You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 158

Thinking about this, she suddenly laughed.

Now she can understand Jiang Siyou's brain circuit.

How funny!

She shook her head, drove the mess out of her head and went on working.

Time is not long, the inside line rings again, Su Miao report, Gu Jun zhulai.

Ye Xingbei is helpless, "ask him to come in."

A moment later, Gu Jun pushed the door in.

Ye Xingbei sat up straight and looked at him: "Why are you here?"

Gu Jun one by one did not take himself as a guest, went to Ye Xingbei, picked Ye Xingbei up, sat on the position of Ye Xingbei, and pressed Ye Xingbei on his lap: "just passing by, I will pick up my son from school with you later."

Ye Xingbei struggles: "Gu Junzhu! This is the office. Don't make a fool of yourself

"I'm not fooling around," Gu said innocently. "I have a high quality of life. I only sit in the best chair. I think your chair is the best in your office."

Ye Xingbei Then sit on your own, and I'll sit on the sofa! "

"What's the point?" Gu Jun chuckles, "I robbed your good position, naturally want to compensate you for a better soft seat, you just sit, don't mention it!"

“……” Ye Xingbei gritted his teeth and pushed him: "I really thank you! But I don't need your compensation at all! Let me go

"All right!" Gu Junzhu actually released his hand.

“……” Ye Xingbei is a little confused.

This is the first time that Gu Wu Ye has listened to her like this. She is a little flattered.

But the feeling that she was flattered just came to her heart, and she was pressed on her desk, and she was kissing her lips.

Her legs softened and she couldn't breathe. Gu Junzhu let her go and rubbed her bright red lips with a low smile. "Ye Xiaobei, your kissing skills need to be improved. In the future, I'll help you practice more and make you a thousand miles a day! It's all my duty. You're welcome. You don't have to say thank you to me! "

Ye Xingbei Get out of here

She red face a slap to throw in the past, by Gu Jun by the wrist.

Gu Junzhu held her wrist, put her little white hand on her lips and said, "honey, it's late. It's time for us to pick up our son from school."

Ye Xingbei looked at the time, and the whole person was confused.

How long did it kiss her?

Just now she remembered that she had plenty of time. If she caught up in the traffic jam, she might be late.

She can't afford to settle the accounts with Gu Jun any more. She glared at him: "you'd better pray not to be late, or I won't forgive you!"

Gu Junzhu took a kiss in her ear and said with a smile, "welcome your wife to come home at night and clean me up!"

Ye Xingbei

After taking her son back to Gu's home, she must ask Gu Qingrun, you are such a good doctor, why don't you treat your young master with schizophrenia?!

Seeing her speechless face, Gu Wuye, who has been in the company for a cold day, is in a very happy mood with a beautiful face melting with ice and snow.

Sure enough, ye Xiaobei is his pistachio. He is happy to see ye Xiaobei. He is busy and tired all day. After seeing her, he is swept away.

Ye Xingbei thinks about her son and is afraid that she will be late. His son is waiting outside the gate and drags Gu Jun out of the door in a hurry.

They are lucky, there is no traffic jam on the road, smoothly arrived at the school gate of sapling.

When the car pulled over, ye Xingbei saw through the window that the children had already lined up to walk outside the school. He quickly opened the door and got off.

She stood firm and looked around. From a distance, she saw her son running towards her, holding the hand of a boy who was more than one head taller than him.

She rushed to meet her.

When she got closer and saw her son's face clearly, her face suddenly changed as her heart beat.

On her son's small face, there are several slap marks, and on the right face, there are several bloody scratches. , the fastest update of the webnovel!