Wizard From Afar

Chapter 20

The first is the six victims - the first three are not local people in villages and towns. They are mercenaries from the south, shoe vendors and vegetable farmers who have just moved to villages and towns. They were all ordinary people who were inconspicuous to the extreme. Even after they died for several days, no one noticed anything wrong.

And then the people killed will be much more interesting. The fourth accident was the eldest son of a rich merchant in Gumu town. To be able to mix rich people in such villages and towns, the rich businessman is naturally a subsidiary of an aristocrat and is quite pious. It was also after the accident that father Anthony began to look into the matter.

The fifth and sixth were killed at the same time - one of them was a trainee priest of the church. He seemed to be very young and probably joined the church not long ago.

"As for the other, it is father Anthony\'s nephew and his only younger generation." Draco\'s expression is quite embarrassed: "it is also because of this that father Anthony\'s temper becomes so bad. I hope you can understand him - the priest of the Holy Cross Church is not allowed to marry, let alone have offspring. The priest\'s feelings for him are no different from his son."

"I understand." Loren nodded. Although he confirmed the identity of the six bones, he still had no clue. There was nothing left except a few pieces of rotten meat bitten by the ghoul.

For insurance, he also carefully checked the remaining bones. There were indeed signs of being torn by sharp claws and fangs. It was absolutely right to say that they were bitten by ghouls, but there was only one problem.

"How do you know who these bones are?" Lauren said in a confused tone: "how do you recognize the identity of all the bodies whose heads and upper torso are missing?"

"Eh?" priest Draco\'s sad expression was stunned and scratched his head as if in memory: "the first three people were found after the accident of the eldest son of the rich businessman, so they were basically identified by the surrounding villagers, so no one knew the names of the three poor people."

"As for the priest\'s nephew and the trainee priest, the next day they were killed, almost the whole ancient town was disturbed. When the guards arrived there, they saw those ghouls still biting them..."

Speaking of this, priest Draco resisted the urge to spit out and calmed down after a long time: "but that\'s why we found out what the real murderer behind all this is."

"Where are those ghouls now?"

"I don\'t know, but... No one has seen those monsters since the father\'s nephew\'s accident." priest Draco shook his head. "Maybe they\'re hiding?"

Hide? impossible. Although ghouls are not bloodthirsty monsters, their nature determines that they can\'t endure hunger, which is an important reason why they eat rot.

"Is there any random burial pit or ancient tomb in Gumu town?"

"There is a tomb that has been abandoned for a long time, but why do you ask?" the priest looked at him suspiciously: "are the ghouls hiding there?"

"It\'s possible - no, it should be said that it\'s possible." Lauren replied very firmly, "do you know where the tomb is? Just tell me a general direction, and I can find it myself."

Priest Draco looked hesitant, but soon, he resolutely looked at Lauren: "no, I\'d better take you myself. If I can, I also want to do my part to get rid of these ghouls, even if it\'s only trivial."

The abandoned tomb mentioned by the priest is not far from Gumu Town, and there are still stone slabs left around. Obviously, it used to be the place where local villagers buried the dead, but it has been abandoned for a long time, so that vines and weeds grow all around, almost sealing the entrance of the whole tomb.

But Loren still found something on the ground - from the entrance of the tomb to the outside floor, it was obvious that some footprints extended from the cave. These footprints are small for people, but according to the ghoul\'s physique, they are perfect.

Most importantly, from the number of footprints, it is definitely not one or two, but at least a whole group. Loren, squatting outside the cave, narrowed his eyes into a slit. The number of these monsters was really more than he expected.

"Well, did you find anything?" the panting priest Draco couldn\'t help asking, "are those ghouls in this tomb?"

"You\'d better go back first." Lauren said to the priest behind him without looking back. "I\'ll give it to me here. Don\'t worry, I\'ll go back to you as soon as I make progress."

"But... It\'s too dangerous!" the priest couldn\'t help but say, "if those ghouls are really in this tomb, we should wait here for reinforcements! Or at least two people..."

"Believe me, I\'m enough alone. If there are others, it may be bad." as he said, Loren pulled out the knight\'s long sword on his back: "go back and wait for my news."

"Er... Well, if you insist." priest Draco stopped arguing, but still couldn\'t help looking back and reminding Loren again and again: "you can come to me at any time. If I\'m not here, I\'ll arrange others. May the Holy Cross bless you forever, friend!"

"The Holy Cross bless me, ha ha..." Lauren smiled innocently at the corners of his mouth. Even a "strange boy" he met looked more reliable than the Holy Cross.

With his long sword, Loren stepped into the dark tomb. The strong smell of corpse and blood almost came to his face, as if he were standing in the mouth of a monster.

With a snap of his fingers, the white glowing "firefly curse" floated above him, only illuminating a short section of the road ahead, so that he would not lose his vision and disturb the monsters in the cave.

He will never touch anything he doesn\'t want to touch until he is fully prepared, especially when he realizes that he may face a trap.

From the moment Dalton kand gave himself the task, he had a serious sense of disharmony from head to foot - a church hostile to wizards and ghouls attacking living people. It was hard for him to believe that there was nothing hidden behind the two things.

Even if not, he will never face a group of strange monsters unprepared - no matter how many times he has seen them in books, as long as he has not seen them with his own eyes, these monsters are still strange to himself. Caution and caution are always the premise of life protection.

The deeper you go into the tomb, the stronger the smell of blood, which is obviously very abrupt in a long abandoned tomb. Loren began to slow down his pace, controlled to weaken the brightness of the "firefly curse", made his eyes gradually adapt to the darkness in the tomb, and reduced the possibility that he would be found first.

Dark vision is one of the advantages of ghouls, a scavenging monster, and their hearing and smell are also very good. They can be found even if they are covered with mud.

Carefully step down and try not to step on the scattered bones on the ground - skull, ribs, arm bones... There is nothing left, and there are only piles of bone debris on the ground. The coffins on both sides of the tomb were also messy and completely destroyed.

If these can\'t explain the problem, there is a more and more clear and creepy chewing sound in his ears... Lauren stopped, stood in place, carefully extended his right hand to the backpack on his back, took out a small wooden bottle, weighed it in his hand, and the corner of his mouth tilted a proud arc slightly.

How can you step into the trap of others without any preparation?