A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village

Chapter 170: Sperm whale vs king squid

Generally speaking, sperm whales dive into the seabed to find giant squid. After all, giant squid lives on the bottom of the sea. But now the king squid suddenly appeared beside these two sperm whales, can you say they are not surprised?

  The king squid still belongs to the category of food for sperm whales, but this food is too powerful, and sometimes the food will kill you if you are not careful. But once the sperm whale sees the king squid, it will choose to rush to hunt it. The two sides can be said to be enemies of life and death, and they have been for generations!

  The most important thing is that once a sperm whale can eat a giant squid, it can go without eating for a long time. A king squid tops N fish and shrimp.

   "Hoho!" The sperm whale that was leaning on the king squid was the first to charge.

   Originally, the king squid finally escaped from the bitter sea. After seeing that it was released by the powerful deep-sea hunting beast, it wanted to smear the soles of its feet with oil to escape, but just before taking a few steps, it was chased by a sperm whale that was killed halfway. Sperm whales just opened their blood trays and bit them no matter what you did.

  The king squid was also surprised when he saw the enemy, the sperm whale, and secretly thought that it was a tragedy. I just got out of the sea of ​​misery and now I have entered the wolf\'s den again!

   It can\'t escape by itself, its speed is not as fast as the king squid, so it can only fight in a hurry!

  In an instant, the sperm whale and the king squid were fighting together, and the king squid did everything possible to entangle the sperm whale, and its sharp teeth were constantly gnawing on the sperm whale.

   Soon, another sperm whale joined the fray!

   Originally, the king squid wanted to drag the sperm whale into the deep sea and suffocate it to death, but as another sperm whale joined the battle group, the king squid crisis became bigger. The two sperm whales were forced to swim to the surface completely, giving it no chance to dive at all.

   Just as these three big guys were fighting, Minano Shuichi\'s fishing boat, the King Attack, was already approaching the place where they were fighting.

  I saw the waves rolling dozens of meters in front of the fishing boat, and the huge back of the sperm whale was exposed on the sea. In addition to the back of the sperm whale, there were also huge and long tentacles of the giant squid wrapped around the back.

   Water splashed everywhere, and there was still a little bright red in the sea water. It seemed that both sides were red-eyed, and the king squid and sperm whale were injured to varying degrees.

   "What is that?" a sailor on the deck exclaimed after seeing the picture ahead.

   "Why does that tentacle look familiar, why is it so big!"

   "Oh my god, it\'s actually a king squid!"

   "Is that huge fish a sperm whale?"

   At this time, the sailors were all looking at the battle not far away in shock. Sperm whales swam back and forth in the sea, making a painful roar from time to time. At this time, the king squid just wanted to drag it down, but how could it be so clever that it would do such a stupid thing? Anyway, it is constantly swimming, and it is hard to go on.

   "My God, two sperm whales!"

   "Hurry, hurry up and tell the boss and the four employers, we found the king squid and sperm whale, they are fighting!" Noguchi Minami roared loudly.

   The news quickly reached Shuichi Minano and Iloti. Of course, Minami Shuuichi is the old god, and there is no surprised expression, because this is all planned by him.

  Iloti and the other four all jumped up from their chairs after hearing the news, and hurried from the lounge to the upper deck.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Iloti, the daughter of gold, ran the fastest, but after she ran out of the door, she turned back and said to Moore: "Moore, hurry up and take out the camera and other tools, I To record this historic scene!"

   "Yes, miss!"

   As for Carl\'s face, there is not much joy, he would rather that Minano Shuichi hadn\'t met the king squid. But now it happened. As for Sister Eliza, she was also happy for Iloti and hurriedly followed.

  The distance between the fishing boat and the sperm whale is only more than 20 meters away, so the sperm whales that are fighting ignore the fishing boat in front of them, and besides, as animals, they do not know that the danger is approaching.

   At this moment, both sides are fighting desperately. If you are not careful, you may die without a place to die.

   "This is the king squid? God, it is actually fighting with sperm whales, or two sperm whales!" As soon as Iloti came out, she saw the two sides who were fighting from a distance.

   "I\'m so lucky, I really met the king squid, which is of historical significance. It\'s the first time I saw their natural enemy battle!" Sister Eliza\'s face flushed with excitement.

   At this time, Minano Shuichi also came out. When he saw the excited crowd, he coughed and reminded: "Shouldn\'t you take pictures now, and then look at them after taking pictures. I\'m afraid they will dive into the bottom of the sea later."

"Ah! Yes, I almost forgot. Thank you for your reminder. Hurry up and take pictures. Come, come, four of us take pictures with one camera. We must take a few more pictures." Iloti was shocked at this time. When he came back to his senses, he hurriedly grabbed a camera card from Moore\'s hand and wiped the card to take pictures.

   After seeing them taking pictures, Minano Shuichi didn\'t stop. He was going to organize people to catch the king squid. If he could, he could even catch the sperm whale.

   "Ishida Yu, Tanimura Ueno, hurry up and start the fishing operation immediately, you can\'t let them escape!" Nanye Hideo instructed the couple.


   "Tell old Kimura to seize the opportunity, and make sure to keep the fishing boats close to them."


The    fishing operation began, using purse seine nets.

  The purse seine was quickly thrown into the sea, and the fishing boat began to open in a semicircle, trying to surround the three big guys in the purse seine.

   These three big guys are still fighting, and the two sperm whales have already gained the upper hand. I believe it will not take long to kill the king squid. At this time, they didn\'t know that a purse seine was slowly shrouding them.

  Although the three guys were moving without direction on one side of the sea, the distance they moved was not very large, and the fishing boats completely followed. So the purse seine was also laid out and began to shrink.

   "It\'s surrounded, it\'s surrounded! They can\'t escape this time, right?" Iloti also watched Minano Shuichi and the others catch the king squid. She has taken a lot of pictures. Now waiting to salvage the king squid. She was extremely excited at this time. She began to imagine that her research on the king squid would surely make a sensation in the entire biosphere. It is estimated that this is the first time she has received such a precious photo.

   The fishing net was constantly shrinking, and the three big guys finally realized that something was wrong. But by the time they discovered the problem, it was too late. Minamino Shuuichi uses a reinforced fishing net, which will not be damaged even if he catches such a big guy.

   "Clap clap clap!"

  The two angry killer whales collided east and west, splashing waves, and the huge body, even the fishing boat, was stirred up even more.

   At this time, the king squid was dying and sank to the bottom of the fishing net. Only these two sperm whales are extremely fierce, but no matter how fierce they are, they cannot escape the fate of being bound by fishing nets.

   "It\'s so cruel, Nanye-kun, can you fish them up?" Seeing this intense scene, Moore and the others felt their scalps go numb, and they were worried that the two crazy sperm whales would overturn the fishing boat!

   "Don\'t worry, they can\'t help our fishing boat. Our fishing boat has a 280-ton capacity!" Minano Shuichi said easily.

"Nano-kun, you really did what you said this time, and you really caught the king squid. I was not disappointed in my trip to Hokkaido this time, and I successfully realized my plan." Iloti smiled coquettishly. .

   "Huh, what\'s his business? They just happened to encounter the king squid and the sperm whale fighting, and they just picked it up." Carl said disdainfully.

  Karl\'s voice was so small that no one could hear it. In fact, he thought so. In his opinion, Minano Shuichi didn\'t look for the king squid at all, and it was the king squid that happened to appear here.

   "These two sperm whales are too fierce, hurry up and use the harpoon!" The old man Oda saw the sperm whales jumping up and down in the seine net and refused to give in, so he couldn\'t get on the fishing boat.

   "Well, kill them first with a harpoon before hauling them onto the fishing boat." Minano Shuichi nodded in agreement.

   Soon both sperm whales were dying.

  In the end, it took everyone an hour to pull the two sperm whales and the king squid onto the deck!

   Facing the three big guys, everyone looked at them in shock.

  Iloti was constantly taking pictures with the camera at this time, and he did not miss every part of the king squid anyway.

   "Its eyes are so big! Look at its teeth, they look so sharp. Is it true that you said that its teeth can bite through steel?" Iloti asked while taking pictures.

   "I think I can. Look at the scars that the two sperm whales were bitten by." Minami Hideyoshi said.

   "Minano-kun, this time you and I are going to be famous, famous in the biosphere!" Iloti said happily. As a biology major, of course she likes that she can make a difference in this area. She thought it would be amazing to be able to do a report on the king squid while in college.

   "Hey, am I going to be in the newspaper by then?"

"Of course, come, help me pull the ruler, I will measure how long this king squid is, and every tentacle of it will be measured again. By the way, its body, head, eyes, etc... It must be recorded in detail!" Iloti was full of enthusiasm for work at this time.

   A group of people help Iloti take pictures, measure, record and more. Minamino\'s sailors were dealing with sperm whales. Speaking of which, Minano Shuichi has never eaten whale meat, so I can try it this time.

   Finally, Iloti got the specific data of this king squid, with a total length of 12.32 meters (including tentacles) and a weight of 219 kilograms! There are various data and so on.

   Looking at the king squid on the deck, Iloti said with emotion: "I want to make it into a specimen, it will be the first specimen of the king squid, which is of great significance!"