A boy like the wind

Chapter 168

As soon as the couple saw Luo Xiushan crying, they whispered something and left.

As soon as the girl who was writing looked at it, she quickly collected the computer and left.

Upstairs suddenly quiet down, only left Luo Xiushan sad sobs.

I silently looked at Luo Xiushan and couldn't help sighing. The man had tears and couldn't play them lightly, just because he didn't get to the sad place. It can be seen that he really loves Zhou Yun. He killed Li Chuan just to revenge Zhou Yun.

I poured him a cup of tea. "That girl student is the one Li Chuan hid here, right?"

He took out his handkerchief, wiped his tears and calmed down for a long time. Then he cleared his throat. "Yes, her name is Chen Li. Her hometown is here. Li Chuan bought her a house here, right in the Dijing villa in the south of the county. "

"I know there are your people around Li Chuan," I looked at him. "Is that her?"

Luo Xiushan disdains a smile, "hum! That bitch, she only knows money! Li Chuan is so rich, how can she work for me? After Zhou Yun's death, I started to prepare for revenge. I want Li Chuan to lose his family and make him die without a place to be buried! In order to get revenge, I bought two assistants around him. It was them who informed me. From Lichuan to Beijing, to you and miss Ke'er to Shiziping, they gave me a detailed report on everything. That's why I believe in your sincerity and dare to see you. "

"Those two assistants?" I frown. "It's all your people?"

"Yes!" He nodded, "but they don't know each other. Everyone and I are in one line. I'll gather the information provided by two people and know how things are going. " Remember the website m.luoqiuzw.com

I can't help blushing, it seems that I can guess right.

I calmly took a sip of tea and smiled at him, "well, I know your grudge basically. Now let's talk about Shiziping."

He wiped his tears, took a deep breath, calmed down and nodded.

"There is a Styx lion under the lion terrace," he said. "The one who buried the lion was Liu Bowen, the founder of the Ming Dynasty

"Liu Bowen?" I frowned. "What's the matter?"

"At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, there were two rogues here," said Luo. "The first two were Zhao Yuanlong and Chen Jinqiu. These two men were originally Zhang Shicheng's department in Western Zhejiang Province. After Zhang Shicheng was defeated and killed, they brought a part of the remnant soldiers to this place and became bandits. They burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of crimes. Later, they had more and more people, reaching five or six thousand, so they set up their stockaded villages respectively, one occupying the green Wolf mountain and the other occupying the black tiger mountain. As you can see, the terrain of Shiziping area is quite steep. They occupy Qinglang mountain and Heihu mountain. The two strongholds are easy to defend and hard to attack. At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, sent troops to the area for many times, and finally lost a lot of money and came back

"And then?" I asked.

"In the twenty-six years of Yuan's reign, Zhu Yuanzhang decided to make a northern expedition to completely overthrow the Yuan government's rule in the Central Plains," he said, "but before the northern expedition, he must first stabilize the rear. At that time, the bandits in Qinglang mountain and Heihu mountain were basically exterminated. Instead of being exterminated, their forces expanded to more than ten thousand. So Zhu Yuanzhang sent Lan Yu, the general of the army, to lead the army and ordered him to exterminate the two bandits. "

"Well," I nodded.

"Lanyu is a fierce general, fighting bravely and killing people like hemp," said Luo. "The army he leads is extremely sharp. Zhao Yuanlong and Chen Jinqiu are not his rivals at all. When sapphire's army came here, it won three battles and won three victories. At last, Chen Jinqiu died. Zhao Yuanlong was captured. At the same time, more than 4000 wounded soldiers were captured. Sapphire also lost thousands of people and injured one of his beloved generals. In a rage, sapphire killed all the four thousand wounded prisoners, and buried them in the lion's terrace together with the ten thousand bandits who had died in the previous war. "

"More than ten thousand people?" I trembled

"Yes," he nodded, "over ten thousand."

"So it's a mass grave under the lion terrace?"

"So to speak."

"But Li Chuan said that when he dug the foundation, he dug 30 meters, all of which were good soil." I don't understand, "if it's a mass pit, what about the bones?" Luo Xiushan smiled calmly, "don't worry, listen to me slowly."

I calmed down and nodded.

"The place was not originally called Shiziping, but the local people called it Wanshi valley. It is said that the name was left by sapphire," he said. "A few years later, the emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty officially took the throne and established the Ming Dynasty. The whole country began to recover its economy and develop its production. But the valley of ten thousand corpses is shrouded in gloom all day long. From time to time, there are cries of ghosts. And as long as the people go in, they will surely die, and the death is very terrible. When the local officials saw this situation, they immediately reported it in writing. When the emperor Taizu of Ming knew about it, he sent Liu Bowen here to solve it. "

"What did he do?" I asked.

"After Liu Bowen came here, he first checked the situation of Wanshi Valley, and then he opened the altar to suppress the resentment there," he said. "Later, he transferred 5000 troops and dug out more than 10000 corpses overnight. Then he asked the soldiers to dig a 15 foot deep pit, buried the corpses again, and ordered people to carve a huge Styx lion, which was then pressed down On these bodies. In addition, he also ordered people to bury three hundred paper men, two paper lion boys, four paper lions, and several paper drum musicians, in order to sacrifice the dead lion and suppress the fierce ghost. After all of these were buried, they were covered with fertile soil for 12 Zhangs, and then the place was renamed lion terrace in Wanshan town. Since then, nothing strange has happened here. ""Hell lion..." I understand, "Wanshan is Wanshi, Shiziping, Wanshan town... The name itself is a mantra..."