8 Lives of Sins; I Don't Know What the Next Subtitle Is Supposed to Be so You Get This

46 Let's Talk Business

The address was located in an inconspicuous part of the rural town.

Through the gossip of the villagers, Christian learnt that the motel was run by Shadow of the Night.

There was no family behind the name, just this person alone created a chain of motels within this area to make money.

This already showed the clear capabilities of what Shadow of the Night could do.

Entering the building without a worry, an attendant ran up to Christian in order to greet them

"Welcome to our motel! How long would you like to stay."

Christian nodded in the exceptional way the attendant had been brought up as he could notice that he was a hidden expert.

Core Refiner 7

To him, he was an ant but to others he was a foe that would waste time.

"We're here to visit a friend in room 27"

Preparing to warn the man in front of him that the room was booked by a V.I.P, Christian brought out a piece of paper that had a signature.

Taking a closer inspection, the attendant was shocked and bowed

"Please follow me to your room."

Respectfully keeping his distance from the guests, the attendant brought them to their designated location.

Knocking on the door in a certain pattern with a rhythmic force, Christian waited for a response while the attendant had already left.

The door creaked backwards but there was no one to welcome them

Christian grunted at the oddball called Shadow of the Night but still respected their decisions without a doubt.

Opening the door even further, Anne, Pierre and Christian entered in a grandiose manner to make their presence noticed but the room was pitch black.

Sighing, Pierre looked for a switch and turned on the lights.

The Shadow of the Night sat with two people behind his seat that waited in a patient manner.

All were covered in a black robe as well as a black mask they donned.

Their fashion sense was weird but Christian took a seat without a word while Anne and Pierre took the same position as the henchmen behind the Shadow of the Night.

Taking a deep breath, Christian wanted to finish this as quickly as possible

"Shadow of the N-"

The opposition had stopped him from saying anything and introducing the topic.

"Please, call me N. Go ahead and take a cup of tea."

Christian accepted the tea and drank a small sip.

Worrying over poison was pointless as this would cause difficulties over their pleasantries and any business they would do.

It would be a bad move for N to try and do anything odd but with Pierre behind him, there was no problem.

Everyone in their group had a few pills of detoxification since they were going to go against the Horned Viper Murderer.

"N, i'm sure you must have read what I want and I know someone in your group must have that skill."

"100,000 gold"

Christian stood up and hit the table, nearly spilling the tea

"Presumptuous! Anne and Pierre, we're leaving."

They had yet to say anything but followed Christian.

The door was within arms reach but a voice behind them seemed to have a mystical force since Christian stopped.

"The price of my services are always just, to allow my mind to be vulnerable and weak is extremely troublesome. My men are busy with their own things and you can;t order them willy nilly"

N was clearly disappointed with the ignorance Christian had but the organization he created seemed to alluring.

"Sit down and we can discuss the price."

Christian thought about it and immediately sat down. Taking out a small pouch that jiggled with the sound of metallic, he threw it towards N.

He caught it with ease and a gold luster erupt from the bag before throwing a picture at Christian.

The picture contained two sketches that seemed extremely familiar but they were useless to him since he couldn't even see who the people were.

The two sketches wore masks that he couldn't decipher and despite knowing that they were the one to sabotage him, he couldn't do anything.

In frustration, Christian threw down the paper and spoke

"20,000 gold"

N had already predicted this and spoke

"I already have the unmasked picture. I had to pay an expensive price to hire one of my men to use his family heritage magic."

Christian knew where he was trying to go so he gritted his teeth


N chuckled

"No, no, no. Money alone can't buy what I have suffered to earn those two images."

In an organization that N had created, variety was a necessity.

Although their primary flow of money originated from what they studied, assassination they had to do other things in order to make sure no one recklessly died.

Research, testing, observing were the fewest of the needs for the assassins.

This allowed N to have subordinates with special abilities due to the one aspect they followed.

Compared to Autarch Society where they had a very general lead that had no specifications.

N pushed the pouch of gold back to Christian

"I heard in your youth that you managed to gather quite a few special metals"

Christian refuted as he knew that N would ask for an exorbitant price

"I ran out of them a long time ag-"

"Stop lying"

N interrupted with a serious tone and Christian had already lost.

In a battle of debating, N had already won since he always interrupted Christian and he could do nothing about it.

He had an okay connection with N and to find people with a similar skill set to his organization was very difficult

Even if he did manage to find someone with the exact skill sets he needed, the price would probably be double than what N offered.

When the supply is in control the demand will increase and have no hope for any control