You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 619

Li Yi shook his head: "no, every time it's dark, the young master will let Miss Beibei go back. Miss Beibei is in poor health. The basement is too wet. Miss Beibei's body can't bear to spend the night in the basement."

Gu Jun chuckles, "she's not in good health. The basement is too wet for her to stay. Do you want to keep her in the basement?"

The more you ask, the more angry Gu Jun is, the more regretful he is that he didn't meet Ye Xingbei.

If it was him who picked Ye Xingbei up on the street of Jiangcheng, he would love ye Xingbei well and would not let her suffer any hardship or grievance.

Ye Xingli is also distressed, muttering: "I don't know I really don't know. If I knew, I would persuade my brother, Beibei... "

He turns an eye to see to leaf Star North, distressed and vexed: "how don't you say with me? You told me that I would settle with him and not let him do that to you. "

Ye Xingbei smiles and doesn't speak.

Every time ye Xingli goes out, it takes him a long time to come back.

When ye Xingli comes back, her injuries are very sharp. She goes to complain to Ye Xingli again. Isn't it very strange?

Moreover, every time ye Xinglan punishes her, it is for a reason, not for nothing.

She was very simple at that time. She thought that ye Xinglan was really for her good and wanted to make her better, so she was a little more strict.

In the Ye family, eating, clothing, housing and transportation, ye Xinglan never treated her and the little tree badly.

She and Xiaoshu live in the luxurious and comfortable house of the Ye family. They have servants to serve them every day. They don't have to worry about eating and drinking. They don't have to worry about being bullied by others.

At that time, she was very grateful to everyone in the Ye family.

Before she was sent to Wu Qizhen by Ye Zhitong, she never resented anyone in the Ye family, including ye Xinglan.

See ye Xingbei don't speak, ye Xingli dejectedly lowers his head.


It's happened. The damage has been done.

Now it's no use saying anything.

The only thing he can do is to be better at Ye Xingbei in the future and make up for what they once owed Ye Xingbei.

Gu Jun suppressed his anger and continued to ask Li Yi, "how did you deal with Beibei when he was shut up to faint?"

"I'll ask the maid to come over and carry Miss Beibei back to her room," Li Yi said. "The maid will help Miss Beibei clean, apply medicine and change clothes. Then I'll help Miss Beibei check and make sure she's OK. I'll go back to my room to have a rest. After I leave, there will be a maid by her bed until she wakes up."

"If Beibei faints, how do you know?" Gu Junzhu stares at Li Yi, his eyes are as sharp as a knife: "aren't you guarding outside the door? Beibei faints. Can you find out for the first time? "

Li Yi's face was scratched by Gu Junzhu's eyes.

He was uneasy to avoid Gu Junzhu's eyes, drooping his eyes and said: "because miss Beibei is not in good health, every time miss Beibei is locked in the basement, his finger will be connected with an alarm to detect Miss Beibei's body data, which is similar to the ECG monitor in the hospital. If miss Beibei's life is unstable, the alarm will alarm, and I will go to the hospital I'll find out in the first place. "

It's incredible that Gu Jun listens to it.

He couldn't help laughing and looking at Ye Xingli, "I found that ye Xinglian was a big change. He tortured people and even the alarm came out. In order to make ye Xiaobei suffer, he also took great pains to kill her!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!