You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 193

He omitted Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie and introduced the Xie family in order of age.

Before coming here, Gu Junzhu had shown Ye Xingbei the information of Xie's family.

She has long remembered the names of members of the Xie family.

The picture is a little distorted, so it's not as intuitive as face-to-face.

Ye Xingbei has a good memory. After Xie Yunlin has finished, he has matched everyone's appearance and name.

Mr. and Mrs. Xie have three daughters and one son.

His son is Xie Rongzhen and his daughter-in-law is Qin Huilan. They have two daughters, Xie motong and Xie Yumo.

Three daughters, the eldest is Xiang Bingzi's mother, called Xie meiqiang.

Xie meiqiang's husband is Xiang jiechao.

Since she and Gu Jun entered the door one by one, they looked at them with grievance and hatred, but they had to bear humiliation and dare not to speak.

It must be because they hate their daughter Xiang Bingzi, because they are ruined and spend the rest of their life in prison. They want to tear them up and dare not provoke Gu Junzhu, so they have to bear it.

The second daughter is Xie Meiwei and her husband is Wu Yibin.

Their daughter is Wu Wenshi.

The youngest daughter is Xie Qinyue, and she has the most children among the four brothers and sisters, including Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei.

Here, after Xie Yunlin's introduction, Xie Jinfei rushed into the living room.

Ye Xingbei didn't see xiaoshumiao and Lingyue. He quickly asked, "second brother, where is Xiaoshu?"

"With Gu Chi and snow!" Xie Jinfei rushed to her side and looked at her up and down, fearing that she would be bullied.

He realized that except for his grandparents, the Xie family was hostile to Ye Xingbei.

He also understood.

More people, more property.

Those people, wish he and his brother were dead, how can they welcome his sister?

He was outside with the two little guys, playing absent-minded, thinking about his sister, afraid that her sister would be bullied by these people.

His elder brother is good at everything, but he doesn't like to talk.

If someone else is hiding a needle in his pocket, his elder brother is too lazy to speak. Maybe he won't say a word.

No way!

He's Xie Jinfei's sister. No one can bully him!

He has to come back to support his sister!

So he gave the two little guys to snow Guchi and his bodyguard, and ran back in a hurry.

Seeing the love and concern in his eyes, ye Xingbei was warm in his heart and gave him a smile, "second brother, I'm fine, I'm fine."

"You son of a bitch!" Master Xie pretended to be angry and said with a straight face, "this is Beibei's home. When Beibei goes home, who dares to bully Beibei?"

"Yes, yes, yes, this is Beibei's home!" Xie Jinfei happily said to Xie: "grandfather, let Beibei live here tonight? Let Beibei live in my mother's room! "

Mr. Xie has always been ashamed of his little daughter. After her death for so long, her boudoir remained untouched and was cleaned every day.

Ye Xingbei suddenly moved.

She also wanted to see her own mother's room.

"OK," said Mr. Xie. Seeing ye Xingbei, he seemed to see his little daughter with red eyes: "Yueyue knows that Beibei has gone home, so she is at ease underground! After that, Beibei will live at home, in Yueyue's room! "

"Great!" Xie Jinfei reached for ye Xingbei's wrist and said excitedly, "Beibei, mom has left you a lot of jewelry, which are rare treasures in the world. You will like it when you see it. Let's go, I'll show you!"

He stretched out his hand to grasp Ye Xingbei's wrist, and suddenly felt it was wrong. His wrist was chilly, and his back was cool.

He subconsciously turned to look at the past, just to see Gu Jun coldly glanced at his palm.

He felt that his scalp was tight, his back was cold, and his hands were drawn back.

Ye Xingbei

Second brother, you are so clever!

Although Gu Wuye stares at him and doesn't dare to grab Ye Xingbei's hand, Xie Jinfei's good mood is still unaffected. He urges Ye Xingbei to go upstairs to see the good things his mother left for ye Xingbei.

Old lady Xie's face was embarrassed and guilty.

Xie Mo Tong's face turned white and his whole body became stiff. , the fastest update of the webnovel!