Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 30: pretending to be boyfriend

Chapter 30 Pretending to be a Boyfriend


   Hearing Murong Shan\'s words, Chen Fei was stunned, because he could see from the other party\'s expression at the moment and the change in his face during the previous call that he was "busy", so I\'m afraid it\'s not very helpful.

   "Sister Shan, what\'s the matter?"

   But he still said with a wry smile, and did not choose to avoid it.

   After all, she is such a delicate beauty, and his impression of the other party is not bad, so he did not refuse.

   "You should still call me Shanshan." When she said this, Murong Shan\'s face was already a little red, with a hint of shyness. Shanshan, these two words can only be called by people who are very close to her, not to mention that she is mainly inviting Chen Fei to call her by this name.

   However, she calmed down, and flashed a trace of complexity in Fade Chen\'s beautiful eyes: "I think, please go to my classmate\'s birthday party tonight as my boyfriend."

   "Huh? What?"

   "Sister Shan... Shanshan, do you want me to attend your friend\'s birthday party as your boyfriend?" Fade Chen\'s eyes widened all of a sudden. What does this mean?

   "Yes, I want to ask you to pretend to be my boyfriend and do me a favor. Fade Chen, don\'t you want to?" Murong Shan said very quietly at first, but after that, she still had some small business. What, is it such a difficult thing to pretend to be her Murong Shan\'s boyfriend?

   "Sister Shan, that\'s not right, Shanshan, it\'s not that I don\'t want to, but don\'t you think I\'m a little inappropriate?" Fade Chen glanced at the cheap clothes on his body and said helplessly.

Although he is now different from what he used to be, in his heart, he is still just a young man who has just stepped into society. Still feeling a little ashamed. I haven\'t changed my mind yet!

   "Why is it not suitable, you are pretending to be my boyfriend, I say it is suitable..."

   Murong Shan said more and more quietly, her face blushed,

   Ever since she was a child, she has never done such a "ridiculous" thing, this is the first time.

   "Chen Fei, can you help me? I have very few friends, and I can\'t think of anyone else besides you." She said so shyly, but her face became more and more red.

Obviously, with her beauty and beauty, there is absolutely no shortage of excellent suitors around her, but for some reason, her mind does not know what to recall the scene when Chen Fei rescued her that day, thick chest, heavy The masculine breath... made her feel soft and moved out of her heart, and said something \'against her heart\'.

"That\'s good, as long as you don\'t think I\'m not handsome enough, Shanshan, and you can\'t hold the ground, leave the rest to me." Hearing this, Chen Fei naturally had no reason to refuse any more, and there was a kind of arrogance in his words. .

  Yes, he has changed a lot now. Even Gao Zhinan is in awe of him, and Deputy Chief Huang Tao has also asked him for help. Naturally, he is worthy of the pretend boyfriend Murong Shan.

   "Thank you, Fade Chen, actually..." Murong Shan suddenly smiled, very beautifully.

   "Actually what?" Fade Chen asked suspiciously.

   "Actually, as long as you trim your messy hair and change your clothes, it shouldn\'t be too ugly." Murong Shan said seriously.

  I don\'t know that Chen Fei\'s face suddenly became bitter when he heard the words, and he said depressedly: "I said Shanshan, are you changing the way to call me ugly?"

"No, no, Fade Chen, don\'t get me wrong, I didn\'t mean it that way." That Murong Shan was immediately forced by Fade Chen, as if she had been deceived by the prophecy of a super severe blow. She blushed again and again, and apologized embarrassingly and embarrassedly. .

   "Hey, I\'m kidding you, I can\'t afford to joke like that." Seeing this scene, Fade Chen immediately returned to normal and said with a smile, how could he have the decadent expression before.

Seeing that she had been deceived, Murong Shan immediately made a habitual little gesture, that is, puffing out her mouth on both sides, her pretty face as big as a slap like a Xiao Long Bao, and dissatisfied: "Ah, how did you lie to me, you Good or bad."

   Chen Fei was immediately stunned by this scene,

   I have to say, when Murong Shan habitually made the little \'xiao long bao\' gesture, she was really cute, and it was reflected in such a goddess, she was so amazing that he couldn\'t take his eyes away.

"Hey, why are you staring at me like that? Hey, Fade Chen." Murong Shan\'s pretty face became blushing again, she didn\'t understand why Chen Fei suddenly looked at him so straight, which made her heart a little inexplicably small. panic.

   "Ah, uh, nothing, let\'s eat, eat..." Chen Fei immediately withdrew his eyes with a guilty conscience, not daring to look at the other\'s face again. Coincidentally, Sister Tong pushed the dining cart to come over for dinner, so he just took this opportunity to get off the topic.

   In a somewhat awkward and ambiguous atmosphere, both Chen Fei and Murong Shan finished their meal in silence.

And when they finished eating and left the private restaurant, Murong Shan took Chen Fei to the parking lot with a blushing face, in front of a sky blue Maserati president car, and said in a low voice: "Let\'s go, I\'ll bring You go shopping for clothes."

   "Ah, what did you say." Fade Chen was taken aback and didn\'t hear clearly.

   "I\'ll take you to buy clothes. It happens to be next to the Splendid Heavenly City, so let\'s go there." Murong Shan was taken aback by this surprise, she gave him a white look while holding her chest, and said unhappily.

   "Splendid Tiancheng, but..."

   Chen Fei is suffering now, obviously the other party wants to dress up his \'boyfriend\', but can you change the place?

  With the previous incident, of course he doesn\'t want to go to Splendid Sky City again, especially if the manager recognizes it, it\'s a little unclear. However, Murong Shan misunderstood when she saw Chen Fei\'s bitter face, and said seriously: "Don\'t worry, since I asked you to pretend to be my boyfriend, naturally I won\'t let you spend money. I will pay for all future consumption. Don\'t worry about it."

   "Shanshan, that\'s not what I meant." Fade Chen looked bitter, naturally he didn\'t mean that.

   "Okay, get in the car." Murong Shan turned around and got into her car.

  Seeing this scene, Chen Fei naturally couldn\'t talk any more nonsense. He got into the car honestly, and the sky-blue Maserati president drove towards the Splendid Sky City under the Canghai Group.

   However, the first stop in Murong Shan’s plan was not the Men’s Monopoly on the third floor of Splendid Sky City, but the fashionable hair salon, Qianxi, on the first floor.

This is definitely one of the very high-end, very top and very stylish high-end beauty salons in Beishan City, with light blue onion-shaped arches, magnificent but tasteful domes, and beautiful, The tall beauticians and shampoo girls all stopped people like Chen Fei who had never stepped in.

However, since Murong Shan brought him here today, he had to bite the bullet and hand over his hair to a middle-aged man who looked very stylish and fashionable. reason.

  I have to say that haircutting is really a technical job, and it is also very time-consuming. Ordinary girls dye their hair and get a hairstyle, and it is estimated that a few hours have passed.

   Although Chen Fei didn\'t cut it for so long, once the shape was done, it still made him sit in that chair for an hour or two. Really dan is broken.

   However, the hard work has paid off handsomely!

   When he finally got past the stylist\'s claws and got up to face his new look, he was suddenly stunned. After dyeing, the slightly brownish, well-organized hair made him look quite temperamental and refreshing, which perfectly complemented the contours of his face.

Coupled with his height of 1.8 meters, everyone present brightened up, knowing that Fade Chen only needs to change into another set of suitable clothes, and he is definitely a different person, and he looks like a normal person before. Different reversal changes.

   "Shanshan, you are a good friend."

   Even the chief hair stylist of Qianxi Hair Salon, who was used to seeing beautiful and handsome men, admired Chen Fei so much. It is conceivable how much he has changed now.

   "Of course." Murong Shan responded so arrogantly, which was rare, causing all the acquaintances in the hair salon to be stunned.

   You must know that Murong Shan is a frequent visitor to their Qianxi Hair Salon, and everyone is usually familiar with it. Where have you seen such a beautiful woman with such a goddess style and such a small girl? Murong Shan also knew that she said \'wrong\', and quickly dragged Chen Fei out of the hair salon, and went to the men\'s section on the third floor of Splendid Sky City to choose an expensive outfit, and then she came out satisfied.

   "Chen Fei, do you know the manager? Why did I just see his eyes on you, it\'s a little strange." After leaving Splendid Sky City, Murong Shan went to the parking lot and asked Chen Fei curiously.

   "No, Shanshan, I\'m afraid you feel wrong." Fade Chen replied with a strange face, secretly thinking that fortunately he moved quickly just now, and the other party is also smart enough, but now I\'m afraid it\'s all revealed.

   "Oh, is that right? Get in the car, I still need to go back to change my clothes, and the time will be over after a while." Murong Shan said without thinking too much.

After all their tossing, almost three or four hours have passed, and it will be dinner time soon. Although his classmate\'s birthday party is at 7:30 in the evening, when she goes back to change her clothes, she will come out for dinner. , it is estimated that it is almost the same, so we must hurry up.

   Hearing this, Chen Fei naturally got into the car. Anyway, they have already promised each other, what she said is what it is.

   (end of this chapter)