Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 834

"Captain Li Guo, what did you do in the prison just now?" Zhang Qiong remembered that Li Guo went to the prison when he was fighting with the prisoner. He wanted to know what Li Guo did when he entered the prison alone.

Li Guo said in a low voice without expression, "go and make sure what you think."

"What do you mean?"

"You reminded me that I was worried that the people of Liangshanpo were mixed with the prisoners, so I went to the prison to see if Hua Rong was still there, or if there were people of Liangshanpo. If so, it means that the prisoners are innocent. If not, your idea has been verified."

Zhang Qiong immediately asked, "are they still in prison?"

Li Guo shook his head and said slowly, "there is no one in the prison and Hua Rong is gone. It seems that your conjecture is correct. It is precisely because I saw no one inside that I ordered the soldiers to kill the prisoners. I would rather kill one by mistake than let go of the people in Liangshanpo."

In the face of Li Guo\'s explanation, Zhang Qiong was speechless and did not find any flaws. At this time, Li Guo continued: "I asked the soldiers to check just now. None of the 30 corpses from prisoners is from Liangshanpo..."

Before Li Guo finished, Zhang Qiong shouted angrily, "especially, they must be among the prisoners who escaped just now!"

"Don\'t worry, Captain Zhang Qiong. The gate of Lingnan city has been closed now. They can\'t escape. They must still be in Lingnan city at this time. As long as we take people to investigate, they have nothing to hide. It just takes a little time."

Li Guo turned and looked at Zhang Qiong: "now the situation is like this. Leave a few people here, and others go back to rest. Tomorrow, start looking for all the people in Lingnan city and hide the personality of Liangshanpo people."

Zhang Qiong clenched her teeth and waved to her people. Then she led the team back to the government. His plan had failed, but he didn\'t expect that even the people of Liangshanpo had been released. Fortunately, he knew that the people of Liangshanpo were still in Lingnan city. If they had left Lingnan city successfully, Zhang Qiong estimated that they had run away now, and he didn\'t want to be punished by the imperial court.

At this time, in the house near the prison gate, a dozen people in black looked out of the window suspiciously. Zhang Qiong was leading the team to leave, and Li Guo could be seen at the gate.

"What\'s the matter? Zhang Qiong\'s plan failed? What about those people in Liangshanpo?" the man in charge asked in a low voice.

"Boss, it seems that Zhang Qiong\'s plan really failed. The camp captain is still alive, but we don\'t see the figure of Liangshanpo people. They are still in prison?"

"Are you so stupid? If those Liangshanpo people were still in prison, why would Zhang Qiong leave? It seems that she has to go back and tell Aunt Hong about it."

More than a dozen people left through the back door of the people\'s house. In the twinkling of an eye, the leading man came to Aunt Hong. After telling everything, aunt Hong asked the man to leave. Then Huang Ying appeared in front of aunt Hong: "disappeared? How did those people in Liangshanpo leave the prison?"

"Miss, it\'s impossible. There are soldiers in the Barracks at the door and the existence of Zhang Qiong. The people in Liangshanpo can\'t disappear from the prison for no reason?" aunt Hong also looked puzzled. She didn\'t expect that her hard thought plan had turned into a bubble. They didn\'t even see the people in Liangshanpo.

"No, just now your man said that there were barracks soldiers leaving the gate?"

"Yes, one of them was seriously injured... By the way, that person may be Hua Rong." aunt Hong seemed to think of something: "There is still fighting in the prison, and the injured people are carried away. This is normal, but several soldiers with sound limbs and no injuries left with them. They can\'t leave the prison at that time, indicating that those soldiers are fake."

Huang Ying raised her mouth slightly and said in a low voice, "I heard your people say that dozens of prisoners broke out of prison and rioted. I thought the people of Liangshanpo would mix there, but I didn\'t expect that they disguised as soldiers. Unexpectedly, it seems that the leader of Liangshanpo\'s action has good intelligence."

Aunt Hong smiled and took Huang Ying\'s words: "there are not many people with intelligence on Liangshan. In addition to the intelligent star Wu Yong, who else can come up with such a treacherous plan. It seems that he still came out in person."

In the eyes of these two people, Liangshanpo\'s action is well prepared and has achieved temporary success. They believe that only Wu Yong can have such an effect. Otherwise, those Liangshanpo should not have any plan to rush into prison to rescue Hua Rong. This mindless way of fighting has always been the symbol of Liangshanpo.

Huang Ying sat in front of the round table and asked in a low voice, "what are you going to do now? Continue to find a way to get rid of Zhang Qiong?" According to Aunt Hong\'s plan, more than a dozen experts sent by her are ready to help Liangshanpo people leave. In this way, the imperial court will blame Zhang Qiong, and Zhang Qiong will naturally become a street mouse. Finally, they use the strength of the merchant Federation to help Zhang Yue and control Zhang Yue. However, the people in Liangshanpo are hidden in Lingnan City, and Zhang Qiong still has the opportunity to make contributions.

Aunt Hong turned her eyes and said with a smile, "Miss, you forget that I have a black market here. There are many newspaper dealers in it. I will immediately arrange someone to inquire about the whereabouts of the people in Liangshan. As long as I find them, I will secretly cooperate with them and promise to help them leave Lingnan. In this way, Zhang Qiong can still be punished by the imperial court."

Huang Ying smiled and said, "do you think those newspaper operators really have the strength to find out their whereabouts?"

"Don\'t worry, miss. I will send people from lingnancheng merchants Federation. They are all over lingnancheng. As soon as the people in Liangshanpo appear, the news will be conveyed to me immediately."

"Aunt Hong, why do you do this? Since you know Zhang Yue and Zhang Qiong so well, it\'s better to tell Zhang Yue your thoughts and plans directly and see if he is willing to accept them. If he is willing to give up his brother\'s life and cooperate with us, we will naturally try our best to help him. This also shows that he can fully obey our control. If he refuses, we don\'t have to fight with their brother The younger brothers have to work hard. "

"Miss, you mean..."

"Isn\'t the Yang family\'s jade pendant still in Lingnan at this time? Send someone to find it and arrange our people to become the son-in-law of the Yang family and get the Yang family\'s industry. We don\'t have to worry about whether our people will be controlled by us. This will save a lot of trouble. The foundation of the Yang family is not worse than Zhang Yue. How long do you think he can hold on without our support?"

After listening to Huang Ying\'s words, aunt Hong smiled: "it\'s still a miss who thinks carefully. Why do I have to waste my time with Zhang Yue\'s brothers? If Zhang Yue doesn\'t agree, we can fully support a person to become the son-in-law of the Yang family, and then find a way to get the casino, everything will be done. I\'ll let you inform Zhang Yue to come. It depends on him whether he is dead or alive."