8 Lives of Sins; I Don't Know What the Next Subtitle Is Supposed to Be so You Get This

3 Cave of Old

True to their statuses as young masters of their family they had their own bodyguards.

It was not an army, a mercenary organization or hired assassins. It was just a group of old men that were located in front of their carriage.

They solved any problems that appeared along their trip but they also had their own special statuses. Many great families well have many heirs so as generations increase there would obviously be many experts in their clans.

Although they are bodyguards they only have one mission: to guide these children.

Currently throughout their journey there have been no problems and they're close to their destination. It wasn't very far and the trip would approximately last a few days to get to the location that they're looking for.

With a great clan behind them they not only have resources that help them cultivate but they also have services that allow for more convenience.

Be it a large library collecting knowledge or special rooms to provide significant help for any hidden potential a great family would usually make this available for all members.

They used the world's cultivation levels, from lowest to highest: Body Tempering, Qi Gathering, Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Core Refiner, Nascent Soul, Spiritual Transformation, Void Shattering and Ascension. Along with a number from 1-9 to locate their current strength, the higher the number meant that a person was closer to the next stage.

With the heritage as well as the resources the children had available to them they would be considered to be the kings of their generation as they were all currently at Qi Condensation 3 with only a few attaining greater strength than theirs.

Dean was still lost in thought but was immediately interrupted


Rose gave a light peck on Dean's cheeks and lightly chuckled.

Dean bashfully told her "knock it off" before rubbing his cheeks of where she kissed.

It made him feel that Rose was a sister that knew no boundaries and continued to do weird things but he found those eccentric things interesting and accepted them with shyness.

Suddenly they found their carriage to have stopped moving

Pierre questioned with interest "What do you think happened?"

everyone started voicing out their thoughts without thinking appropriately

Christian: "A Bandit?"

Dean: "A friend?"

Ayesha: "..."

Ivan"A seducing master?"


Rose: "Did we drop something?"

Despite their wonders they didn't dare to open the door unless they wished to invite themselves a scolding from their elders.

The last time it happened an arrow was caught by one of the elders while Dean commented "Cool magic trick"

He later received a hit on the head by his senior.

One of the bandits approached the carriage and knocked the door by kicking it multiple times "To pass our mountain pay the fee"

"3 silver coins to pass"

No one answered from the caravan but the low voice could be heard by everyone except for the kids in the carriage.

"So arrogant...in our territory?....deal with it yourself"

The bandits were in a state of confusion but properly analyzing the words they became infuriated and prepared to break apart the carriage

Before he could he tripped.

It was odd as he never took a step forward or slipped on something so the bandit felt confused. He felt a wave of pain take over him to witness the sight of his two legs missing anything below his knee.

Before the others could react everything went quiet.

The vulture's chirping could be heard as they gathered close to the carriage and began having their feast

one of the elders sighed at their senior's ruthlessness but to ease the atmosphere he jested "At least we don't have to clean up"

the other elder's wanted to chuckle but they just quietly returned to the carriage as Senior Elder Asher continued to stay on top of the children's carriage, guarding them in case of any events.

Without the interruption the carriage continued just as Christian managed to point out "Oh, we're moving already"

As they were nearing to their destination Ivan asked a question "Did any of your elders tell you where we are going?"

Ayesha remained quiet just as usual but everyone kept silent. Although there were many chances to ask their elders they responded with "You'll find out" in a sneaky manor.

Feeling this was his moment to shine and take away everyone's attention Christian spoke up

"Apparently an senior from one of our great families took on a mission and when trying to heal from an attack they accidentally found a cave."

Everybody clapped out of respect for the person who found this and Christian for surprisingly knowing this. Christian waited for the applause to stop before smugly continuing

"They read a few lines engraved on the side of the cave and found some ominous words. The main part he remembered were the restrictions. Only Qi Gathering cultivators may enter. Not any higher or any lower. What I believe is that the elders are probably bringing us here only for experience."

The rest gasped in amazement, even Ayesha.

Christian continued "This means that since we're given this chance we should try and find some sort of success. And to get that success we need to work together and not separate."

Dean was already on board with this plan as he was the first one to agree. Slowly the rest under the influence of Dean's persuasion also agreed but Ayesha kept quiet.

What Dean failed to notice was that there was a sense of glee reflecting from Christian's eyes but Ayesha was the only one that managed to notice that.


Back at the elder's carriage

"Everyone's sure that they haven't told the kid's, right?"

before having the ability to answer the question the elder started to stress on the trip

"Everyone's already received the information. Therefore we should all be up to date with what has happened. Somebody tried to forcefully get into the cave after it was discovered. We don't know which clan this person belonged to but all we know is that after each attempt there seemed to be an increase in light."

"When radiating the extremely bright light we could see abnormal burns on the person. According to what all of our clans have put together it doesn't seem to be any items he carried but it mainly sourced to his cultivation, Core Refiner. An elite that may have heard of this. If outsiders have already gotten this much information we must be on guard"

"No matter how much time it takes for the children to stay inside or whatever we here. We can only stay silent."

Before the rebut of an elder could make way he was silenced by the next sentence.

"Our clan leader came to have a look. He said that according to the light... the cave may be a burial for a Void Shattering cultivator, second to a person who is ascending to godhood."

The elders didn't dare comment but could obviously make predictions that would be common sense.

Because of the requirements for a low cultivation level it must mean it's aimed at people with great potential that would probably be given a secret manual to help develop their cultivation.

Having too low of a cultivation will not allow for justifiable results and with the perfect stage of Qi Condensation this gives leeway for a secret manual for cultivation.

The profit from this journey just clearly outweighed the losses that may happen. The children have common sense and wouldn't easily die because they would have the ability to judge their limits.

The elders suddenly felt a sense of excitement as similar to the children they were feeling ecstatic for the treasures that could be hidden inside that cave.

If one of their children managed to get the treasures then that meant they would already have a potential leader in their family. Most clan leaders that are head of a great family would have the necessity of having the cultivation of Spiritual Transformation.

Even if the child didn't have the ability to lead a family then they would at least be an expert that can be used when needed.

If they shamelessly took advantage of their naivety then there would be more benefits as they could take away the cultivation manual

The only problem for those greedy elders that had that thought would be the responsibilities.

This cave of a Void Shattering cultivator may be dead but it's still a Void Shattering cultivator. They may place some sort of limit upon the manual.

An example that can be recalled was that around a hundred years ago an elder did the same but the inheritance this person received was aided by the rune.

When two or more people read this manual it would self-destruct the inherited person's cultivation and that rune would scatter leaving the person in excruciating pain.

Not only that but the book suddenly became cursed as anyone who read it after that would be blinded and go insane. They would cut their wrist multiple times and shower the book with their blood until they eventually died.

If no one reminded those greedy elders of that fact... the repercussions would be....unknown