You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 781

Joey looked up at him and held out a hand to him. Joey quickly grasped it.

"Little drunk," she looked at Joe drunk, tugging at the corners of her mouth, "I I've already had enough Doctors and doctors said that if I take or take contraceptives too long or too much, it will be very difficult for me to have children. I live in pain every day. I regret that I gave up and gave up you for a man Dead Instead, it's relief. Don't be sad. I'll go underground and take care of our parents... "

"Don't Don't Elder sister, don't die, don't... " Joe was so drunk that he tore his heart out of his lungs.

Joy turned his eyes and looked at Gu Junzhu: "little uncle..."

Gu Jun by Zheng Leng looking at her, it seems that there is no way to reflect all this.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry for my grandfather He said to the old man, I, I went abroad, don't let him remember me again I'm sorry... "

She held Joe's drunken hand and dropped to the ground, her eyes slowly closed.

"No! No Joe looked up and yelled, "ah..."

The birds that inhabit in the mountain forest are startled and fly all over the sky.

Ye Xingbei's face is full of tears. He goes to Gu Junzhu and holds his arm.

She looked at Joey in disbelief through the dim tears.

She couldn't believe it was true.

Sniper gun?

This kind of TV will appear in the things, how can appear in her life.

Looking at Joey's eyes closed, looking at Joe's drunk and bleeding wound, she thought it must be a dream.

Wake up, Joey is still alive well, can also smile Yingying called her little aunt.

This time, she must hold Joey's hand and bring her to Gu Junzhu.

She would tell Joey that her family never gave up on her, never really blamed her.

As long as she is thick skinned, she will act coquettishly and say sorry to her uncle. Her uncle will forgive her, like before, and take care of her.

"Ah Ah Ah... " Joe is drunk to tear heart to leave lung of shout, abreact the pain and anger in the chest.

He fiercely put Joey on the ground, rushed out from behind the boulder and ran madly in the direction of the catapult.

Duan Yanbing chases him, and a hand blade cuts his back neck and drags him back.

Misheng rushed over and held him in his arms, "instructor!"

"He's OK. It's better to let him sleep now." Duan Yanbing tears off a skirt and binds Qiao Zui's bleeding wound.

Ye Xingbei doesn't give up to Joey and reaches for his breath.

She hoped Joey wasn't dead.

She wants miracles.

"It's hopeless," Duan Yanbing looked at her and said in a low voice, "if you hit the pulmonary artery, even if the hospital is nearby, you will die."

Leaf Star North leg a soft, drop sit on the ground.

She's been through countless births and deaths, and it's the first time that she's ever experienced death.

It is unimaginable that human life should be so fragile.

A moment ago, she and Qiao Zui wiped the tombstone of her parents and kowtowed to them together. Only a few minutes later, she was separated from them by Yin and Yang.

It's cruel.

She looked back at Gu Junzhu.

Gu Jun kneels half by half beside Joey, with no expression on his face, just like an ice sculpture.

She suddenly thought of the promise that Gu Junzhu had just made in front of Qiao Zui's parents' tombstone.

He said he would help them take care of Joe and Joey.

But now

She took Gu Junzhu's hand: "it's not your fault..."

At that time, they were dozens of meters away from Joey, and the sniper was hundreds of meters away. Unless Gu Junzhu could figure out how to save Joey. , the fastest update of the webnovel!