Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 27: Intelligence and Transactions

Just listen to this.

Whoever is serious is a fool.

Everyone didn\'t believe what Zhou Fangwu said, they only thought it was his humble (?) rhetoric.

"Ahem, then Zhou Fang-jun, how can I thank you for helping the Ghost Slayer Squad so much?"

"Didn\'t I say it before, I want to learn the breathing method of the sun."

But Zhou Fangwu thought about it again, and said: "It\'s not just the breathing method of the sun, I want to learn all the existing breathing methods!"

Hearing Zhou Fangwu\'s words, Yuya Ubuyashiki frowned slightly, "This..."

It\'s not that he is reluctant, but that he can\'t make the decision.

It doesn\'t matter if there are only five basic breathing methods, but some special derived breathing methods are not very good.

Those special derivative breathing methods are private to the column members, and he cannot arbitrarily authorize them.

For a moment he was in a tangled state.

Zhou Fangwu was afraid that he would refuse, so he quickly said: "Don\'t refuse in a hurry, I can raise the bet."

He has the leverage to get the columnists to agree.



Zhou Fangwuman said confidently: "I can tell you the information about Oni Wu Tsuji, not only that, but also the information and location of the two windings, how about it?"

Another blockbuster!


The smashed people are dizzy!

"Oni Wu Tsuji Wu Mi... The news about Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi, is it true, is it true!!"

"Tell the gorgeous Grandpa Ben!"

"As long as you tell us, you are our good friend!"

"Say it, say it!"

Undead Kawa Minya rushed forward even more violently, roaring loudly:

"Whether it\'s the Sun\'s Breathing Technique or my Wind\'s Breathing Technique or something, just take it if you want it! Tell me the information about Onimiya Tsuji, I will absolutely, absolutely kill him with my own hands!"

The words of Immortal Kawashiya really touched the hearts of Zhongzhu.

Dare to ask, ‘Who among you present does not have a grudge against Oni Wu Tsuji, who would not want to kill him with his own hands? \'

Oh no, there really is one.

Except for Lianzhu and Ganluji Mitsuri, she joined the Demon Slayer Squad purely because she wanted to find a husband who was better than her.

But that\'s not a problem, as long as Yoya Ubuyashiki asks, she will never refuse.

Zhou Fangwu smiled subtly after hearing their expressions of opinion, and he smiled contentedly.

plan pass.jpg

Everything developed as he expected.

Zhongzhu wished to put Guiwu Tsuji Wumi\'s cramp and bone into the frying pan so that he would not be reborn forever. If they could get the news of Guiwu Tsuji Wumi and punish him personally, then they would pay any price!

In fact, it\'s not their fault.

They haven\'t caught Guiwu Tsuji\'s tail for a thousand years. After hearing the definite news from Zhou Fangwu, how could they sit still, and how could they not be in a hurry?

The atmosphere among the pillars is unprecedentedly high, which is even more exciting than finding the Sun Breathing Method!

Seeing the excitement of the pillars, Ubuyashiki Yoya knew that morale should not be dampened at this time, so he said with a wry smile: "It seems that I have to agree."

Although he can rely on the prestige he has accumulated for a long time, he can force Zhongzhu not to exchange with Zhou Fangwu.

But this would chill Zhongzhu\'s heart, which he didn\'t want to see.

And he also intends to exchange, but he doesn\'t know how to speak, this is the most important thing.

Otherwise, he wouldn\'t be entangled. Wouldn\'t it be good to just say no?

For his long-cherished wish, he is willing to pay the price!

Zhong Zhu\'s hatred for Guiwu Tsuji Wumi is also very strong, even if it is his own breathing method, he is willing to exchange it with Zhou Fangwu.

This gave him a step down.

"I have to say it again, Mr. Zhou Fang knows so many secrets."

Zhou Fangwu smiled again, and pinched his thumb and index finger together again, revealing a gap, "Billion point, hundred million point."

"Senior Zhou Fang..."

This time, even Tanjirou Zaomon didn\'t know what to say to Zhou Fangwu.

It\'s really annoying.

However, Yuya Ubuyashiki still represented the Demon Slayer Team and agreed to Zhou Fangwu\'s trade request on behalf of Zhongzhu.

"However, I still have a question to ask. The sun breathing method is the source of all breathing methods, so why do you need to learn other breathing methods?"

Ubuyashiki Yoya didn\'t understand the meaning of Zhou Fangwu\'s condition, "There are too many breathing methods, and if you don\'t know how to breathe, it will be a hindrance. I hope Zhou Fangjun can understand this truth."

"You can\'t chew too much..."

Zhou Fangwu smiled slightly: "I\'m just looking for a breathing method that suits me. As the saying goes, the strongest is not necessarily the most suitable, but the most suitable is relatively the strongest."

"So, I wonder if Patriarch Ubuyashiki understands?"

"Been taught a lesson."

How to say that Yuya Ubuyashiki is also the heir of a big family, and after a little thought, he understands the truth.

"Of course, this sentence is also applicable to you!"

Zhou Fangwu loudly said to the pillars below: "The breathing method of the sun is indeed very powerful, but it is not suitable for all of you! It is all because of it... Forget it, this is not what you are most concerned about now."

Although Zhou Fangwu wanted to show off his knowledge again, everyone present, including Kamado Tanjiro, was not thinking about it.

They looked at Zhou Fangwu with scorching eyes, and what they most wanted to hear was the news about Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi.

"Then, let me tell you what you most want to know..."

Gathering his thoughts, he said slowly, "Oni Wu Tsuji is the ancestor of ghosts. I believe you already know how he became a ghost, so I will focus on talking about his abilities."

"First of all, any information about Onimai Tsuji\'s appearance is inaccurate!

He can change his appearance at will, sometimes as a man, sometimes as a woman, sometimes as an adult, sometimes as a child, his body is unknown and his appearance is not fixed.

But Tanjiro has a good nose, and he can smell the smell of Onimai Tsuji through the smell.

Of course, he who can change his body mainly relies on his ability to change his body.

This is very important, you must pay attention to it!

Secondly, as the ancestor of ghosts, he has absolute control over ghosts.

He can control the life and death of any ghost from a long distance. He can restrain them and know their inner thoughts. At the same time, he can see the scene before death through the eyes of other ghosts.

And most importantly...

Onimai Tsuji\'s body structure is also different from ordinary people, with 5 brains and 7 hearts.

And he has already broken through the limit, even if he is beheaded by the sun wheel knife, he will not die!

In other words, the only thing that can kill him is the sun! "

Zhou Fangwu elaborated on the three abilities of Ghost Dance Tsuji: Complete Mimicry, Blood Curse, and Boundary Breakthrough, and asked them to pay attention.

What Zhou Fangwu said made everyone feel heavy again, and the contempt disappeared at this moment.

"Then... even if you learn the Sun Breathing Technique, you can\'t kill Onimai Tsuji?"



The Sun\'s Breathing Technique that I have been thinking about is about to be available. I thought it would be able to kill Gui Wu Tsuji Wumi smoothly, but in fact it did not play the expected role, which made them difficult to calm down.

"Don\'t despair, the Sun\'s Breathing Method really can\'t kill Onimai Tsuji Mumi, but it can cause great damage to him."

Zhou Fangwu\'s words pulled them out of this heavy despair.

"Because the sun\'s breathing method has properties similar to the sun, it can also crack his regeneration and suppress his ability. As long as he cracks the regeneration ability, is it afraid that he can\'t be killed? Grinding can also grind him to death!"

"That\'s right."

Zhongzhu breathed a sigh of relief, no one wants to have long-term efforts in vain.

"Then, let\'s talk about the information about the two Shangxian ghosts, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Shangxian II Tongmo and Shangxian VI Falling Ji."

"The whereabouts of Shangxian Ghost can\'t be traced. As for why they know the location of the two, it\'s all because these two evil ghosts often lurk in human society and are easy to track."

"Tong Mo of Shangxian 2 is currently the leader of the Eternal Bliss Sect, with about 250 teachers; Falling Princess of Shangxian 6 is currently disguised as an oiran in Yoshihara Street, her stage name is Fern Ji, and the abilities of the two evil spirits are..."

By the way, Zhou Fangwu told the appearance and ability information of Tong Mo and Luo Ji, the two Shangxian ghosts.

Finally, I added, "As for the detailed information about them, you need to confirm it yourself."

No matter how much Zhou Fangwu said, I believe that the ghost killing team will not listen to his words, and will definitely confirm whether the information is accurate in the future.

So he stopped wasting his tongue.

But he was careful and found that when Die Die Ren heard the news about Tong Mo, his breathing became short of breath, and the blue veins that were pinched by the jade hand hidden on the side of his body turned white.

"Thank you, Zhou Fang-jun."

Yuya Ubuyashiki bowed to Zhou Fangwu to thank him, with a sincere manner and attitude.

"Where, everyone just ask for what they need." Zhou Fangwu stepped forward to help him up.

Afterwards, Yuya Shiki Yaozai told Butterfly Ninja again: "Ninja, take Zhou Fang-kun to Butterfly House to rest first."

"Yes, Master Patriarch." Butterfly answered with patience.

"Zhou Fang-jun, we will talk about the breathing method in detail tomorrow, please allow me to arrange it for now."


Zhou Fangwu and Die Ren left.

ps: As for the issue of updating once a day, I don’t know if you have noticed, we haven’t signed a contract yet. . . After signing the contract, it will be changed to double update in one day!