8 Lives of Sins; I Don't Know What the Next Subtitle Is Supposed to Be so You Get This

107 Poorly Done NTR

They were sooo weak. I'm surprise they call me a 'sissy' then what does that make them?

If I was a bully, I wouldn't be so dumb to aim for some poor idiot… a poor person and instead extort from the richer people who I know have trash.

But I think they already found their own source of revenue as the recent transfer student from a foreign country that was rumored to be rich was standing behind them, cruelly watching.

This was probably his kink but I now understood they were probably getting paid as long as that man would enjoy seeing the sight of me get bullied.

I was originally bullied by them because of their obvious jealousy to my good looks but because I was dirt poor and never brought money to school, I acted as a punching bag from time to time.

"So? What should we do Craig? Anything else?"

These impatient grunts were very aggressive in the way they wanted to get on the good side of Craig but it just made them seem like desperate and pathetic trash.

"No need, you already asked that question and I'm ready."

So it seems I was left alone but Craig suddenly smacked me with a paper but he was lucky that it didn't leave a mark.

"Make sure to meet at this room."

This idiot actually thought I would follow- HOLY SHIT THERE'S $50! I'm on my way pal. It was equivalent to half an hour of what most of my clients pay for but it nothing too bad

'Meet at *** hotel, room 193. There'll be more money if you come.'

Ohoho, that was all you had to say my new best friend good old buddy old pal . I got you


This…. I think I now see disappointment.

I swear i'm not drunk but I am currently seeing Craig banging a chick while I have to sit on this chair and kind of… watch?

Hold on, hold on, let me backtrack a little bit to make sure i'm not intoxicated

I was at my evening classes - skip, skip, HURRY UP AND SKIP THOSE LESSONS.

No, no, I had just gone back and made sure my little sister woke up to go to school but it seems her room is forever messy as I will forever remember it but I then quickly swapped my bags out for the other one.

Looking at what was next to me, yep, I can absolutely confirm I brought the right stuff.

Okay, okay, everything's fine so far.

I then remembered I had a meeting to rob some… to cherish the happy friendship I have just developed which was why I entered this hotel.

This hotel was surprisingly a love hotel that I was a little too familiar with as the conversation with the receptionist kind of went like this "Oh? Arisu you're here for another client?"

"No, no, someone told me to get here yet I didn't know it was a branch of that company."

I was laughing in my mind 'haha, damn stingy.'

"Anyways, what room are you going to?"

Okay, that was the conversation I just recently had.

Good, I'm up to date and then we can finally arrive at this scene.

I opened the door and because i'm such a kind gentleman, I made sure to close the door behind me and all I could hear was wet sucking.

"HAHAHA, Arisu how does it feel to get cucked when your crush is fucking another man."

This was the very first question I got when I entered the room.

'Who the f…. When did I have a crush?'

I didn't even know that girl and she was my crush. Her third rate looks were pretty degrading and she didn't even look like my type while her rhythm is so off.

'OH FU-'

An explosion happened within my mind as I remembered the details of yesterday that finally made sense.

"Fucking say who you like if you want this to end."

The memories were coming back and I had finished a really late night shift which was why yesterday's lunch was poorly seasoned and cooked but I didn't have enough care in the world for these idiot's questions.

I had just given them a random name yet they actually found a girl in our school who actually had that name.

There were unusual things happening in this world and now another one can be added to the list.

To be honest…. this overall show was so damn lame.

Let's properly analyze where these two idiots are fucking up. Take that as you well.

They midway suddenly went into a position where Craig was sitting on the bed while the girl was on the ground sucking him off.

She was on the floor meaning her knees are going to hurt by the end of this and that fraud of a gentleman, Craig doesn't even notice that… don't even get me started on how poorly the girl's giving a blowjob.

Finishing up with the foreplay, they then went into doggy position.

The genius, Craig puts on a condom.

Sounds normal, right?

Except he was using Oil-based Lube

Let me make sure I spell that out for you

O-I-L B-A-S-E-D L-U-B-E.

Those things destroy condoms and from the way Craig was smiling with a smug attitude there were two reasons.

He's a goddamn idiot or he wants to impregnate a girl while getting an STD.

They were at it like animals… literally.

Craig was like a dog and was quickly thrusting at the girl in very small motions, he looked like he was probably the only one enjoying it and let's not even mention the little toy between his crotch.

The girl seemed a little awkward and was really bad at faking a moan with realistic emotions.