You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 386

"Is it?" Gu Junzhu looked at him with an eyebrow. "What if your grandfather is not your own grandfather?"

"How is that possible?" Ye Xinglan said: "although my father lost his memory for several years, now he has recovered his memory. Can't my father not even know his own father?"

"In addition, Jiang Huan is the richest man in Jiangcheng. Although he lives in a simple place and few people know him, at least the leaders of the top rich families in Jiangcheng and Jiang Huan are acquaintances. If he is just an ordinary person, he may be able to fake it. But how can he fake it?"

He pauses and laughs at himself, "but it's true that Jiang Huan loves Jiang Zhengxing and is indifferent to my father and uncle. My father has been in poor health since he was a child. Jiang Huan is indifferent to my father. My father is dying of illness and has never been seen in hospital. My uncle has been taking care of my father all the time."

"So, after my father recovered his memory, he knew that my uncle died, that his two sons were adopted by other families, and that their surname was Xie, and that their daughter died young. My father was disheartened and simply cut off the relationship with the Jiang family unilaterally, changed his name, and even Jiang Huan didn't recognize him."

"When things go wrong, there will be demons!" Gu Jun tapped the armrest of the sofa with his slender index finger, and said in a loud voice: "your father is weak and sick. He has achieved nothing except his good-looking face. Even if Jiang Huan doesn't like your father, his father is young and promising. He is a gentleman like jade. Why doesn't Jiang Huan like him? Don't you think it's unreasonable? "

“……” Ye Xinglan smoked from the corner of his mouth.

What's his father doing nothing but look good?

Is it really good to comment on his father in front of him?

The leaf Star North is also very dissatisfied, the hand stretches to Gu Jun to chase after death ruthlessly twisted a, stare at him one eye.

Gu Junzhu is innocent. "Good looking face is also an advantage, OK? Like me! Ye Xiaobei, to tell you the truth, if I don't look good, will you let me be your husband? "

Ye Xingbei

What can she say?

She didn't dare to discuss with Gu Wuye whether her face was pretty or not in front of her two brothers.

Gu Wu Ye's face is pretty or not. For the moment, Gu Wu Ye's face is very thick. She knows better than anyone.

She was really afraid that Gu Wu would say something that made her want to find a way to get in!

So she squinted at Gu Junzhu and threatened: "say, be, be!"

“OK!” Gu Jun compared a "OK" gesture, shaking eyes with a smile: "I am a good man, I listen to my wife's words, continue to talk about business!"

He coughed and said with a straight face I've been interrupted by you and forgotten. Where did I say just now? "

“……” Ye Xingbei is in tears.

Who is interrupting?

Mr. Gu, you have so much drama. Why don't you go to the Central Academy of drama!

Ye Xinglan is tired both physically and mentally. He just wants to end this conversation as soon as possible, return to his own home as soon as possible, and comfort his tired heart.

He said with no expression: "brother five, it's abnormal for you to say that Jiang Huan doesn't like my uncle, because my uncle is very outstanding and excellent."

"Yes," Gu Jun nodded and continued, "I don't think this is normal, so I sent someone to check Jianghuan."

Ye Xinglan can't help but sit up straight and concentrate more. He stares at Gu Junzhu tightly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!