Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 1: through

It could be for a moment, or it could be for eternity.

Half asleep and half awake, Zhou Fangwu came to an empty room.

Dark and deep, and a little cold.

"Here...where is it?"

"Mr. Zhou Fangwu, welcome to the world after death."

A voice came from behind.

Although he was still very nervous in the face of some sudden changes, under the gentle and tolerant voice, the nervousness gradually calmed down.

Zhou Fangwu turned around and looked.

She has long water-blue hair, water-blue pupils, a long water-blue dress, and a lavender feather coat covering her whole body.

"You are... the goddess of water, Aqua?!"

This image is exactly the same as the image of the goddess of water Aqua in the anime "Blessings to a Beautiful World" commonly known as "Su Qing"!


No, no, it\'s the real goddess of water!

Zhou Fangwu suspected that some housemate had found her, and deliberately teased him.

But he immediately denied it.

This girl is a true goddess, the goddess of water—Aqua!

She is ethereal and elusive, her perfect plain face has no flaws, and she is surrounded by the radiance of a god. If she is not the goddess of water, then who is?

At least, Zhou Fangwu, who considers himself a senior fan of the second dimension, will not admit his mistake.

"Huh? Has my name been passed on to you?"

Akuya\'s perfect image of a goddess collapsed in an instant, and she lifted her nose triumphantly, as if she was so great.

"Ah, sorry, sorry."

In the next second, Akuya, who noticed her gaffe, immediately returned to the image of a goddess.

She coughed softly, "Cough, let me explain to you again: Mr. Zhou Fangwu, welcome to the world after death. I regret to tell you that you are already dead."

. . . . . .

Zhou Fangwu let out a sigh of relief, not knowing whether he should be happy or disappointed.

Transmigrated, but also died.

"Excuse me, can I ask a question?" Zhou Fangwu raised his right hand and asked Akuya.

"Excuse me."

"How did I die?"

"It was a sudden death!"

Akuya said to him seriously: "All the years of staying up late made your body very weak, and you finally died suddenly at three o\'clock in the morning yesterday!"

"it\'s out of the question!"


"I said, this is impossible!"

Zhou Fangwu flatly denied Akuya, "It is absolutely impossible for me to die suddenly!"


Akuya wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhou Fangwu, "Impossible is impossible!"

"My name is Zhou Fangwu, and I am 20 years old.

I live in a small courtyard house on the Third Ring Street in Shanghai, unmarried, and I work in a studio three kilometers away from my home. I never work overtime, and I just stay at home and watch anime after get off work at 5 o\'clock every day.

I never smoked, and I didn\'t stop drinking.

Go to bed on time at 11 o\'clock in the evening, no matter what, you must sleep for 8 hours!

Of course, there are not many sports and so on. During the holidays, I often go to the gym to exercise, and my physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people.

Doctors say I am normal. "

The huge shock after singing made Akua stunned, a little speechless.

"Aren\'t you an islander?"



"No lie."


"No lie."

She began to make trouble out of no reason, "I\'m not from the island country, why can I speak the island language so well!"

"As an otaku who likes anime, it\'s not too much to be able to speak the island language proficiently."

"But your surname is Zhou Fang!"

"My surname is \'Zhou\', not \'Zhou Fang\'. I am an authentic Daxia native."


fucked up!

She, the goddess of water, Akuara, is the wrong person!

"Why are you not from the island country, but you can be attracted by me, the goddess of the island country?!"

Akuya roared loudly, "By the way, where did the original \'Zhou Fangwu\' go!"

After a while, she finally accepted the fact that she pulled the wrong person.

"Goddess Akuya, can you send me back?" Zhou Fangwu looked for a way to go back.

To be honest, Zhou Fangwu wanted to go back more than time travel.

He still has parents waiting for him to support him, and he hasn\'t seen his sister in a white wedding dress yet!



"I said, no!"

Akuya slumped on the seat in despair, staring at the ceiling with dull eyes, "People who come here will not be able to return to the original world. This is the rule of the heavens, and I can\'t change it."

"Then what should we do?!" Zhou Fangwu\'s brain was shaking.

His parents, his sister, and the new series of this season haven\'t watched yet!

"That\'s right! Boy, do you like games?"

Akuya suddenly became energetic, and said to Zhou Fangwu as if bewitched: "Since you are an otaku, there is no one who doesn\'t like games!"


"Compensation, compensation!"

Akuya took out a stack of leaflet-like paper from her bosom, and handed it to Zhou Fangwu.

"Next, I will send you to a different world to live a new life. It will not wash away your memory, and I will also give you a cheating skill! Let you live a chic and comfortable life in a different world. Water up!"

Akua\'s little abacus crackled.

In this way, the mistake of receiving and guiding can be solved, and Zhou Fangwu can be compensated, so that this matter can be suppressed naturally.

It really kills two birds with one stone!

What, you mean the original Zhou Fangwu?

Who cares about him!

If she is discovered by the heavens for her dereliction of duty, she will be punished at least, or lose her job at worst!

If she lost her job, she would never be able to eat, drink, and be happy here again!

"How about it, do you accept it?"

The old **** Akuya was watching Zhou Fangwu, as if he was convinced of him.

If he didn\'t know the original work, then Zhou Fangwu might have compromised. But knowing that he would have given him a cheating level ability, how could he be willing to only have one?

As an adult, he will want more!

"No, Goddess Aqua."


"This cheating level ability is inherent!"

Zhou Fangwu unceremoniously exposed her lies, "Pick up dead people, send them to another world, and at the same time give them a special ability, this is your job!"

"That\'s right!"

Akuya didn\'t hide it, and said bluntly: "Of course, if you don\'t want this, there is another option: that is to go to heaven, no body, no entertainment, no eating and drinking, a super boring world!"

"Hmph, don\'t try to lie to me!

Goddess Aqua, your main purpose is to lead those people to another world, right? This may be related to your performance, or the evaluation among the gods!

I guess, if the number of people is small or wrong, then you will definitely be punished!

Therefore, there is only one truth!

You won\'t easily give up on any person from another world, especially a person from another world who made a mistake!

Goddess Aqua, it\'s useless to play dumb! you lied to me! "

Zhou Fangwu put down the glasses of nothingness, and posed Conan\'s classic pose.


Akuya, who had an expression of "I\'m sure of you", looked at Zhou Fangwu tearfully the next second after being exposed.

"That\'s right, that\'s right! So what, what on earth do you want!" Akuya began to squirm and roll, and tears flowed from her blue pupils.

Really, when we first met, I thought she had the temperament of a goddess, which really blinded me.

I thought it was an exaggerated painting technique in the anime, but in fact it is even more exaggerated than in the anime!

"Okay, okay, Goddess Aqua, I didn\'t want to bully you."

Zhou Fangwu squeezed his eyebrows, sighed and said: "Well, three abilities, as long as you give me three abilities, I will..."

"No, I can\'t do it."


Akuya cried and said: "One person has one contract in the heavenly realm, and only one ability can be selected for each contract. This is the rule of the heavenly realm, and I can\'t change it."

Tsk, **** the rules of the heavens.

No, there is a way!

"Then change the conditions, two abilities, how?"

"Huh? Let me tell you, I can\'t change the rules of the heavens!"

Akuya said to him angrily: "No matter who it is, there can only be one contract..."

"Yes, that\'s the one!" Zhou Fangwu said to her with a smile: "[One person, one contract] is a regulation of the heavens, but I am different. \'Zhou Fang\' Wu and \'Zhou\' Fangwu are not the same person at all."

"What, you mean..." Akuya\'s brain, which was not very rough, finally figured it out, Zhou Fangwu wanted to take over the contract he replaced!

"Here. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com..."

Aqua was lost in thought.

"How about it, do you agree?" Zhou Fangwu didn\'t urge her, but gave her enough time to think.

Unfortunately, just as she was thinking, the teleportation array in this empty room lit up again, and a vague figure loomed in the teleportation array.

"Oh, time is running out, Goddess Aqua, if you don\'t make a decision, you will be exposed!"

Zhou Fangwu put some pressure on her appropriately, forcing her to make a decision as soon as possible, "Give me time to choose my abilities."

Akuya gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, "Okay! I agree to your request. On the other hand, you are not allowed to tell this matter!"

"Of course, I won\'t say it!"

"Then, please choose your ability as soon as possible!"

Akuya assumed the posture of a goddess, signaling Zhou Fangwu to start.

"I want the ability to travel through the world!"

Zhou Fangwu\'s words were astonishing.

"Do you still want to go back to the original world? Don\'t think about it, you can\'t go back without coordinates!"

"That can\'t give up, just keep looking, and one day I will go back!"

"Okay! The contract is established, next!" Akuya urged him to make a decision as soon as possible.

"Second, I want to analyze and imitate skills!"


A white light flooded into Zhou Fangwu\'s body, and at the same time the blue magic circle unfolded under his feet, Akuya said solemnly:

"Hero! May you stand out among the many reserve heroes and become the one who defeats the devil...

Well, let\'s go! "

PS: There is white space in the original book, but black space in the anime, so I chose to use the same black background as the anime.