You Are a Sweetness I Can't Quit

Chapter 26

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Boss, we’re trying to get in touch with the person, but Professor CC is so mysterious. After our near-miss at the airport last time, we haven’t heard anything else.” The staff next to Qin Nanyu nervously explained.

With the news, Qin Nanyu’s eyes grew shadowed, his face becoming stern.

The airport… If it wasn’t for Ji Weitian, he would have found Professor CC by now.

This woman had not only apologized, she almost caused more problems at his lab just now.

Qin Nanyu’s brows tensed. He turned to order his subordinates, “Keep looking, we have to find Professor CC!”

Outside the lab building.

Ji Weitian, who was escorted out, bitterly stood at the building entrance. She shook her fist at the air, wanting to punch Qin Nanyu.

She was the school’s point person. How could Qin Nanyu just throw her out like that? It’s crazy!

Ji Weitian also realized something else.

With Qin Technology Group collaborating with Jiangcheng University, there will be many research projects at the lab building. With this situation, she might not be able to freely use the equipment in the lab. Well, she has no choice but to deal with it as it comes.

She knew nothing good happened when she met Qin Nanyu. Is the man a reincarnation of a jinx?

Regardless of how Ji Weitian felt, she still had to finish her work. After standing downstairs for a few minutes, she headed toward the teaching building for materials about the program.

Since the program’s technical portion was confidential, Ji Weitian couldn’t tell what Qin Nanyu wanted to do. She could only contact the professors of related departments and help pick talent for the program.

She worked throughout the afternoon before finalizing most of the staff. She would have to report the list to the Qin Technology Group, for them to make the final selection.

When Ji Weitian took the list to the lab building, she was stopped. Two burly bodyguards stood guard at the door to the last lab. They blocked her with their hands and asked, “Ma’am, what are you doing here?”

Ji Weitian blinked in surprise. Before, she was making fun of how Qin Nanyu did not have a CEO’s style, traveling without bodyguards. Who knew she’d be proven wrong so quickly? Now, she was stopped by his security people.

Her mouth twitched, “I’m looking for Qin Nanyu. I need to give him the staff list for this program.”

“Chairman Qin is busy. He said no visitors. Please wait here.” The bodyguards replied.

Ji Weitian was shocked. She stood on tiptoes to look inside the lab and thought to herself, “Wasn’t Qin Nanyu just in the lab for show? Is he really getting involved in the program?”

Can he do it?

“Sir, did Chairman Qin say when he would be available? I can leave the list with you to give to him…” Before she stopped talking, a tall and strapping figure came out of the lab.

Qin Nanyu was dressed in a long lab coat, which made him look especially threatening. He looked serious as he heard reports from two of his researchers. When he noticed Ji Weitian, his pupils contracted.

Before she could explain the purpose of her visit, she heard his cold voice. “Everyone, make sure she’s never allowed near the lab!”

Ji Weitian: “???”