100 billion doted on

Chapter 39


“Hehe, we’re no longer of any use to you, so we don’t have any relationship in your eyes, right? Did you see that? This is the Zuo family’s eldest miss, who has been very popular recently. After making use of others, she kicked them away. She’s really cold-blooded and heartless. ”

Chen Ziyi smiled and hooked the Chin of the girl beside him. It seemed like he was joking, but in fact, he was completely mocking her.

She did not want to quarrel with him, especially since the appointment time with Jin di was almost up.

She got up and was about to leave, but Chen Ziyi smiled coldly. “How boring. Have you become so humble because of money now? ”

She turned a deaf ear and continued to walk out.

However, her arm was suddenly grabbed by someone.

“Zuo Aiai, what exactly do you want? ”

The anger that she had endured for many years exploded instantly because of his words.

“Chen Ziyi, I should be the one asking you this! ”

“Hehe, alright. Are you calling me a thief now? ” Then tell me first, where did you sleep last night and which man were you with the night before last Don’t even think about telling me that you’re in the hospital, I’ve been waiting for you at the hospital all night Now you can even abandon your own mother in the hospital, Zuo Aiai, you’re really getting more and more capable!”

“I don’t need to remind you, whose fianc�� are you now? Even if I’m really with a man, what does it have to do with you? The current you has no right to question me! ”

It was fine if he didn’t mention this matter, but when he brought it up, she couldn’t help but get angry.

Was He not responsible for why Mo Chen was so angry that she fell ill?

“You don’t have the right, right? Okay, Zuo Aiai, I’ll tell you today whether I have the right or not! ”

Chen Ziyi’s voice suddenly turned cold, and the expression on his face became very scary. She struggled to get rid of him, but he held her tightly with his hand and dragged her to a high-rise hotel next to a restaurant.

Her heart turned cold. “Chen Ziyi! Let go of me! What are you doing? Hey, let go of me! ”

He was unmoved “Hehe, isn’t it possible to sell to anyone? Isn’t it possible to have sex with other men? ” “Sure. There aren’t many people in Binhai city who are richer and more powerful than me. Since you have the time to please those men who aren’t as good as me, you might as well just coax me directly, right? ” “I can give you whatever you want. Anyway, you’re sleeping with others and accompanying me. It’s not a big deal, right? ”

Chen Ziyi dragged her into the hotel. She struggled to turn her head back and saw a black Cayenne that seemed to be the one that Jin di was sitting in yesterday. She was so anxious that she almost cried.

For some reason, she did not want Jin Di to misunderstand her relationship with Chen Ziyi.

She did not understand Jin di, but she knew that Goldking’s influence caused Chen Ziyi to have conflicts with them. It was not good for anyone.

“Chen Ziyi, even if I am a whore, I still have the right to choose my customers. I said I won’t sell it, I won’t sell it no matter how much money you give me! Let me go, let me go! ”

As she shouted, she stretched out her leg and kicked Chen Ziyi’s knee.

Chen Ziyi was not prepared. He could not help but Moan in pain. He let go and she broke free from him and ran out of the hotel.

Seeing her figure disappear from his sight, Chen Ziyi’s face was as black as ink.

However, he did not chase after her. Instead, he turned around and walked to a corner of the hotel’s lobby. He pulled out Zuo Yunyun who was hiding inside and sneered.

“Why are you here? ”