8 Lives of Sins; I Don't Know What the Next Subtitle Is Supposed to Be so You Get This

7 We Have the Numbers, We Got This

Taking advantage of the situation Ivan needed to use motivation to inspire his friends.

He already saw the effects of motivation and how far despair can go. After a few hours of not being able to find an exit through the cave everybody felt hopeless.

But once Dean found that clue it made everyone feel more energetic and positive.

It was surprising how similar the events were but as long as Ivan could lift up everyone's spirit there should be some kind of effect.

If the power of motivation could be that powerful then that means his friends will have a potentially higher chance.

He only felt there was potential in the idea of this however putting it into action was a lot more difficult.

What Ivan had to do was use the right words in the right way. One badly phrased sentence could instantly demoralize his friends.

Currently he could just see the faintest of hope in their eyes, a seed that he needs to grow.

"How long must one wait to be cornered and overpowered before what they hope to reach. The inadequacy we believe to have is nothing more than a figment of our imagination. Why?"

Everyone stared at Ivan with a weird gaze but Dean saw what he was trying to do. Looking around he agreed with this tactic but couldn't understand how charismatic the impression was made.

He was surprised by Ivan's capabilities but saw Christian still giving a hostile gaze.

sighing 'Why can't we all be friends? Even in a deadly situation like this he still wants to hold a grudge. Would I be raised this way if I was spoiled?'

Ivan further howled his speech "Because we have the numbers. We outnumber him. We are superior in every way if we work together."

His speech was unfortunately cut off as the golem threw a fist in Ivan's direction with him barely dodging.

There was a hint of appreciation from the golem for finding another skillful student.

'A person who is able to keep their cool in a deadly situation as well as take control is a person who deserves praise'

Shaking his head the golem grunted 'Even so, that doesn't mean he gets special treatment. Only if he passes the trial will he have truly earned his rights.'

The short speech was still enough to inspire everyone as Ayesha drew a dagger, Pierre a short sword, Anne a saber, Rose a cutlass and Dean with a dagger.

Ivan immediately yelled out a suggestion

"Two people will fight the golem and attempt to get to the core from the back. Take turns taking feints and try to scratch or chip the surface. Once tired please take a rest and swap with another"

This idea was quite ingenious as it did take the large numbers against a single golem into play. The speech was without unreasonable thoughts but with this, he gained more trust from his friends.

The golem's punches were far too deadly. The hits would have a moderate rate of actually hitting the kids despite their best attempts to dodge.

The damages that were done could be considered quite lucky for the cultivation level of the golem. If they took the punches head on without any resistance then it would be no surprise if their bodies became mush.

The most they suffered was deficiency in energy and a few bruises. with the other 5 children taking a rest they could prepare to swap out with the pair that is currently fighting and help heal others.

A few bandages and ointments were enough to keep the rest going and if necessary hydrate themselves with water and eat food to replenish their vitality.

However was the golem really that dumb?

Would the golem really watch himself get abused as other people watched to later abuse him as well?

Taking advantage of their carelessness he feinted a punch to one of the kids he was currently fighting with to further direct that to a kid crouching.

The kid that was crouching was Ivan. Applying ointment to a few cuts, he was stuck in his position, unable to escape from what seemed like a fist that increased the closer it got.

Christian's mouth curved upward as he enjoyed Ivan's downfall but Dean was one step ahead.

Taking advantage of the fact that Ivan wasn't fully resting on the floor he tackled him out of the way. The mat may have scratched the both of them from the friction but it was far better than possibly getting a broken bone.

Ayesha noticed the focus look on the golem that was immediately thrown off guard from Dean's action. Hoping to make use of this situation she used the whole part of her dagger to completely chip off a large block of rock from the golem's chest.

The chest was slowly weakened from the cuts the children have given the golem but it came at a price as Ayesha had no hesitation in sacrificing her dagger to make that indent to the golem.

Dean quickly handed her another dagger in case she needed to block an attack and just overall be ready

The golem analyzed the situation 'A child that is a natural born leader has so much potential. An intelligent and courageous girl. What a lucky harvest. My master would've already accepted both if he were still alive'

'But the true treasure is that child who just saved the natural born leader. A child that has a heart of gold is a rarity. Those who have yet to develop tend to be apathetic yet he is the exact opposite! He knows when to not stupidly take risks from his previous fight but knows when to do what he can if he can do it.'

judging the other children he sighed 'A pair of lovers that only know how to act when people are around are people that will survive... but not for long. A seductress that is nothing more than a puppet has no worth to be a disciple.'

'A real disappointment is the scheming child. Not knowing one's position and being too ambitious is the source of trouble. He'll grow up to be a cunning fox that only knows how to sabotage and make profit. Master would've immediately killed him if he were to act as idiotic as know'

Taking note of this the golem clearly began to target Christian.

Whenever given a chance the golem would focus on Christian which gave the rest of his friends to attack the golem and aim for his core

It was if the cluster of rocks were made out of clay as the children gained more courage to aim for the golem's core but along with the bravery came stupidity.

Christian had enough of this targeting and so used his sword to try and finish off the golem by piercing the rocks in a stabbing motion. Before the sword's point could even touch the golem's chest it bounced off his fist.

Recoiling Christian's body felt jumpy as he could only helplessly watch a fist flying towards him. Without a sword to protect him and his mind in an unfortunate state his body had to take the brunt of the damage

The sound of crackling echoed within his body as the stench of copper and iron was released. A mild taste of metallic red blood was rejected and coughed out.

Dean tried to help Christian by jumping behind his body and used himself as a cushioning for Christian instead of a wall greeting Christian's back.

The golem looked at this sight and sighed 'Is it really a heart of gold? A smart move was clearly done for a friend.... but he is clearly a traitor! Why is it that kindness is joined with naivety? his distinct eyes gave him off as a traitor a long time ago so why doesn't he notice.'

Dean immediately checked up on Christian's condition as he saw Ivan, Ayesha and Pierre rushing to the golem to distract him.

It seemed it worked as the pressure of all three kids managed to put off the golem's assault on Christian.

Checking appropriately he discovered that one of Christian's ribs were broken and could possibly puncture his lungs. His whole body was covered in bruises with him left aghast.

With all of this damage done he warned the rest "Christian is heavily injured what should we do?"

Believing that his friends may have a better idea on how to help Christian he made sure the idea got across and indeed it did.

Ivan was the one who answered "I'm pretty sure his elder gave him a Return Talisman. He probably left it in his space ring"

Dean had some doubt so he quickly checked the pockets to find a few pieces of paper with scribbles that had Dean and Ivan along with a few more scribbles. Another pocket had some coins.

Having no choice, Dean took off the ring and asked Ivan in hesitation "Ummm, how do you use it?"

Ivan wasn't surprised and responded "Insert you qi. His ring is probably a special case where he couldn't refine it properly."

Dean didn't question how Ivan knew that much but did as he said.

The ring was packed with many items but he finally found the Return Talisman along with a few other piles of weird talismans."

He placed the talisman on the forehead of Christian and was about to sigh in relief