Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 609: Jibril

【Pass device】

It\'s actually short for a type of magic that twists magic.

It was an integral and extremely important part of Rick\'s perfect plan.

After all, without its existence, the magic that cannot distort the direction will come around and destroy the world in a mess.

Originally, this magic should be arranged by Jubby and Rick together.

Rick can accurately calculate the position where the magic should be arranged, and Jubby will also complete the magic arrangement in a short time.


As the location where the magic needs to be placed becomes more and more dangerous, Rick and Jubby have to separate.

The enemies in those places are very strong. Not only Rick\'s life is in danger, but even Jubby has to be careful and survived several times.

It is impossible to protect Rick, who is a fragile human being, under such circumstances.

In addition to Zhou Fangwu and others, due to various "coincidences", Zhubi had to come alone.

And now, she is at the [Decisive Place].

This is a plain named by Rick. As for the reason for the name—it is because all races are fighting here, and various forces and forces are mixed together. If a little energy spreads to human beings, they will die without accident.

Jupi judged that the idea of ​​not taking Rick was correct.

Although a big battle just ended here a few days ago, the unknowing danger is still lurking in the dark. Jubby has been sensed several times by the "powerful" existence, and every time he hides himself carefully, he can Place magic and escape right under their noses.

In this case, Zhubi still needs to arrange 8 more magic circles.

Under normal circumstances, she should go back, and Rick also told her not to force her, and she must wait for safety before she can act.

However, she was too anxious.

The decisive battle is coming, but their magic circle is still 1/3 short, and Zhou Fangwu is still not there at this time, so she thinks to arrange them all in one go, so she doesn\'t need to come again.

"It\'s okay... there are... 8 more, after the end... go back right away..."

Jubby was ready to be scolded by Rick.

But she did not choose to stop.

Still taking great risks, he resolutely got into the battlefield where the remaining energy ravaged the earth.

According to the plan, the energy of the three parties will gather here, so the magic device here is the top priority, which of course makes her more nervous and careful.


Suddenly, an excited voice came from above: "Oh~ I just wandered around for a while, and it turned out to be an unexpected harvest~~"

The more you fear something, the more something will happen.

[Murphy\'s Law] is such a scary existence.

Jubby looked up, looking up.

It was still a thick and depressing black cloud, and it was still the scorching red light in the cloud from time to time.

And under this, what caught the eye was indeed an extremely special existence.

She has flowing hair, amber pupils revealing excitement and curiosity, and the light-like white wings spread out from her waist, as well as the evidence of the Flügel—geometric light wheels rotating slowly.

The girl who is as beautiful as a god, but she has an overwhelming sense of presence all over her body, which makes people dare not look directly at her.

Verify that it matches the data.

The one there is the Flügel — the final extra individual [Jibril]!

Jupi suppressed the heart that was shaken by the worst result, and looked over with the expression of facial paralysis unique to Ex-Machinas.

"—Guy\'an, scrap iron. Are you walking alone today?"

Politeness and contempt, these awkward and contradictory words came out of her mouth, obviously possessing some kind of unknown politeness, but the burning and fury in her eyes couldn\'t be concealed anyway.

The most special extra individual!

These all prove this point.

clam down!

Jubby warned himself secretly, but he still couldn\'t help thinking in his heart: As an Ex-Machina, I never thought that I would encounter such a fate one day.

But Zhubi didn\'t panic, just like humans must be calm when encountering ferocious beasts, otherwise once they panic, they will stimulate the enemy and die faster.

A pure machine, purely acting as a counter-attacker: "Question. What is the Flügel doing to find an Ex-Machina?"

【Attack against Ex-Machinas is a taboo】

This is the consensus of all races in the Great War. After all, they have a series of operations such as absorbing magic, receiving magic, and copying magic. In addition, Ex-Machinas generally act in groups, so almost no one dares to release attack magic on the opponent.

However, she forgot.

The Flügel in front of him is beyond common sense, and is favored by the gods [Fanwai individual]. For his own desires, he will even attack the **** who created himself!

Hearing this, Jibril didn\'t seem to care, and said: "Yes~ the head of the Ex-Machina actually appeared in such a place?! Now it is tied with the Dragon Admiralty [rare degree] 5] something!"


In the race of Jibril...the Flügel, they are powerful and have no desires, so in order to stimulate them, or to give them a certain motivation, I don\'t know when the heads of all major races are marked Rarity level.

And they also went out in groups to hunt the various races, killing the enemies and taking off their heads to show their strength, but they mostly showed off in front of the same race.

Of course, Jibril also has this [collection (head level) hobby], and even her collection habit is far more vigorous than other members of the same race.

You know, she has killed a giant species and a dragon spirit species alone, not to mention that she also cooperated with other Flügel species to kill several phantom species!

"What should I do? What should I do?!"

Jibril rolled up his body, and said in a very troubled manner: "Anyway, after defeating [Yanlong], shooting against Ex-Machinas in Avant Heim has become a forbidden matter and A high degree of consensus has been obtained, and at the same time, the rarity has become higher and higher, and it is now the rarest type of head!"

It was obvious that she was troubled.

She really wanted to make a move, but due to the order of the race, she fell into a dilemma for a while.

In this regard, Jupi sensed the slightest possibility of escape.

She still pretended to be an ordinary Ex-Machina, and said in a cold tone: "Warning. It is judged to be a legitimate cognition. If it is hostile to this machine, it will implement corresponding countermeasures."

Back off, please.

Jubby couldn\'t help but began to beg silently.


"—Is it just relying on your [Analytical Body] machine?" Jibril raised the corner of his mouth.

After being warned, instead of being afraid, she became more aggressive.

Jibril\'s tone became more cheerful when he saw Jubina subconsciously showing a flaw because of his anxiety.

"I have confirmed that there is no reaction from other Ex-Machinas within a radius of 10,000 meters~

Then the question is: why does the Ex-Machina, which has been acting together with the Connector all the year round, act alone?

I am very interested~”

Jibril showed a devilish smile, which immediately disintegrated Jupi\'s pretended indifference. Seeing that flustered expression, Jibril\'s desire was greatly satisfied.

Then, she said: "If it is a single machine, you can\'t do the [imitation processing] that you are proud of. This is a good chance to get an extremely rare, ultimate head! This is how I judged, Any questions?"

Jibril has her decided!

that\'s terrible!

Really too bad!

Once again, Jubby felt that everything was going the way she least wanted.

It doesn\'t matter if it\'s a strong enemy, but it\'s the Flügel who is beyond common sense;

"Then—I\'m going to cut off your head now, please don\'t move. Resistance is useless, we can all avoid unnecessary trouble. Anyway—the Ex-Machinas don\'t have the concept of [death], right? "

"…I reject."

"What—? Did I hear wrong?"

"...I don\'t want to die... I can\'t... die—"

Facing Jibril who stared wide-eyed in surprise, Jupi continued: "This machine, which has been, disconnected...the waste gas body...the value as an Ex-Machina...is nothing."


"... I implore you... I hope you can, let it go, I..."

But what Jubby didn\'t realize was that she had chosen the worst possible option.

It\'s like all transparent jade, some people prefer pure colored jade, different from other Ex-Machinas who have no emotions and don\'t know death, the individual named [Jubi] makes the [Fanwai individual] Interested.

In other words, Jupi didn\'t know much about Jibril in front of him.

"It\'s... a machine that is afraid of death?! And the Ex-Machina is begging me?! And it\'s disconnected, does that mean it\'s a defective product?! This, this is no longer [rarity 5] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey - everyone will definitely be envious."

Jibril let out a trace of saliva.

The emotion in her eyes is obvious longing, but unlike Rick\'s gentleness, she is more violent and murderous.

Negotiation failed.

Jubby knew she had to fight if she wanted to survive—even so, she was still struggling.

"Finally, advise..."

"Yes, yes, please say whatever you want, it won\'t change the result anyway~"

Jibril raised the lightsaber in his hand, with a bloodthirsty expression on his face, as if he wanted to rush forward and slash.

"...I don\'t want to die...I can\'t die yet..." Jubby spoke out slowly and firmly: "Even so, if you still want to kill, then—resist!"

The combat power of the enemy and the enemy, analysis!

The enemy [extra entity] Jibril, the combat power is unknown - it is assumed that the average combat power of the Flügel is more than double.

The analysis body of our Ex-Machina is only less than 32% of the [combat body], and there is no support machine, the largest weapon connection of the Ex-Machina, and only 47 of the 2,751 types of weapons can be used.

Winning calculations - not at all.

Complete failure...?

Do not!

Recalling Rick\'s words, probability theory [0] does not exist!


Short-term decisive battle!

Jupi\'s subconscious judgment was correct.

"Read. CODE...Script launch. Code open—"

All of them are armed together and radiated with ultra-highly concentrated spirit particles. Ordinary creatures—even elves who touch them will die immediately.

Speed ​​violation!

Being able to speed up in an instant, reaching a speed comparable to teleportation, is also used by the Ex-Machina species, a race that cannot use magic in the first place, a mechanical way of forcing the use of magic.

A magic that can easily break through physical barriers by using ultra-highly concentrated spirits for designated acceleration.

Jupi wants to use it to break through the enemy\'s interception in an instant and escape.

The method is very good, and it is very likely that she will succeed if you don\'t concentrate.


"...Don\'t you really think that you can escape from my palm at this level?" Jibril laughed loudly at her.

Zhubi underestimated the power of [Fanwai individual].

Using the space transfer, the Flügel who jumped the distance first came to Jupi\'s only way, and intercepted her again.

Jibril waved the lightsaber in his hand, it was clearly a powerful weapon that was sharp enough to cut rivers and split mountains, but when she was about to fall on Jubby, she couldn\'t help but slapped slowly, making Jubby dangerous and Dangerously dodged.

She was too attached to Jubby\'s head to want to hurt her prize.

Jupi also clearly noticed this in the brief confrontation.


Rely on this to explode instantly!

【Quan Fang】!

Faster than before, and at the same time a large number of spirit bones blocked Jibril\'s sight, Jupi quickly fled in the opposite direction, but Jibril still chased him up.

Jubby lowered her head, once again dodging the lightsaber that nearly cut off her head, the information flow in her eyes flashed like a waterfall, and the processor in her brain began to check and calculate rapidly, looking for a way to escape.


Space magic!

Only space magic will do!

Jubby understood immediately.

You can\'t escape with speed alone. Enemies who can use magic always have faster speed than her, so you must surpass the speed.

"Change...combat, method...code opening—【Pseudo Code·Yan Longxiao】—"

Yanlong\'s collapse appeared again, and Jupi\'s maximum vitality caught Jibril, and the [spiritual skeleton] polluted by the world spewed out from behind like a storm—the light from the muzzle captured Jibril\'s sight, Subsequent to being burned by light.

The emerald green explosive light evaporated the moment it touched the earth\'s crust, turning into red gas and causing small-scale earthquakes, and the super-heated sand with a temperature of several thousand degrees instantly reached the layered circle.

Even if it is a dragon spirit, it is impossible to be fine if it is directly hit!

This is the power that can change the shape of the planet to such an extent!

Sorry, Rick. Going back to make some small corrections to your map. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Jubby apologized in her heart, but she didn\'t intend to just wait.

[Code Open - One Party Accelerator -]

The moment the hit was almost confirmed, Jupi activated his final weapon.

This is a [Space Crusher] designed by the Ex-Machina as a countermeasure against the space transfer of the Flügel and the Elves.

Just like its name, the broken space hole wraps Jubby\'s body, and then locks it up for one-way progress.

Until you jump to a place where the enemy can\'t search, you escape successfully.

plan pass.JPG

Even Jupi, who is a machine, has an unconscious smile on her face.


"Huh?! Where do you want to go, scrap metal~"

The next second, her thinking stopped.