Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 109: Treasures that have been treasured for twenty years!

, the fastest update, I didn\'t expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Holding a white towel, Zhou Fangwu looked at Darkness\'s white back.

My mouth is a little dry, I should have drank some water before going to the bathroom.

No, isn\'t there water here?

My braggadocio drinks 100 million mouthfuls?

His thoughts were scattered, and he was a little unconstrained. He was deliberately suppressing his impulse.

Wet it with some water and stuck it lightly.


A slightly seductive moan came from the beauty in front of her.

Zhou Fangwu swallowed his saliva, and asked thirsty: "What, what\'s wrong."

She twisted her beautiful delicate body very charmingly, and Zhou Fangwu who was sitting behind her could see it clearly.

"It\'s a bit cold."

The beauty in front of her eyes spoke softly and softly, making people endlessly daydream.

Zhou Fangwu secretly thought it was not good:

"It\'s over, my DNA has moved!"

But the next second.

She said loudly again in an extremely perverted way: "Wu, could it be that you did it on purpose?! Stimulate my senses with cold water, want to see me look ugly?! However, this feeling is so good—!"

This perverted speech that people couldn\'t look at directly made the charming atmosphere between the two of them disappear without a trace.

Even Zhou Fangwu\'s surging blood dropped a lot.

True mood breaker.

But this is Darkness, isn\'t it?

After being made such a fuss by her, her slack thoughts gradually cleared up, and she had returned to normal.

Zhou Fangwu chuckled, "Sorry, I didn\'t mean to."

Then he got up, went to the pool, and took some hot water.

At this time, he was on the side of Darkness, and he had a panoramic view of the beauty of the undulating towering peaks on the side of Darkness.

The blood pressure that had just dropped soared again.

"Wu, what\'s wrong?"

"No, it\'s fine."

Zhou Fangwu came back to his senses and walked back.

Although I have seen pork, it is not so real through the screen. This time, not only the angle, light, distance, even the smell can be controlled by him.

It\'s a great feeling!

Following the movement just now, he gently rubbed her back.

"Darkness, how are you doing?"

"Hmm... a little light."


Knowing that she was saying that her strength in wiping her back was a bit weak, she immediately increased her strength.

It\'s just that Zhou Fangwu\'s sudden force made the unprepared Darkness lean forward immediately, causing the twin peaks on his chest to jump up and down in a beautiful arc again.


There was an imaginative light sound.

"Wait, wait! It\'s too fast!"

Darkness covered the bouncing twin peaks with both hands, and said something misleading, "It\'s too soon, let me prepare~www.novelhall.com~Welfare] Follow the official account [Book Friends Base Camp] 】Reading books to draw cash/point coins every day!

Zhou Fangwu didn\'t know how to answer the conversation, so he had to stop rubbing his back.

Darkness\'s back undulated slightly, and it could be seen that she was breathing heavily, as if adjusting her heartbeat.

half an hour.

"Okay, I\'m ready."

Her straight back was facing Zhou Fangwu, and her voice returned to calm.

Needless to say!

Wipe, it\'s over!

Repeated mechanical movements, the quiet enjoyment of the two.

Caressing her back, feeling her skin as warm as jade, Zhou Fangwu was silently reciting the Bing Xin Jue in his heart.

"If the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not be shocked..."

It wasn\'t until he recited it 2 or 3 times that Darkness said, "It\'s fine, Wu."


Finally, are you going to break away from this tormenting temptation?

"Thank you, Wu."

"There, it\'s just a matter of raising your hands."

Zhou Fangwu said politely, wanting to leave quickly.

But, next second!

What Darkness said made his whole body stiff again, and his blood surged instantly!

"Then let\'s exchange."


"Let me wipe Wu\'s back!"

Before Zhou Fangwu could speak, she stood up and pushed Zhou Fangwu on the wooden bench.

Huh? !

Isn\'t Darkness a little too abnormal today, it doesn\'t look like her to be so tough!

My Darkness can\'t be this tough!

The beautiful scene that flashed by made people linger, and then the soft little hands slid across the back, and the wonderful touch made people indulge in it infinitely.


It happened so fast that Zhou Fangwu was a little overwhelmed.

I wanted to get up, but Darkness pressed her **** the wooden bench.

Although it is possible to make Li stand up, it is very likely to embarrass Darkness.

After thinking about it, let\'s enjoy it honestly.

Just enjoy.

It might be because of Darkness\'s training, she wiped with just the right intensity, which was very different from the last time she only knew how to wipe indiscriminately.

Very careful and experienced.

This is the result of Akua and Megumi, the three of them often bathing together.

You see, that\'s the benefit of living with a squad member.

All kinds of things will come across, learn from their experiences and experiences to enrich my knowledge and let myself grow.

I have to say that it was a good decision to ask to live together!

"Wu, how, how... strength, strength and so on... is it okay?"

While Zhou Fang was wandering in the sky, Darkness asked him how hard he was rubbing his back.

"Well, just right."


Darkness seemed relieved, and Zhou Fangwu could feel her warm breath on his back.

In other words, isn\'t the distance between the two a little too close?

"Darkness, it\'s alright, thank you for your hard work, let\'s stop here."


I don\'t know how long it took, Zhou Fangwu, who recovered from the enjoyment, hurriedly called a stop, Darkness didn\'t speak, but silently put down his hands wiping his back.

The two were silent for a while, then stood up very synchronously.

It\'s just that a little accident happened!

Because of the height of the two of them, Darkness was half-kneeling behind him and wiping his back. Too long time might make her footsteps a little sloppy, and her figure swayed slightly when she got up too abruptly.

Darkness slipped and was about to slide backwards, her hands were still fluttering in the air.


"Be careful!"

Zhou Fangwu stepped forward, trying to drag her back.


Darkness swung her hands with great strength, causing her to bring Zhou Fangwu down!

"Damn it!"

Secretly said that it was bad, Zhou Fangwu forcibly turned his body, let himself fall down first, and acted as her human cushion.

He completely forgot the fact that the muscular female knight\'s physical strength was even more perverted than his.



Two voices, one heavy and one soft, sounded one after another.

Zhou Fangwu fell to the ground, and Darkness lay on top of him!

Cold, creamy, soft, wonderful touch ensues!

It smells so good!

It is different from the pure smell on Akuya~www.novelhall.com~The fragrance on Darkness is even more exciting!

However, when Zhou Fangwu fell down, he unconsciously put his hands on Darkness\'s buttocks!


The bodies of the two stiffened instantly.

He could clearly feel that the softness on Darkness\'s chest instantly became hard, which made Xiao Wu almost unable to hold down the gun.


Darkness closed her eyes slightly, and was facing Zhou Fangwu with her raised pretty face blushing, softly calling the man\'s name, as if she wanted him to continue.


His throat moved up and down unconsciously.

Zhou Fangwu could no longer suppress the restlessness in his heart, and stretched out his sinful hands...