You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 787

Fang Yixian saw that she also took this and that. She had not finished cleaning up for more than ten minutes. She was so angry that she gave her a kick: "just take your passport and money, and buy the rest abroad!"

Fang Mingzhu was squatting on the ground to tidy up her suitcase. She was kicked and sat on the ground, bulging her face. She wanted to get angry. Thinking that this time was different from the past, her mother, who supported her, was gone, so she had to bear to go back.

Bearing the pain, she zipped up the suitcase and held it in her hand. With tears in her eyes, she asked Fang Yixian, "brother, if I leave, what will my mother do?"

"I'll find a way, you go quickly, or..."

Before Fang Yixian's words were finished, the door was kicked open, and several policemen with guns broke in.

Seeing the suitcase in Fang Mingzhu's hand, the police immediately stepped forward and surrounded Fang Mingzhu in the middle.

The leading policeman pointed a gun at Fang Mingzhu: "put down the box and hold your head in both hands."

Fang Mingzhu's hand trembled and the box fell to the ground.

Her face pale, shaking like a leaf in the wind, trembling lips to see Fang Yixian: "brother! Brother

Fang Yixian stepped forward and looked at the leading policeman with an iron face and said, "team Xing, what's the matter? What kind of law did my sister break? Do you want to do this to her? "

Xing Chong, who used to be polite to him, gave him a cold look: "you don't know what kind of law she broke, then do you know why she went abroad in a hurry?"

Fang Yixian's face suddenly became more ugly.

He originally wanted to let Fang Mingzhu go abroad as soon as the police and Gu's family hadn't found her.

When you go abroad, find a place to hide. Even if the east window incident happens, Fang Mingzhu will be safe.

But he didn't expect that the police came too fast, and Fang Mingzhu was blocked in the room before she could go out.

The suitcase Fang Mingzhu carried in her hand became the evidence for her to escape.

He steadied his mind: "recently, a lot of things have happened in our family. She is in a bad mood. I asked her to go abroad to relax."

"The mother has just been arrested in the detention center, but the daughter does not stay at home and tries to be filial. Instead, she is in the mood to go abroad to relax?" Xing Chong glanced at him, "Fang Yixian, don't treat others as fools. It's the criminals who break the law, not the policemen who catch criminals who are stupid!"

He waved, "take the people away!"

His men immediately stepped forward, handcuffed Fang Mingzhu's wrists and pushed her towards the door.

Fang Mingzhu panicked, rushed to Fang Yixian and yelled: "brother, help me, brother, you must help me, I really didn't do anything, I can swear! I didn't do anything

Although she thought in her heart that she didn't buy murderer, she just talked with Uncle Guo. She didn't let anyone kill her. She was not guilty. No one could convict her. But when the cold handcuffs were on her wrist, she was afraid.

The place of detention, she thought, was creepy.

She just made a phone call. She didn't commit any crime. How can the police arrest her?

She cried desperately, struggling: "you caught the wrong person, I did not commit a crime, you have no evidence, you can not catch me, you let me go, let me go!"

Xing Chong said coldly, "you are guilty, you are not guilty. You have said it yourself. The evidence has the final say. Go to the police station with us first. If you are not guilty, we will let you back."

No matter how much she cried and struggled, she was finally pushed into the police car.

Fang Yixian stood at the door, looking at the police car whistling away, his face gray.

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