100 billion doted on

Chapter 47


Her face was flushed red, and she didn’t feel regret when she reacted.

Scum like Tang Sheng should be taught a lesson like this.

But… …

With the proposal in her hand, she was afraid that the art exhibition was hopeless.

Holding back her tears, she walked out of Tang Sheng’s office… … And just as she reached the door.. .. With a bang, she crashed into a wall of flesh!

She was about to go around and run away… … When she was suddenly grabbed by the other party’s hand …

She thought it was the security guard of Tang Sheng’s company and was about to shout… … But she heard the other party’s low, familiar laughter …

“You want to run away after getting into trouble? You sure have guts, Huh? But… I like your personality. ”

She had been holding back her tears the whole way, but now that she saw the man in front of her, she could not control herself for some reason.

She wiped her tears away with the back of her hand, unwilling to cry out loud.

However, Jin di suddenly reached out and pulled her into his arms, patting and caressing her like a child.

“Alright, since you’re the one who bullied my woman, how can you just cause a ruckus halfway? Go, give him two more slaps, and I’ll bear the consequences for you. ”

His voice carried a smile, as if he was a willful and arrogant tyrant in ancient times, allowing his beloved concubine to run amok in the world… …

She was so frightened by his words that she forgot to cry. It was not until he pulled her back into the office that she came back to her senses.

Tang Sheng had already sat up, his face was bruised and bruised. When he saw Jin di, he still had an arrogant look on his face!

“Ha, who are you, a Gigolo? You dare to stand up for her? Do you know who I am? ”

As soon as he finished his sentence… … Zuo Aiai sneered and raised her hand to slap him without any mercy …

Jin Di had been watching everything with a smile on his face.

When he saw that she had slapped him almost ten times, he walked up to her, held her little hand, and rubbed it twice in the palm of his hand.

“I don’t want to hit you anymore. My hand hurts. ”

His Palm was very big, and there seemed to be a strange temperature that was transmitted through his skin… …

She knew that she was just a toy on a whim, but… … Any woman who was treated like this by a man, held in the palm of his hand, would probably not feel nothing at all …

She was no exception.

The blood on her body was burning bit by bit because of his touch. She took two deep breaths, trying to calm down, but the feeling seemed to be burning more and more intensely… … She pulled the button of her shirt …

Jin Di’s eyes darkened, and he held her hand.

“What’s wrong? ”

“It’s hot… this room is so hot… ”

Her cheeks were flushed, and her voice was trembling seductively… … She looked at him deeply with her loving eyes …

Her soft and boneless little hands coiled around his waist. His body trembled, but she leaned closer.

“Eh… my legs… why… They seem to be a little soft? ”

Her appearance became more and more blurred, and the sly smile on Tang Sheng’s face made him feel very uncomfortable. He glanced around the room, and his gaze finally fell on the teacup on the coffee table.

His eyes turned cold… …

Tang Sheng laughed without fear of death, “Hahahaha, see? This woman is such a slut. Who Do you think you are? You provoked me today, and you still want to walk out of here unscathed? I’m from Tang enterprises… ”

However, before he could finish his words, he saw Danil walking out from behind Jin di, and his face suddenly changed.

He had just returned from Goldking, so he knew very well who Danil was.

He was the personal assistant of the famous Mr. Jin… …

So… … could this person be.. … ? ?