A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village

Chapter 122: mobile fishing

(I was dragged by my classmates to drink last night and fainted, so I just updated it~~ Sorry.)

  Although Minano Shuichi comforted the group of guys, but the group of guys were still a little injured, and they were disgusted by the group of Fukuyama Taiichi. They are helpless in the face of the opponent\'s strength.

   Seeing Shuichi Minano\'s three fishing boats leave three or four nautical miles away, Fukuyama Ikeda smiled and said, "They really left!"

   "Okay, okay, don\'t look at that group of trash, hurry up and get off the fishing net and wait for the arrival of the salmon." Taichi Fukuyama had a faint smile on his face.

   "Yes, Dad."

  The Fukuyama fishing team began to lay out nets, and the arrangement of this small strait was strictly guaranteed to ensure that once a school of fish broke into it, it would definitely not be able to escape.

   On the other hand, Minano Shuichi is getting farther and farther from the small strait.

   Minamino Shuichi drove his fishing boat and cut his vision into the sea to check the movements of the school of salmon.

   "Well, it seems that this group of salmon fish really came towards the small strait. Now it is only three nautical miles away from me and ten nautical miles from the small strait." Minami Shuichi calculated. He has the ability to locate the fish, and he will directly drive the fishing boat to meet the salmon school later, and then catch it.

   If it is an ordinary person, it will not be so lucky to have just met it, but for Minami Shuichi, if he wants to encounter a school of fish, he will encounter a school of fish!

   This kind of fishing is unique to Minamino Shuichi.

   "Hmph, I intercepted these schools of fish more than a dozen nautical miles away, and I made you Taiyi Fukuyama unable to meet the schools of fish, so what if you occupied that small strait?" Nanye Shuichi smiled coldly.

   The fish is gradually approaching the three fishing boats of Minami Shuuichi. Naturally, Minami does not need to remind the sailors. Anyway, when the fish meet, someone will naturally find it.

   Sure enough, not long after, when the fish school and the fish school of Minano Shuichi were separated by dozens of meters, a sailor finally found the fish school. A large group of densely packed swims over.


   "Find school of fish!"

  When the sailors found the fish, they were surprised and delighted.

   "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and catch the net, I will drive the boat, Ishida Yu, you will immediately take charge of the fishing work." Nanye Xiu shouted. With Minami Shuichi driving the boat, he could bite the fish and chase the fish accurately.

   "Good boss." Ishida Yu hurriedly went, and the other two fishing boats also cooperated tacitly.

  The fishing work is gradually unfolding.

   "Haha, we just got out of that strait and ran into a school of salmon, we\'re so lucky."

   "If Taichi Fukuyama sees us fishing here, will they jump up in anger!"

   "Should this school of fish be heading towards the small strait again?"


   After meeting the fish, everyone\'s mood improved, and the previous depression was swept away.

   There were more than 25,000 salmon in this wave. In the end, Shuichi Minano caught about 20,000, and the remaining more than 5,000 salmon escaped while the chaos. The main reason is that it is impossible to catch all the fish in such a wide seawater, and some of them will always escape.

The part of    that escaped, Minami Shuichi knew that they would definitely continue to swim toward the small strait. But Shuichi Minano wouldn\'t leave these fish to those **** Taiichi Fukuyama.

  5000 are also fish!

   "Deep-sea hunting beasts, lead your little brother to eat these more than 5,000 salmon, can\'t eat them and kill them!" Nanye Xiuyi said coldly, anyway, he would not leave a single hair to Fukuyama Taiyi!

  The deep-sea hunter got the order of Shuichi Minano and led ten killer whales and ten great white sharks to chase the more than 5,000 salmon.

   At this time, Minano Shuichi\'s fleet was only a dozen nautical miles away from the small strait. As for Taiyi Fukuyama, he was a little depressed when he didn\'t see the fish coming up after waiting for a long time.

   "It\'s been half a day, why haven\'t the salmon shoals come over yet?" Fukuyama Taichi was also a little suspicious. Could it be that the salmon shoals that pass through this strait every year are all gone?

   "Dad, I don\'t think so, just wait!" Fukuyama Ikeda said.

   "Well, that\'s what I said, the fish will come from time to time, so wait." Taichi Fukuyama also held back his temper.

   They don\'t know that the other side has already caught the salmon school.

   Most of the day has passed quickly. Minami Shuuichi caught two groups of salmon that day, but Fukuyama Taiichi did not catch a single one!

   Gradually, Taichi Fukuyama lost his patience. He began to doubt his life.

   Meanwhile, Shuichi Minano, 8 nautical miles from the small channel, is catching today\'s third wave of salmon in the early evening!

   Since 8 nautical miles is not very far away, people from the Fukuyama fishing team can see it with binoculars!

"Dad, I found Shuichi Minano\'s fishing team 8 nautical miles away. They haven\'t gone far, and they seem to be fishing from the binoculars. They just don\'t know what fish to catch." At this time, Fukuyama Ikeda hurried to him in front of Dad.

   "Nani?" Tai Fukuyama was surprised after hearing this. He also didn\'t expect that Minamino Shuichi didn\'t go far but was fishing nearby!

   "I\'ll take a look!" At this time, everyone should understand Taiichi Fukuyama\'s mood, that is, he vomited blood!

   When Taichi Fukuyama saw that Shuichi Minano\'s fishing team was really fishing, he really scolded him angrily. If he had driven Shuichi Minano away, he would have been able to occupy the steady stream of salmon fish that could be caught here.

  But Mao didn\'t see a single one after waiting for a day, and he didn\'t know the reason. Now he sees Minami Shuichi fishing a few nautical miles away. Do you think he can be in a good mood? It\'s good not to vomit blood.

   "Dad, do we continue to guard here or go fishing elsewhere? It\'s not an option if we continue to spend here." Fukuyama Ikeda was also a little anxious when he couldn\'t catch fish for a day.

   "No, wait another day!" Taichi Fukuyama said solemnly. Although he is very depressed now, he feels that he should wait another day! He didn\'t believe that there were no fish coming over today, and he didn\'t believe that there would still be no fish tomorrow.

   "Hey, there doesn\'t seem to be any movement from the Fukuyama fishing team over there. It looks like they haven\'t caught any fish."

   "I see it too, they don\'t know how they will feel now..."

  Looking at the blurred fleet over there, Xiuyi Nanye sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Hmph, fight with me, you will all be finished forever!"

   Not only did the harvest today make Taichi Fukuyama depressed, but he also gave his pets a feast. Anyway, these guys vomited!

   It\'s not that Shuichi Minano is cruel, salmon are economic fish anyway.

  The night is coming, Minano Shuichi starts to eat here, everyone is happy, on the other hand, the food is tasteless.

   There was no system to remind the fish to appear all night. It seems that the salmon school may only have Minami Shuichi tomorrow. You can sleep well and continue fishing tomorrow!