You Are My Gravity

Chapter 514

Everyone looked at Zhou Ping in surprise.

Qin se, in particular, didn't shout directly: The Empress Dowager is powerful!

We agreed on the price before we came here, and it's 880000 at a time. This figure is auspicious.

The price is not high for those rich people.

But for Zhou Ping, they have never been before.

However, this is what they do. In the early years, grandfather Zhou Ping told her that in the year of famine, when there was something wrong with the poor family, even if it was done for free, but if there were rich families, they had to take more.

They also have a bottom line and morality in this business.

Since 800000 is not worth mentioning to these star directors, Zhou Ping naturally doesn't think it's too much money.

But after she came, Huo Heng's attitude made her very unhappy. Moreover, Huo Heng's family was not small. She had to work hard.

So, 880000, less!


Huo Heng looked at Zhou Ping, surprised and angry.

880000, even if tripled, is less than 3 million, which is really not much money for him.

But He thinks that a geomantic omen watcher, who does not know whether it is true or false, needs so much money in one mouth. Why don't you rob it!

And she's doubling it all at once. Why should she?

Huo Heng was a little angry and said, "triple? You can really open your mouth. I don't care about the money, but why do you want me to give you so much? "

"How many people in your family?" Zhou Ping asked

Huo Heng a Leng: "what?"

Zhou Ping was not in a hurry. She repeated, "I asked how many people are in your family."

Huo Heng doesn't understand: "what do you ask this for?"

Xu mu in a side way: "6, their family 6 people."

Huo Heng married twice. His ex-wife had two children. Now his wife has two.

Zhou Ping swept Huo Heng's face, which was almost saturated with death: "six, less..."

Qin se couldn't help asking, "Mom, what's missing?"

Zhou Ping looked at Huo Heng and said, "if you want less money, you have to increase it six times."

Qin SE's mouth is wide open. He's almost stuffed in his fist.

Huo Heng's eyes almost burst, "6 Six times Why don't you rob the bank? How dare you open your mouth. "

Xu Mu shook his head and didn't know what to say about his old friend.

Zhou Ping said that six times, it must be his family's situation, serious.

Zhou Ping sneered: "to save the lives of six members of your family, do you think it's a lot of money?"

Anyway, she doesn't think it's much. The price is quite cheap.

Huo Heng was infuriated by Zhou Ping: "you If you have something to say, don't talk about these gods If you have the ability, you can show it. Let me see if it's worth the money or not. "

Zhou Ping sneered: "I really don't know what to do Don't worry, it's more idle. I'm not the final price. "

Huo Heng

She pointed around and said, "your family's problem lies in the geomantic omen of this house. Don't you feel uncomfortable after you come in?"

Huo Heng immediately said, "no way. When our house was first built, we invited people to see it. It was fashionable and water-saving It's a treasure land. It can never go wrong. "

Zhou Ping sneered: "this is really a good place for fashion and water, but Not for the living. "

"What do you mean?" he said

"What do you mean? Do you think it's suitable for living people to live in shady houses? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!