Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 10: Central hospital

Chapter 10 Central Hospital

   "Ah, how can there be a man like you in the world, who actually grabs a car with a weak woman like me, hey, really..."

   Even if they were all on the road and the taxi was heading out of the city, Chu Yandu was still chattering and muttering unhappily, making Chen Fei speechless and helpless for a while.

  It stands to reason that such high-quality beauties with a height of 1.7 meters, a pair of long white and slender legs, a very good face and figure, and hot, shouldn\'t they all be the kind of goddess, aloof? Why did you meet such a funny guy today? Even if you rob my car, it\'s still a chatter.

   "Young man, I don\'t think you are ill, why did you run to the central hospital so early?" There was a little traffic jam on the road, and the driver seemed to be a little bored, talking to Chen Fei beside him. They usually rely on this mouth to pass their free time on the road, otherwise, the sports car that has always been so boring will not be bored to death.

   Of course, there is such an eye-catching little girl in the back seat of the car, which is quite good. Fortunately, he was clever and came up with such a coup.

   "I didn\'t go to see a doctor, but to apply for a job as a doctor." Fade Chen smiled and replied.

"What? You are going to apply for a doctor in the central hospital. The young man didn\'t see it. You are quite good. You are so young, you have just graduated, and you are so good. You can apply for a job in a top-three hospital. It\'s really good." The driver gave Chen Fei gave a thumbs up.

You must know that for ordinary citizens like them, being able to apply for a job in the largest tertiary hospital in Beishan City, whether it is successful or not in the end, is a very enviable thing. At least, those who are incompetent will never dare. To do this, it is possible to do it only with extremely high professional knowledge and an absolutely not weak diploma.

   Is this guy still a top student in a medical university in China?

"Okay, master, the eight characters haven\'t been written yet. With a person like him, how can he pass the application of the Central Hospital, and he will definitely be brushed down in the first round, just to make soy sauce." At this time, Chu Yan, who should have been mumbling in the back, interjected, sniffing his nose and cursing Chen Fei with a look of disdain.

   You must know, from her perspective, of course, she knows how strict it is to hire a doctor at the top three grades, not to mention doctoral students who graduated from top medical universities at home and abroad, at least, they must reach the level of a master\'s degree.

   With this bastard, he dared to grab a car with her, how could he have such a high diploma, hum! Absolutely impossible, it must be to make soy sauce.

   "It\'s none of your business!" In this regard, Fade Chen gave the most serious counterattack in a straightforward manner, and he barely raised his middle finger.

"You bastard!"

And after hearing Chen Fei\'s vulgar voice and the undisguised disgust on his face, Chu Yan showed an angry look on his face, it was so angry that his teeth tickled, and he pointed at Chen Fei and cursed loudly: "I curse you to fail today\'s application, fail!"

   "You still think about whether you will be late today? It is said that if you are late, your salary will be deducted, hahaha!" Fade Chen joked.

   "I want you to take care of it, yayyah!" Chu Yan was so angry that she wanted to scratch her hair, and her beautiful white legs kicked around restlessly. Ah, why did Miss Ben meet such a hateful guy, it\'s so hateful, bastard, bastard!

"Little girl, in fact, I think you two are a good match. You are talented and beautiful. This guy is not bad, why don\'t you think about it!?" The driver didn\'t know what he was thinking. Yan and Chen Fei\'s faces instantly froze.

   "Who is a good match for him?"

   "Don\'t think about it! Don\'t even think about it!"

Chen Fei was disgusted with his righteous words, but his eyes couldn\'t help but peep from the rearview mirror in front of him, and peeped at Chu Yan who was sitting at the back. Until this time, he really realized that the other party was really beautiful, at least He was a schoolgirl in the university, especially his long white legs, straight and straight, his skin as white as if he had taken a milk bath, and his delicate face and plump chest... The only drawback is that he is estimated to be That temper is too stinky, and this girl is still a chatter.

"Who is a good match for him, uncle, don\'t talk nonsense, this kind of guy will definitely be single for 10,000 years. Even if this young lady likes a pig, she will never like him, absolutely!" Chu Yan gritted his teeth and rushed Looking at Chen Feidao, the expression of disgust on his face is very unhappy.

"Then you can like a pig, and give birth to a few more pig babies another day, hahaha, the master is in front, I\'ll get off." However, Fade Chen didn\'t take it to heart at all, leaving the fare, and he was a little angry. After seeing her once, she got off the car and left, leaving Chu Yan yelling angrily in the taxi.

   "This guy is just a bastard, bastard! I\'m so mad at Miss Ben!"

   "You little girl, you are a natural match for him, vindictive enemies, hahaha!" The driver also laughed, which was simply too happy.


   Beishan Central Hospital was supposed to be located in the central area of ​​the urban area, but due to the continuous expansion in recent years, the land used was insufficient.

  As a comprehensive tertiary hospital in Beishan City and even the entire Jiangnan Province, Beishan Central Hospital is well-known both inside and outside the province, and many patients from other places come here every year.

After Chen Fei got off the taxi, he looked at the row upon row of atmospheric outpatient clinics, inpatient buildings, and various other complete supporting facilities. There was a touch of shock in his heart, he took a deep breath, and walked towards the outpatient department. past.

   "Well, where is Dr. Xu from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine?" Entering the inpatient department, Fade Chen stopped a nurse and asked.

Just last night, Dr. Liu Changshan had already called him and told him to go directly to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine to find a doctor named Xu when he came to report this morning. There was a place for a full-time employee doctor in the hospital, and it was all done.

   "Doctor Xu, which Dr. Xu?"

The nurse was a little angry when she was stopped by Fade Chen, but when she heard the name of the head of the hospital\'s traditional Chinese medicine department, her anger disappeared, and she looked at the young man who stopped him cautiously, feeling a little surprised Muttering, does this kid still know Dr. Xu?

   "It\'s Xu Zhenxing from the Chinese Medicine Department, Dr. Xu. Dr. Liu Changshan from the Cardiovascular Department called me here." Chen Fei explained patiently.

Although Xu Zhenxing of the Central Hospital is not as powerful and famous as Mr. Du of the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he is also a well-known master in the domestic Chinese medicine field, so it stands to reason that as a nurse of the Central Hospital, he should not be ignorant. what.

   "You were introduced by Dr. Liu Changshan?"

And the nurse was surprised when he heard Chen Fei\'s words, because, as a general hospital mainly focusing on western medicine, Liu Changshan, an authoritative expert in the cardiovascular department, is naturally a super boss-level figure in the hospital. , not inferior to Dr. Xu at all.

   Who the **** is this kid, he has such a big background, and these two big boss-level characters actually know all of them.

   "If Dr. Xu is here, he should be in the Chinese medicine department, preparing for the outpatient service. The Chinese medicine department is on the seventh floor of the outpatient building at the back." Thinking of this, the nurse immediately stammered out the location of the Chinese medicine department.

"Got it, thank you."

   Knowing the specific location of the Chinese medicine department from the other party\'s mouth, Chen Fei went to the clinic.

  The Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of the Central Hospital occupies the fifth, sixth, seventh and third floors of the outpatient building. In these three floors, there is not only a traditional Chinese medicine clinic and an expert clinic, but also various pharmacies and departments for acupuncture, massage, and medicine.

   As for the entrance of the Chinese medicine department, it is naturally on the fifth floor. Once you enter it, you can see various introductions about outpatient doctors.

Most of those people are above the deputy chief doctor. Some of them are doctoral students who graduated from key universities of traditional Chinese medicine, or the proud disciples of a certain Chinese medicine master. Anyway, those who are qualified to have a single outpatient clinic in this central hospital are not simple guys, cow. Forced to the extreme, either with a high degree of education or a high professional title or from a famous doctor\'s family, the medical history has a long history.

As the almost undisputed eldest in the undergraduate room, the name of Dr. Xu Zhenxing is naturally hung high on the introduction wall at the entrance, and it is still at the top. It reads: Xu Zhenxing, male, expert in traditional Chinese medicine , born in 1954, has followed a famous medical doctor since childhood, and is good at traditional Chinese medicine surgery and trauma.

  The so-called traditional Chinese medicine surgery refers to sores, galls, tumors, rocks, intestinal diseases, male anterior **** disease, skin diseases and sexually transmitted diseases, traumatic diseases and peripheral vascular diseases.

   As for the trauma department, it refers to knife wounds, bullets, golden blades, bruises, bruises, burns, frostbites, insects and beasts, etc.

  Although Chen Fei thought he had come early enough, when he saw the long queues dispatched from the outpatient department of those famous doctors and experts, he still had a cold sweat on his forehead. This guy is indeed a city center hospital, even if it is not the most powerful cardiovascular department, this battle is definitely not covered.

"Boy, what are you doing? Go to the back for me, don\'t cut the line." After being surprised for a while, he passed through the crowd and was about to enter Dr. Xu\'s outpatient department. When he was looking for him, he was suddenly met by a man in a white coat The guy stopped, his tone was very rude.

   "Yeah, what do you think this place is? You dare to cut the queue when you come to Dr. Xu\'s place. Don\'t you know that Dr. Xu is the person who hates cutting the queue the most?"

   "It\'s that we waited so hard here for so long, and you wanted to jump in the queue as soon as you came. Young people these days are really unqualified."


  Those who were in line also became dissatisfied, and the group was filled with righteous indignation.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Fei immediately sweated out of his forehead, waved to those excited people, and explained: "Everyone has misunderstood, I\'m not here to see a doctor, I\'m here to find Dr. Xu for something."

   "What\'s the matter? What can you do with Dr. Xu if you are a hairy boy? Lies can\'t be satisfied. Really, isn\'t it just cutting the line?"

   But people didn\'t believe it at all, thinking that Chen Fei was talking.

   On the contrary, the person who stopped Chen Fei at the beginning seemed to remember something, frowned slightly at him, and said, "Wait, are you Liu Changshan, the person recommended by Dr. Liu?"

As a resident doctor of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Central Hospital, although he is only a junior position, he is at least an official title of a hospital. Naturally, he also knows that Liu Changshan and Dr. Liu of the Cardiovascular Department recommended a person to their Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine yesterday. Could it be this kid who looks like he hasn\'t graduated with a Ph.D. or a master\'s degree?

   However, if you don\'t have a master\'s or doctoral degree from a major university, you are not eligible to enter their hospital at all. Not to mention that their departments are relatively special, and a diploma alone may not be enough sometimes, so what is Dr. Liu doing?

   (end of this chapter)