8 Lives of Sins; I Don't Know What the Next Subtitle Is Supposed to Be so You Get This

16 Happy Reunion

It was the very first day of class and someone rang a bell from a nearby mountain in the school.

The ringing reverberated throughout the whole school however had no effect on anyone outside.

Signaling the first class was about to begin, Dean headed towards his class in a relaxed manner by looking at his paper time to time.

As he changed direction due to a corner he accidentally bumped into someone.

A scabbard rang on the the floor with Dean picking it up, hoping to reconcile with whoever it was.

"Ah, thank you"

Handing the scabbard towards the student, Dean took a closer look.

A red cherry like complexion surrounded her cheeks and her smile exposed a white light. Eyes gleaming with excitement and a small nose to make her an overall beauty.

Dean was too familiar with this face.

This face at the time was only the face of a pretty youth but now it matured into a city-destroying beauty.

For 4 years they were considered to be together yet in an instant it seemed she disregarded that.

Trading her dignity and reputation to just betray him for Christian.

Why else would this face seem familiar?

"Umm, you're?...!!!"

The instant shock and realization dawned upon her as Rose realized who the man before her was.


A person she used and threw away.

Rose knew that Dean hadn't completely died but she expected him to of at least still been on a sickbed.

They were two different people living in two different worlds.

One whose fate was sealed to be forever a mortal while the other had a bright future with Christian holding a torch to light the way.

Dean felt as if he remembered what it was like to be bashful.

Embarrassed to think that he actually was so naive.

'How could I have been tricked by a vixen?'

Rose may have betrayed Dean but an actress will still feel a lingering sense of their role. It was not necessarily regret but rather sadness.

Taking advantage of Dean's foolishness they used him.

Especially in the fight against golem who was the one who saved the group?

Was it Christian? He was the very first to have passed out in the fight.

But it was Dean.

Taking the burden of a reaper's scythe hanging over his head, he dared to have fought head to head.

Rose still had the same personality.

She wasn't merciless!

Before Pierre was going to kill Dean she called out for him to stop which saved his life.

Dean didn't know this so he only felt that this girl was a seductress who knew how to place a good false front.

A scary mistress that can stab anyone's back whenever they feel like it.

Rose excused herself, running away

"Um, i'm sorry...I need to head to class"

Chanting "Not yet. The time is not ripe. You aren't that foolish child who runs straight into their traps without a plan."

Relieving himself with a deep breath, Dean shrugged off the matter and constantly tried to ignore his hatred.

Getting back to what he originally came for was his attendance to class.

Opening the door, he was greeted by what he expected.

People who were acquaintances or possibly friends huddled into their own groups.

They introduced and flattered their friends while talking about any recent news.

For others, they sat patiently at their seats and hoped to begin their learning.

Dean made sure to take note of the people who sat down and those who were adapting to their new social group or those who are being flattered.

Dedication and diligence is a necessity in order to reach the top. Seeing the temperament of those ready to learn was something Dean had to fear.

The only reason he gained a somewhat mature disposition was because of his past and motivation. Using those fact, Dean pushed himself to the limits.

The scariest people Dean judged were the people who contained their absolute calm no matter what.

Ayesha wouldn't fit in as her desperation for living will restrict her while those who are able to see past that could have the ability to reach heights no one has thought of.

Even if they are not tranquil in their heart the others have the potential to become powerhouses.

At a young age they already have a desire to learn.

If they are able to persist and live a long life, who knows what monsters they could become.

The two other groups Dean became wary about was the people who could adapt or those that got praise.

Adapting to the right situation with any personality allows this person to meld bonds with others.

They have the potential to become sly foxes that scheme night and day or possibly leaders that will call forth thousands with only a single word.

Judging the right moment they know what to do.

This could also be a weak point if they are short-sighted however for those that see the bigger picture may create a profit.

The other group was what Dean would usually disdain against but he still needed to be more considerate.

If his agitation suddenly become out of control.... a blood bath with no point will happen.

They were people born into powerful families.

Families far superior than the Wilkes Family

For some they would become incredible talents. If they wanted to create strong impressions in the hope of recruiting allies they would've already been taught that charming words are meaningless.

Only hard facts will be the proof a person's worth.

Yet, some continue to talk with those below them and hope to be showered in praise for something they were born with.

Still if Dean had unreasonably offended them then his chances in taking revenge would be slimmer as time goes by.

Memorizing each individuals face he couldn't help pause in perplexity at one of the faces.

It was Rose, again.

Noticing Dean's existence Rose struggled to think of what to do next.

Resuming how she would usually react, she took a deep breath and gleamed a smile towards Dean.

Dean also smiled to her in a gentle manner but felt like a fire was burning his stomach.

A raging fire that couldn't be pacified as well as a headache that tempted him into doing what felt like a calling of his nature.

The classroom was fairly large and there were many seats still unoccupied. There was no seating plan so Dean took a random desk and called it his own.

The loud bang of a closing door echoed in the classroom as a man in brown robes entered the class.

"Hello, kids! I'll be your teacher for the years to come until your graduation. This is your general class that always begins in the morning. The school has probably informed you that the other classes for the rest of the day will have different classmates"

"Don't be afraid to make new friends and welcome a new life in your youth"

The teacher was extremely eccentric in the way he talked but there was a hint of experience behind it.

"Since it's the first day, let's start with some ice breakers. Please go ahead and start."

There was a temporary silence before some couldn't hold back and introduced themselves when the atmosphere felt awkward

"Hello, i'm...."

Dean didn't pay any attention to the ice breaker but instead watched out for the reactions of some of his classmates.

One person, particularly caught his attention.

His nature seemed to be on the brink of indifference, a personality that ignored worldly matters unless necessary.

Dean felt a little envious of that.

To be unrestrained was something Dean aspired to have.

'Once I finish my revenge, I might want to learn a thing or two from him'

Dean looked for others but there was nothing too outstanding out of his classmates.

Only his ex and the nonchalant person.

The format was an extremely common one.

For the first few people, they struggled on what to say until it eventually molded into something like this:

"Hello, my name is [Blank]. My cultivation is at the level of [Blank]. My hobby is [Blank]"

It was pretty simple and soon it reached to the person Dean had been paying attention to.

"My name is Leonard Delton. My cultivation is Core Refiner."

Not bothering to announce his hobby, Dean assumed that it was most likely cultivating.

From his last name he may have came from a prestigious family but having only the resources is not enough to become a Core Refiner cultivator.

His background and his cultivation level was vague making Dean even more interested into what type of person this person will become.

Dean heard Rose's introduction however sneered at her hobby

"I like to hang out with my friends and learn with them."

The innocence of Rose peeked as the classmates began to discuss amongst themselves about Leonardo and Rose.

Her cultivation level was not surprising to Dean as he expected her to have taken some herbs from the cove of his master.

But the specific detail that Christian gave it to her was unbeknownst to him.

'To reach Foundation Establishment 8....not bad.'

It was not a praise but a slight mock from Dean. This had to do with the fact that he still resented Rose but he couldn't deliberately say it out loud so he could only think about it to himself.

Finally, it was his turn