World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 278

Bai Yan silently looks at the last words on her hand, her heart There was an unspeakable pain.

It turns out that this is the truth

In fact, blue moon is not stupid, she is just deeply in love, unable to extricate herself, knowing that there is a pit ahead, she still jumps down without worry.

Just don't know, her life will come that moment, can have regret

"Yan'er, what did your mother write?" The Empress Dowager looks at Bai Yan's uncertain face and frowns.

Bai Yan came back to her mind and looked at the letter in her hand: "my mother, she said..."


Suddenly, a voice in a hurry came from outside her palace.

When Bai Yan looked up, she saw LAN Yun er's pale face running in. The moment she saw Bai Yan, she felt as if she had seen the backbone, and she burst into tears.

"Yun'er, what happened?" Bai Yan is shocked to lose color. She quickly goes up to hold LAN yun'er's body and asks.

"Cousin, my mother is her..."

"Aunt? What's wrong with her, aunt

Bai Yan's face sank.

"My mother and my second brother went back to my grandfather's house two days ago, and it turned out that..." LAN yun'er wiped her tears. "As a result, she was beaten, and now she is still unconscious. Her father and elder brother are driving back to the land from the training ground. My grandfather and grandmother have arranged their troops and horses to take revenge on their parents. Cousin, I'm so scared..."

"You don't have to worry. My aunt will be OK. I'll go with you now."

In Bai Yan's impression, Dong Ruolan is always gentle and virtuous. He never gets angry and doesn't compete with others. How can he be knocked out?

She thought for a moment and handed the note to the Empress Dowager.

"Empress dowager, please give the last words to Xiao'er and tell him No matter what happens, he is my younger brother, and the blue family will always be my relatives. This will never change. "

What if she's not lanyue's own daughter?

As long as she regards Bai Xiao and LAN's family as relatives, it is enough.

With that, Bai Yan turned around and held the crying blue rhyme and walked slowly towards the door.


The backyard of the palace.

Emperor Xiaoyun and Bai Xiaochen are waiting for Bai Yan. However, when they turn their heads, they catch a glimpse of the blue Xiaoyun coming with Bai Yan.

After seeing the blue rhyme full of tears, Emperor Xiaoyun was stunned and angry.

"Xiaoyun'er, tell me, who bullied you? I'm going to hit her now

LAN Xiaoyun's eyes were even more red: "thank you."

"You're my sister-in-law's cousin, that's my cousin. Besides, we've beaten people and made trouble together. If you're bullied, don't mention me, Chu's clothes will jump up in anger." Emperor Xiaoyun was angry.

Even her people dare to bully and die!

LAN Xiaoyun looks at emperor Xiaoyun's angry appearance, and her heart is warm.

"I'm fine. It's my mother I was knocked out. "

"What? How dare you beat my aunt! Sister in law, we are going to avenge Xiaoyun

White Yan looks to blue small rhyme, slightly nods: "then we start now."

"My mother, morning son is going too."

Bai Xiaochen grabs Bai Yan's hand. He raises his cute big eyes and purses his small mouth and says, "those who bully my cousin are big bad guys. Chen'er wants to find those villains to avenge his cousin."


Bai Yan swept to the Lilong lying on the ground: "it just happens that Lilong can travel thousands of miles a day. It only takes more than an hour for us to get to your grandfather's house."

"Wait a minute," emperor Xiaoyun suddenly thought of something and stopped Bai Yan. "If you want to trouble someone like this, you can't miss Chu's clothes." , the fastest update of the webnovel!