You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 109

If she is not their own granddaughter or granddaughter, they will not give up. Otherwise, they will try to kill her with their own hands.

If she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life in prison, the only way is to ask for Gu Junzhu's forgiveness.

Her grandfather and her grandfather asked Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei to bring her to take care of her family and beg for mercy.

She had no choice but to come.

Entering the living room, she couldn't help looking up.

In front of her, ye Xingbei sits beside Gu Junzhu.

The wound on her face has been seventy-eight or seventy-eight, slightly invisible.

The charming and delicate face is radiant, elegant, pure and beautiful.

That day, in the hotel, she stood, ye Xingbei kneeling, she took a knife, ye Xingbei kneeling at her feet, can only let her butcher.

But today, ye Xingbei is sitting gracefully by Gu Junzhu's side, like a clear water hibiscus, ethereal and free from dust.

And she, however, was so depressed that she took the initiative to beg for mercy.

Xie Yunlin broke the silence and said hello to Gu Junzhu: "brother five, I brought my cousin Xiaozi to apologize to you and your wife. Yesterday, Xiaozi was wrong. She was young and impulsive. She hurt your son. After going back, we have taught her a lesson. We will make up for it more. Please forgive her for Xiaozi's sake Once

After that, he looks at Xiang Bingzi.

Xiang Bingzi bit his lip, lowered his head, bent his knees and knelt down in humiliation.

She didn't want to kneel if she could.

Once upon a time, she was the most noble daughter in Beijing.

Countless famous young masters like her and flock to her, hoping to marry her.

She is like a noble white swan, holding her head up gracefully and dismissing everyone.

But now, she has fallen into the dust, and she has to kneel down and beg for forgiveness.

The most sad thing is that even if she kneels down to beg for mercy, the other party may not forgive her.

If they don't forgive her, she's going to jail!

She's going to spend the rest of her life in prison.


She can't go to jail!

She is Miss Xiang, the only daughter of her parents.

She is the only daughter of her parents. Everything of her parents will be hers in the future.

She has countless splendor and wealth, and she should spend the rest of her life as a spendthrift.

She just slapped a woman a few times. Although she used a knife, it didn't hurt her. On the contrary, she hurt more than that woman. Why should she go to jail for this?

She is not reconciled!

She can't go to jail!

Never go to jail!

She clenched her teeth, propped her hands on the ground, and knocked heavily at Gu Jun: "fifth master, I'm sorry. I'm wrong. I shouldn't hit your wife, let alone hurt your son. It's all my fault. Please forgive me this time for my age and ignorance, and I won't dare to do it again!"

Begging for mercy, Xie Yunlin forced her to recite word by word.

Otherwise, I'm afraid she can't say a word.

When she was so big, people knelt at her feet to beg for mercy. How ever did she kneel at other people's feet to beg for mercy?

She was lying on the ground, begging for mercy in her mouth, but her eyes were full of deep hatred.

He who knows current affairs is a hero.

This time, it was her fault.

As long as let her avoid this disaster, the future is long, in the future, she will let that cheap woman, life is not like death! , the fastest update of the webnovel!