You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6656

Although it is true, why not be modest?

Lin Chengyou stared at Gu Chi.

In his eyes, Gu Chi is a well-off young master of a rich family. He has a noble temperament, handsome, elegant demeanor, and even his voice is so good.

But Gu Chi said that he was also a graduate of the training camp.

But is it really the case?

Is there any place like that in the world?

He asked, "if I don't like it there, can I leave?"

"Of course, we are not human trafficking. We are free to come and go," Gu Chi said "However, we have a two-way choice. If you are not good enough, you will be eliminated at any time, but you don't have to worry. As long as you are not eliminated due to personality problems, we will arrange a way out for the eliminated students and won't let you live on the streets without food. If you encounter difficulties, you can go back to the training camp for help. As long as you don't ask too much, the training camp will do its best Force satisfaction. "

"..." Lin Chengyou's eyes were full of doubt.

Is there such a good place in the world?

Why can't he believe it?

Gu Chi smiled and looked at the time. "Anyway, you have nowhere to go now. Why don't I take you to the training camp now?"

Lin Chengyou is nervous again.

Isn't he just out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's nest again?

Although he was nervous, he had no choice.

He is in Gu Chi's car. In addition to Gu Chi, there are several of his men in Gu Chi's car.

He, who had been tossed by the people in the sanatorium for several days, was already exhausted. If the bowl of hot porridge hadn't restored his strength, a child of several years old would have knocked him down.

At the moment, he has no ability to resist and protect himself. He can only obey his fate.

After driving for more than an hour, the car stopped at a place with mountains and water.

The guard at the door saw the license plate number and the people on the driver's seat. Without inspection, he released directly.

The car drove straight into the training camp.

Lin Chengyou looked out through the window.

The training camp seems to have no edge. The main building stands in front of the mountain, like an independent castle.

After getting off the bus, he first felt the gentle night wind and fresh air.

Looking around, he could not see that the marginal camp was divided into many venues, on which were placed some professional training equipment, such as those he had seen on TV before.

Looking up, there is a bright moon in the sky, gentle and bright. Under the bright moon, green mountains are surrounded, insects sing and birds sing. It is peaceful and quiet, as if it were a paradise away from the earth.

Gu Chi put his hand on his shoulder: "it's getting late. Go to bed first. I'll show you around tomorrow. Yi Nong, you sleep with him tonight."

"OK, brother Chi," Gu Yinong answered and waved to Lin Chengyou: "come, little brother, come with me."

Gu Yinong takes Lin Chengyou to the guest room of the training camp.

Mr. Gu is rich and powerful. Everything in the training camp is very particular. There are all kinds of guest rooms, one room and one hall.

Lin Chengyou took a bath and came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe. Gu Yinong handed him a suit of clothes: "this is the team uniform of the training camp. It's new. You can make do with it tomorrow. When you leave the training camp, we'll take you to buy clothes."

After tossing around all night, it was almost dawn. He handed Lin Chengyou his clothes, and Gu Yinong went next door to have a rest.

Lin Chengyou puts on his nightgown and lies down in bed. He is very tired, but he is very nervous. He can't sleep at all., the fastest update of the webnovel!