You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6762

It doesn't matter even because of interest.

The relationship between their brother and sister has been so bad that it is almost irreparable. Even if the brother and sister maintain apparent closeness because of their interests in the future, she is also satisfied.

Therefore, she must ask Su Qi to agree with her decision.

She continued to give advice: "ah Qi, you are the heir of the Su family. You should understand what investment is. You can't give up your children and can't get the wolf. There's no pie in the sky. Ran Ran Ran is your own sister. The shares are given to her, and there's no cheap others. She's worth your investment."

Su Qi bit his teeth and nodded, "OK."

His mother's character is strong and her decision won't change. Even if he makes trouble, his mother won't change her mind.

Rather than so, it's better to be a natural person.

Although he doesn't like Su ran, Su Ran is his own sister after all.

After Xia Yan's affair, his thought had some changes.

He believed that he would be kind to Su ran in the future. Even if he was not close to other people's brothers and sisters, he could at least maintain apparent harmony.

Guan Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

She found herself too difficult.

I broke my heart for my children.

After talking so much and telling the truth, she convinced herself.

She never knew before that she could deceive so much!

She and Su Qi went out of the study.

In the living room, Su Yuanzhi and old man Su are chatting. They look normal.

Guan Yue guessed that old man Su should take care of Su Yuanzhi.

Very good.

Save her another nonsense.

Her daughter is not here.

She asked Su Yuanzhi, "where's Ran Ran?"

Master Su learned from his son that Su ran had the opportunity to marry Xie's family. Su Yuanzhi mentioned his daughter again in a gentle tone: "go back to the room to have a rest."

Guan Yue resisted the impulse to roll her eyes and went upstairs to find her daughter.

Knock on the door and go in. Su ran, sitting in front of the computer, gets up and looks at her: "Mom."

"What are you doing?" she went over and looked at the computer.

"I'm looking for a gift for Beibei," Su ran said distressed. "I'm so stupid. I saw two babies come out of the delivery room with my own eyes. I forgot to give a gift to the baby."

Guan Yue was stunned, laughed and rubbed her head. "Silly girl, who gives gifts on the day of birth? They are given in a few days, or when drinking the child's full moon wine."

"Is that right?" Su ran said with a sigh of relief. "That's good! I thought I was rude!"

She held Guan Yue's hand: "Mom, please help me think about what gift I can give? I like Beibei's babies so much, whether they are big or small. I like them very much!"

"Gave birth to twins, right?" Guan Yue thought for a while and said, "you can play two long-life locks. The moral is better. Inlaid with some precious gemstones, the value is enough."

"That's a good idea!" Su ran stood up. "I'll inquire and ask someone to customize two sets."

"Don't ask," Guan Yue pulled her. "My mother knows the craftsman. I'll order it for you later. My mother has ordered it before to ensure that the long-life lock is exquisite and beautiful, and the price is expensive enough to take it."

Su ran thought, "Mom, can I draw my own patterns?"

Guan Yue nodded: "of course."

"Then I'll draw my own patterns," Su ran said excitedly. "I'll give two babies two sets of unique long-life locks in the world!"

Guan Yue chuckled, "you have two sets. Are you unique?", the fastest update of the webnovel!