast... Are they really together?"

  Anyway, the five young masters are brokenhearted now. They have been squatting for so long and have received such tragic news.

  Ilotti didn\'t bother to pay attention to the complicated inner feelings of those sons. She just wanted to get out of here quickly. As soon as she stepped on the accelerator, the car went out and she could only get five sons to stand and eat dust.


   On the car, Minano Shuichi asked curiously, "Iloti, why do you hate their invitation so much?"

"Nonsense, every day I\'m not invited to some annoying concerts, or to various cocktail parties, or to have candlelight dinners. I don\'t think it makes any sense at all. Besides, I don\'t know what the purpose of those people is?" While driving the car, Iloti gave Minano Hideki a blank look.

   Well, let\'s not say it, Iloti is a wild girl, she really doesn\'t like that kind of thing. Her favorite thing to do is just go crazy and do some research on her biology from time to time.

   Anyway, she likes to chat with Minano Shuichi very much. He uses the knowledge of modern people to talk about all kinds of interesting things and all kinds of knowledge. Besides, Minano Shuichi is finding more and more that he has the potential to be a male best friend.

   Anyway, Iloti was very relieved to give her back to Minano Shuichi. If you\'re drunk, you\'re not afraid of Shuichi Minano. If you have anything on your mind, you can talk to him. If you have anything, you can ask Shuichi Minano for help... If Shuichi Minano didn\'t see that the other party liked him, he almost thought he was her boyfriend. Because male girlfriends and boyfriends are really only one layer apart.

  What is a male best friend? Boyfriends are close male friends who can have a good relationship with you, who can go to the street together, who can share careful things together, and who can talk about everything, but they are not lovers.

  However, when we arrived, we talked about everything, when we arrived, we went shopping together, and when we arrived, we got drunk and asked our boyfriend to send him home. At this point, the relationship is very dangerous. If you are not careful, the diaphragm will be punctured. It\'s hard to say what the relationship will be by then.

   Anyway, here I advise your girlfriend or wife to have any boyfriends, you can see if the top of your head is green.

   "I\'m going back to Hokkaido in a few days." Minami Hideyoshi said to Iloti.

   "What, going back so soon? I haven\'t had enough fun with you." Iloti looked a little unhappy.

   "After all the work is done, of course I have to go back. It\'s not like your daughter does not have to do anything, waiting to eat and die every day, or to enjoy it after getting married." Nanye Xiuyi pouted.

   "Tumbling, you are just waiting to die. I have lofty ideals!" Iloti rolled her eyes.

"for example?"

   "Be a biologist and eat and die."

  "..." Nima, it\'s not the same.

   "Oh, I\'m not too young. It is estimated that in a year or two, the family will find me a fiancé. It\'s really annoying." Iloti said bitterly.