World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 251

If it was not for what Yu Rong did, Bai Yan would not have been so cold hearted to the Bai family. At that time, maybe he could use his father's name to make Fenglou respect him.

At the thought that such a powerful Fenglou was missed by him, Bai Zhenxiang's heart gave a puff of pain, and his face was even more ugly.

White if sneer: "what ability does she have not let me go? With the help of emperor Cang and Fenglou? Unfortunately, it will not be long before emperor Cang will submit to lin'er! Fenglou is destroyed once more! How can Bai Yan shout with me? "

The medium-sized sects also have different strengths and weaknesses. The demon beast sect is the best among them. If lin'er becomes a disciple of the demon beast sect leader, who can compete with him in the world?

As for the three hidden sects, they are not in Bai ruo's plan.

Even if they were hermit sects, they would live in seclusion in the mountains and forests. How could they compete with lin'er for the supremacy of the world?

Bai Zhenxiang was stunned: "what you said is true?"

"Does dad know about the monster clan?" There was a cruel light in Bai ruo's eyes. "Just now the prince believed that the people of the demon beast sect were very interested in lin'er. They had already rushed to Liuhuo kingdom. This time lin'er entered the demon beast sect and would become the master's disciple."

The purpose of the demon beast sect is to make the emperor of ten thousand beasts. When he comes to bairuo's mouth, he seems to be coming for Nangong Lin.

Even if Nangong Lin became the master's disciple, it was a firm decision.

"Elder sister, do you really like lin'er?" Angelica dahurica excitedly stood up, a light in her eyes.

Bai Ruo nodded with expectation in Baizhi's eyes: "lin'er is the master of all beasts, and it's not surprising to attract demons."

"In this way, can emperor Cang abandon Bai Yan and marry me

Even now, Angelica dahurica still can not give up the idea of marrying emperor Cang.

White if dumb smile: "Zhi son, you are ready to be your bride, Emperor Cang strength is good, even if he is not the monster beast clan's opponent, we white family also must draw him in! Let him escort lin'er in the future. "

"As for Fenglou It's a pity to destroy it, "Bai Ruo Yang raised his lips and corners," Niang, you are also ready to accept Fenglou. From now on, everything of Bai Yan will be ours. "

Yu Rong was shocked. She couldn't believe what she had heard. Her eyes were full of dullness: "ruoer, I really Are you still the master of Fenglou

Not long ago, they did their best to curry favor with a subordinate of Fenglou.

But before long, the whole Fenglou will be her?

The surprise came so suddenly that Yu rongben's dark eyes were bright, and the whole pair of eyes were full of brilliance.

"What is Fenglou? In the future, I will give you a bigger Zhu Rong, on the premise that you do not betray me! "

How can such a selfish person really care about family affection? She just needs a backing that never betrays! If Bai Zhenxiang and Yu Rong block her and lin'er's road, she can also be ruthless to eradicate!

After saying this warning, Bai Ruo turned to Bai Zhenxiang again: "Dad, I believe that my mother will never betray you. Bai Yan has such a strong ability now. Even if she will accept her relatives by blood, she will certainly do something. I don't want you to punish her for this."

Bai Zhenxiang was silent for a while and said, "OK, I won't hit her again."

Hearing Bai Zhenxiang's assurance, Bai Ruo smiles: "the crown prince can't leave me all the time. Now he only allows me to come out for one hour, so I should leave. I'll come to see you next time."

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