Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 177: cure disease

Chapter 177 Healing

   Hong Kong\'s black market is a well-known and powerful force in the eastern world. It is a powerful and well-known force in the eastern world. It can be said to be the pillar of the underground world in Hong Kong and Macau, and a spiritual holy place! One by one, half-step innate and even innate powerhouses are guarding here, overlooking the Xiangjiang River, swallowing mountains and rivers, and being powerful and boundless.

   In addition to the old president who is known to have created the Hong Kong black market with one hand, there are three powerhouses at the vice president level of the remaining black market, all of which are innate-level ancient martial arts powerhouses or S-level ability users! The gray-robed old man with a cane was one of them, and he also had a resounding nickname called: Yama!

"This kid has come to Hong Kong again. It seems that he has a very good relationship with the Chen family..." The old man in gray robe was holding the report with a cane, his turbid and old eyes narrowed slightly, he shook his head and said to himself with a smile .

  To this day, he still remembers the scene outside the black market castle! You must know that his Yama is an upright ancient martial innate strong man, but that day, a mere 20-year-old \'juvenile\' was able to escape from under his nose. This was indeed \'shameful\' enough, and it impressed him deeply.

   "I remember that guy had such a stubborn temper when he was young. I didn\'t expect to accept an apprentice when he was old, and he was exactly the same as he was back then, he was reckless, hey, really..."

   As the saying goes, it’s not that one family does not enter the house! He remembered that he was often wronged by that guy when he was young. He had all kinds of weird and stubborn tempers, and he really had enough.

   I never imagined that decades later, I almost forgot the feeling of being speechless and aggrieved, but I suddenly felt it on a little guy, and it was so coincidental that he was the disciple of that stinky old man.

  Hey, it’s really God’s will.

   "How long will it take for the people from the Dark Angels Alliance to arrive?" He pursed his lips and laughed for a moment, and the old man with a cane suddenly asked softly.

   "Return to the vice president, I have already made a phone call. They will arrive in Hong Kong in about two days." A voice came from the darkness.

"Two days later?" The old man with the crutches touched the pattern of the crutches slightly, and then asked, "Has the old man Yue selected someone? Also, I heard that the Dark Angels Alliance is still there, and a first generation was born. ?Is it real?"

"Reporting to the vice president, the vice president Yue has already finalized the candidates for the battle. One is his grandson, the twenty-four-year-old Lei-type A-level ability person - Yue Kongchun! And two top four-stars in the organization. The 23-year-old Feng Xun and the 24-year-old Xiang Chengdong are both of them. They both have the strength to rush into the ranks of first-class ancient warriors."

   The voice in the darkness continued: "As for the first generation of the Dark Angels Alliance, it should be true. Earlier, our people have sent back the confirmed news! The first generation of the other party is now twenty-two years old, and it is said that he has the strength of A+ ability user."

   "A 22-year-old A+ rank power user. He really deserves the name of Heaven\'s Chosen." Hearing this kind of news, Rao Shi was leaning on a cane, such a congenital powerful man, and couldn\'t help but sigh slightly.

  You must know that when he was twenty-two years old, he was still \'playing with mud\', and he hadn\'t even reached the level of a first-class ancient warrior. So, the Chosen One, the first generation, is really scary, just compared to that stubborn boy...

  Thinking about it, he suddenly laughed like an old fox, narrowed his eyes and said, "Go and tell Old Man Yue and let him give me a place to come out. I have arrangements here."

   At the same time, Chen Fei, who was far away in a luxury villa in Repulse Bay, Hong Kong, of course he didn\'t know that he was somehow tricked. At this time, Chen Yaoyang had already helped him arrange an empty room, and also \'expelled\' all irrelevant servants, housekeepers, bodyguards, etc. in the villa, in order to ensure that the environment was quiet enough.


   "Mr. Chen, I\'m sorry to bother you." In the room, Chen Hao, who was uneasy in his heart, said nervously.

  There is no way, although Chen Fei now admits that he never \'hate\' him, and he has traveled all the way to Hong Kong to see a doctor for him in person! But after all, the status of the other party is different, and even the status and status of his father must be so respected and revered! He is just a \'junior\', the fourth generation of the Chen family, how can he dare to be presumptuous?

"Relax, I\'m not that scary, and your disease isn\'t that scary. Speaking of which, we\'re the same age, right? Be normal, be normal, otherwise I\'ll be really embarrassed." On the contrary, Fade Chen can only be so comforting now other side. He looked speechless.

   No way, he really can\'t do it! Speaking of which, he is actually a young man in his twenties. He is just seeing people, flowers blooming, and cars seeing the youthful, handsome and youthful years in the car!

   But now, he is being treated like something by the other party, as if he is the kind of old man who must be all afraid of him and in awe of him!

   The feeling of being reasonable is really not that good, doesn\'t it? He was embarrassed that the cancer was going to be terminally ill in the past two days. It was really uncomfortable.

"Oh, then, that\'s fine. In fact, I\'m not used to it, especially Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen\'s name, it feels like you are very old, or I\'ll call you Brother Fei in the future? How about it?" Chen Hao obviously He is a clever young man. Hearing Chen Fei\'s tone and resentment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

   In fact, it was uncomfortable for a young man of his grade to be so respectful and well-behaved, and he was also a young man about his age, and he was not used to it.

   "Okay, it\'s settled so happily. Lie down first, I\'ll treat the disease first." Fade Chen nodded and agreed without hesitation when he heard this, asked the other party to lie down, and then took a pulse.

   In fact, with his current medical skill level, if it is just a common problem, then there is no need to take a pulse at all, just a casual glance can be clear. This is the same reason that he saw at a glance that the other party had a tumor in his brain.

   But after all, the situation is a bit complicated now. The tumor in the opponent\'s brain has become diseased, and the cancer cells have begun to spread. And at this level, he actually felt a little troublesome, so it was better to be cautious to avoid problems.

   When his hand was slightly hanging on Chen Hao\'s wrist vein, the spiritual energy in his body had already begun to move. Slowly enter the opponent\'s body, and then gradually spread to every corner of the opponent\'s body.

   "It has indeed begun to spread." Fade Chen frowned slightly. Because he does feel that the cancer cells have spread.

   Chen Hao, who was lying on the bed, couldn\'t help his heart tighten when he heard the words, but he still kept his mouth shut and didn\'t say a word! It\'s just that his body trembled slightly. Seeing this scene, Fade Chen raised his hand and tapped the opponent\'s neck directly, knocking him unconscious: "Please sleep first."

   Obviously, the other party\'s state is not suitable for his treatment, and the treatment method he needs to use next is a little different and shocking, so he doesn\'t want anyone to know, to save trouble.

For a severe case like Chen Hao, where cancer cells have begun to spread, the easiest way is to first wipe out the spread cancer cells in the other party\'s body, and then wrap the diseased brain tumor with aura to heal it, slowly return to its pre-infectious state.

   is to restore it from a malignant tumor to a benign tumor. After that, it is much easier to continue with eradication treatment.

   "Okay, just do it like this." With a treatment plan in mind, Fade Chen began to implement it, and was busy for a while.

   With his current level of cultivation at the peak of the third stage of Qi training, he was barely able to turn the spiritual energy in his body into a \'scalpel\', cutting and destroying cancer cells in various ways in the opponent\'s body. It\'s just that this kind of behavior is still a bit difficult for him now, and it\'s reluctant, and it won\'t be long before sweating profusely.

   "It seems that we have to find a way to quickly break through to the fourth level of Qi training. Recently, I really feel that the cultivation base is not enough." Wiping the sweat on his forehead, Fade Chen couldn\'t help but muttered.

   With his current level of cultivation, he is at the peak of the third stage of Qi training. In fact, he is only half a step away from breaking through.

   At that time, as long as he can break through to the fourth level of Qi training, he can almost walk sideways everywhere! You must know that the fourth level of Qi training is on the same level as the first-time innate ancient warriors, and there is no such thing as a half-step in the middle. This is also the horror of it!

  The breakthrough of every level is like entering a new world! It\'s a completely different gap from before the breakthrough!

   After about half an hour, Chen Fei dragged his tired body out of the room, his face looked pale and his fingers trembled slightly. Chen Yaoyang and others couldn\'t help but feel a little flustered when they saw this scene.

   "Mr. Chen, are you alright?" Dong Shuxian asked concerned. Because she has seen this scene more than once, the last time in the Dong family villa, it was the same.

   Hearing this, Chen Yaoyang suddenly came back to his senses and said with concern: "Mr. Chen, do you want to rest first. The room is ready."

   Up to now, neither of his husband and wife have asked anything about their son\'s condition. It\'s not that they don\'t want to ask, but that they think it might be better to talk to Chen Fei now. After all, the other party suddenly became like this, looking so weak, thinking with his butt, it must be because he treated their son just now...

"Well, I\'ll go to sleep first, I\'m so tired. Well, Uncle Yaoyang, Ms. Dong, Chen Hao is all right, I\'ve cleaned the cancer cells out of his body. As for the tumor in his head, I\'ll wait. Get up at night and write a prescription for him, take it for two or three months, and you will basically be able to get rid of the root." At this time, Chen Fei was so tired, of course, he would not be polite, and he was not in the spirit.

   "Really, thank you Mr. Chen! Thank you Mr. Chen!" Dong Shuxian was immediately excited when she heard the words.

Chen Yaoyang also had a look of joy when he heard this. He stepped forward and helped Chen Fei to the inner room, and said, "Mr. Chen, I will take you to the room to rest first. There is a separate bathroom and you can take a shower. I\'m really fortunate for you. Thank you so much..."

   (end of this chapter)