Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 552

On the wall of Taiyuan City, Li Luoyang and Mo Jiao stood side by side. Looking at the dense crowd under the wall, Li Luoyang really didn\'t expect that the gathering of 100000 people would be such a scene.

The air recalled the cries of the hungry people. They were so skinny that they almost didn\'t have the strength to stand. Everyone looked up at the imperial court personnel on the city wall and begged for help in their hearts and eyes.

"I didn\'t expect so many people." Mo sighed. If the official food was robbed by Manichaeism, she could imagine what it would be like when all these hungry people joined Manichaeism.

Most of the crowd are young people. The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled have already become the first batch of hungry people to die of hunger, and there are few children. Some parents who have lost their conscience only eat their own flesh and blood in order to survive this disaster. At that time, children\'s life did not receive enough attention. In many families, children are just like slaves, Once they are old enough to work, their parents will let them start farming to earn money or food for their families.

Looking at the disaster of Chinese compatriots and the wailing in the crowd, Li Luoyang was full of mixed feelings. In his time, he had never seen such a picture. The skin and bones were thin and pitiful. It was hard for him to imagine that the 100000 hungry people in front of him were like living bones, standing outside the city wall and waiting: "Mo Jiao, release food."

On one side, Wang GUI sounded the war drum of the city wall. A burst of drums fell behind. The hungry people outside the city quieted down. Mo Jiao stood high on the wall and shouted at the crowd: "the emperor\'s grace is vast. Now I have the support of the imperial court. The disaster relief food has arrived in Taiyuan."

As soon as the words came out, cheers rang out outside the city, and the hungry people saw the hope of living.

Wang GUI sounded the war drum again until the crowd calmed down.

Mo Jiao then said, "we will distribute food at this time, but please remember that everyone has it and can\'t loot. If someone makes trouble and stirs up trouble, there will be no amnesty for killing!"

Then the archers standing on the wall pulled their full bows and pointed arrows at the hungry people under the wall.

"From now on, people with food go to the north gate, where you have prepared a fire and cooking tools. You can enjoy your food. In that sentence, there are also archers in the north gate. If you find troublemakers, kill them!"

At this time, Li Luoyang arranged to release food at the south gate and cook at the north gate, so that the hungry people could continue to leave the south gate and avoid overcrowding in the south.

The officers and soldiers of Taiyuan government put the grain loaded in advance from generation to generation into the crowd along the city wall. Each bag of grain was enough for the hungry people to eat for two or three days. As soon as the grain fell into the crowd, someone began to loot. Li Luoyang immediately jumped high on the wall and shouted, "those who want to die retreat!"

Hearing Li Luoyang\'s warning, several hungry people who looted immediately retreated and exposed an empty space. Five people dared to touch the grain on the ground. Seeing this scene, Li Luoyang was relieved. He was afraid that more than 100000 hungry people would be in a mess. Even if there were archers, he could not kill so many people.

Li Luoyang pointed to a man and said, "you! Pick up the grain!"

The man looked left and right for fear that he would be targeted for picking up food. However, in the face of hunger and thirst in his stomach, the man swallowed his saliva and quickly picked up the food. Then he spread his legs and ran to the north gate. Other hungry people looked at the man who left with extreme eyes.

Watching the crowd stabilize, Li Luoyang said to the officers and soldiers around him, "continue."

Food fell into the crowd from generation to generation. With Li Luoyang\'s warning, the crowd received food in an orderly manner. However, there were people who couldn\'t stand hunger. As for the fate of these people, as Mo Jiao said, there was no amnesty. After shooting several hungry people who provoked trouble, the crowd was much more honest.

There are fewer and fewer hungry people outside the south gate, and more and more people gathered at the north gate. The north gate is like a marching camp. Campfires and iron pots can be seen everywhere. The smell of rice is filled in the air. The hungry people eat their own food. Less irritability and riots before, more people are feeling the rest of their lives.

It was already dark. A brazier was set up on the wall, and the distribution of food continued. The food of 100000 people was enough to keep the officers and soldiers busy until dawn. Mo Jiao took Niu Gao to the north gate for inspection, and Wang GUI and Li Luoyang continued to guard at the south gate, which also provided an opportunity for Wang GUI.

"Brother Luoyang, I heard that your brother has made great contributions."

Li Luoyang naturally knew that Wang GUI learned about Li Guo and Xu Fang: "it\'s not meritorious. My brother suddenly appeared and saved my life. Otherwise, General Wang GUI will only see my body now."

"What are Li Guo\'s plans in the future?"

Wang GUI directly stated the key point. Li Guo studied with Zhou Dong. Naturally, he was a man without authority.

Hearing Wang GUI\'s words, Li Luoyang has guessed what this guy wants to do. This is in line with Li Luoyang\'s plan. He is worried about how to let Li Guo enter the army. He didn\'t expect to send it to the door. However, Li Luoyang has his own plan. Since he wants to join the army, it\'s impossible for Li Guo to join the army as a pawn: "I don\'t know what General Wang GUI means?"

"To tell you the truth, your brother Li Guo has extraordinary strength. It is even more impressive to defeat the flying bear general. He is young and has excellent combat power. The imperial court needs such talents."

Li Luoyang straightened up and said with a smile, "that\'s natural. It\'s not just the need of the imperial court. My brother needs it everywhere with his martial arts. I believe you also know that my brother follows Zhou Dong. Although Zhou Dong used to be a guest of six doors, he is also a member of the green forest. I believe Li Guo is a hot commodity even if he goes to the green forest. He will make some achievements whether he goes to Liangshan or the green forest."

Wang GUI understood what Li Luoyang meant. If Li Guo hadn\'t joined the imperial court, he would probably become an enemy of the imperial court in the future. Naturally, Wang GUI didn\'t want to see such a situation and hurriedly said: "Brother Luoyang, in fact, general Niu Gao and I have a wish. We are brothers too. If Li goes to Liangshan or Lvlin, we may meet each other in the future. I don\'t think it will hurt our feelings. Let brother Li go into our barracks."

"Be a soldier? Why? Listen to General Wang GUI\'s meaning that he plans to make my brother a soldier?"

"Don\'t dare, with brother Li Guo\'s ability, how can it be under Niu Gao and me? In fact, we want to recommend brother Li Guo to the imperial court and let him enter the military camp."

Li Luoyang smiled and recommended to the imperial court. To put it bluntly, it was to recommend to the emperor. If the emperor really liked Li Guo\'s ability, Li Guo naturally didn\'t need to start as a pawn. This was also Li Luoyang\'s purpose, but he didn\'t expect Wang GUI and Niu Gao to come so simply.

"Oh, recommend it to the imperial court. It can give my brother a position, but I don\'t count. It\'s up to my brother to decide."

"Since Luoyang brothers also think this is feasible, please persuade them in front of Li Guo. This is not only for the imperial court, but also for Li Guo\'s future, don\'t you think so?"

Li Luoyang\'s mouth rose slightly: "I will naturally persuade the good thing of pie falling from the sky, but I can\'t guarantee whether he will agree."

"Nature, nature."