You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 592

She looked into his smiling eyes and suddenly thought of a sentence: I've been looking for spring for half of my life. Just smile.

She couldn't help kissing his lips and said in a soft voice: "love is long and paper is short, but also kiss you thousands of times."

Gu Jun by pick pick pick eyebrow, rub her head, "really good, originally we Ye Xiaobei is also a knowledgeable person."

This sentence "love is long and paper is short, but also kiss you thousands of times", is just what he said the great man's wife once said.

Ye Xingbei smiles, what else to say? Gu Junzhu's mobile phone rings.

Gu Junzhu connected to the mobile phone.

Gu Chi reported: "young master, Chi Yu and Chi Zhan are coming with their sister."

"Well," said Gu Junzhu, "I know. I'll be right there."

Gu Junzhu hangs up and pinches Ye Xingbei's face: "my wife will stay in the empty room for a while. Chi Yu and Chi Zhan bring their sister to yueya'er for treatment. I'll go and have a look."

Ye Xingbei grabbed his clothes and said, "I want to go, too."

Gu Jun looked down at her hand holding his clothes and said, "if you put your arms around my neck, please, I can think about it."

"You don't think I dare?" Ye Xingbei fiercely raised his hand to embrace his neck, bit on his lips, picked eyebrow to stare at him: "who is afraid of who?"

Gu Junzhu called the voice pain, reached out and touched the place she had bitten, "is it broken? If it's broken, I'll be asked by the Chi brothers later. I won't cover it up for you. I'll say that my wife likes me too much. She hugs me and kisses me so many times that she breaks my lips. "

Ye Xingbei I don't believe you dare be so shameless! "

"It's not shameless, it's called show love," Gu said solemnly: "in fact, show love people don't mean to show off, just with a warm heart, can't wait to let the world know, look, this is the person I like, I'm very happy!"

Gu Jun stroked his lips, shook his head and sighed: "happiness is too much, full of overflow, unconsciously show love."

Ye Xingbei Come downstairs together, I'm going to watch you! "

She'll murder her husband if she says anything messy!

Although Ye Xingbei's face was still a little pale, he recovered his usual vigorous spirit. Gu Wuye was very satisfied.

He pinched Ye Xingbei's face: "OK, go downstairs together, you slow down, don't crack the wound."

Ye Xingbei obediently answers, washes and changes clothes, and goes downstairs with Gu Junzhu.

In the living room downstairs, Yue ya'er is already feeling Chi Qing's pulse.

Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei did not speak, quietly went to the side to watch.

A moment later, Yue ya'er takes back his hand to feel Chi Qing's pulse.

Chi Zhan immediately asked nervously, "doctor Yue, how is my sister's illness? Can it be cured?"

Yue ya'er nodded, "it can be cured, but it's troublesome."

"We are not afraid of trouble, we are willing to deal with any trouble!" Chi Zhan said eagerly, "if you need anything, just say it. We'll prepare it now. There's also a consultation fee. As long as you can cure my sister, how much is not a problem."

"I'm the family doctor of Gu's family now. The fifth master asked me to take care of it, but I'll take care of it. I've collected the dowry of Gu's family, but I won't charge the clients any more. Just talk to the fifth master about the dowry," Yue ya'er said. "As for the things you need, I'll write a prescription later, and you'll send someone to take the medicine. There's a shortage of medicinal materials. You should not be able to collect them in one or two days. Don't worry, it's impossible Qi, I'll prescribe a replacement medicine. The effect of the replacement medicine may not be as good as that of the original medicine, but it can also cure diseases. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!