You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 782

Gu Jun stares at Joey without any reaction.

Ye Xingbei couldn't help leaning and gently hugged him, "really It's not your fault, it's the murderer. "

Their country is in good law and order, and private people are not allowed to hold guns.

In her real life, there are sniper guns. It's strange that the people with guns are so vicious.

Gu Junzhu finally moved.

Ye Xingbei's ear rang out his almost inaudible voice: "murderer..."

Voice light like a wisp of wind, which wrapped in anger and hate, but let Ye Xingbei can't help shivering.

She shivered, but tightened her arms, and hugged Gu Jun more tightly.

I don't know how long later, several bodyguards flew to them: "young master, young lady, I didn't find the shooter. I only found the shooting place, but the shooter..."

The one who opened his mouth was Gu Sha, who was waiting at the foot of the mountain with a group of bodyguards.

In the middle of the story, when he saw the boulder and Joey's body, he stopped in amazement.

Several bodyguards knelt down on the ground at the same time.

They were guarding at the foot of the mountain, and when they heard the gunfire, they realized it was not good.

It shouldn't hurt to know that Gu Junzhu was protected by Gu Chi. Moreover, it was obvious that they were closest to the murderer's location, so they divided into two groups, one to pursue the murderer and the other to meet Gu Junzhu.

They found the place where the killer shot, only the cartridge case, and the killer has left.

Gu Sha left a few people in the place suitable for sniper sniping, he took the rest of the people to meet Gu Junzhu.

It never occurred to him that

Gu Jun by gently exhaled breath, push the leaf Star North, pinch her arm, "don't worry, I'm ok."

He looked at Gu Sha and said, "it has nothing to do with you. Get up and call the police."

Gu Sha several people get up, Gu Sha calls the police, the other several people guard in the periphery.

Gu Jun moved down, sat down with his back against the boulder, and took Joey's body into his arms.

He looked down at Joey.

He suddenly doubted whether their family was really cursed, as others rumored.

His father has five children, and now he is the only one left.

His eldest sister, a family of four, died of only one Joe drunk.

Joey is so young.

She would rather sever her relationship with her grandfather who raised her to be a grown-up than marry a scum man, which is really irritating.

But Gu Junzhu never thought about breaking up with her.

He just wanted to teach Joey a lesson, let Joey know the pain, know that making a mistake is not a light sorry, don't pay any price, can easily go back to the past.

Only when she knows the pain, can she grow up and make progress.

In any case, he did not expect that Joey would suddenly leave the world in such a way, separated from his life and death.

She is still so young, just escaped from the abyss of pain, and has the opportunity to start a new life

The breath on his body is too oppressive, too painful, ye Xingbei's heart twitches.

She couldn't help but crouch down beside him and put her hand gently on his shoulder.

She racked her brain to comfort him a few words, but all the language at this moment are so pale and scarce.

Suddenly, Duan Yanbing stooped to her side.

Although Gu Sha reported that he had arranged people for the best sniper points, the mountain forest was too vast and the number of Gu Sha's people was too small to cover everything. The sniper didn't know whether he was still peeping in the dark. Duan Yanbing's body pressure was very low and he used the favorable terrain to cover his body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!