Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1628

LAN Xuanyu's body is like a bottomless abyss, crazy devouring the surrounding crimson energy. A lot of energy is transformed by him and injected into the blessing field of Dragon God, which increases all the Dragon families present, including bone dragon.

Some bone dragon bones, even because of the existence of Dragon God blessing and more color. Become stronger.

LAN Xuanyu recognized the woman that the red dragon had turned into. It was the woman he had seen in the Dragon world, who claimed to be the first dragon in the sky. She should probably be the first dragon in Tianlong, or a couple. At this time, the strength she showed was not as strong as Zhang chujia, but it was definitely not weak. She should be at the top of the super God level.

However, she joined hands with the two Tianma knights, but she still couldn't resist the attack of the mother of crimson.

In this short period of time, the dark red ripples have been brought by a pair of hand hooks of the mother of crimson, which makes each of the three super gods in the tangled battle slow down.

Without Zhang chujia, they realized how much pressure Zhang had been under before. The strength of the mother of crimson is really terrible.

"I'm coming, too!" An old horse Knight suddenly gave a loud smile, his body suddenly collapsed inward and turned into a group of strong jade light. On the other side, Ziwu's face showed the color of grief, but he still flashed in front of him. The huge jade light actually shrouded Ziwu's body in the opposite direction, making Ziwu's breath surge. With a long spear in his hand, he pushed back the mother of crimson with his powerful fighting spirit.

At this time, he is the only one left.

But at this time, the result is obvious. The bone dragon Legion has resisted a large number of creatures in the crimson realm. The creatures in the crimson realm are constantly being killed, producing a lot of undead energy. LAN Xuanyu is desperately absorbing and transforming. In his area of deep red, all began to become a little thin.

LAN Xuanyu frowned. He was in the crimson realm, and he could feel the great energy of this plane. Although he has tried his best to devour it, he has found that he needs much more energy to devour the energy of the crimson realm. Invisibly, there seems to be his own energy in the crimson realm, which can suppress and prevent him from swallowing it.

This is quite different from the speed of swallowing the dead energy of the dead creatures in the crimson realm.

But now he can't care about these, nothing is more important than to make himself stronger. He is trying to swallow, while paying attention to the situation on the field.

The arrival of the bone dragon army relieved the pressure on the front battlefield. But these huge bone dragons seem to have only fighting instinct, and they don't have much wisdom. Among bone dragons, there are God level, true God level and even super God level. But in terms of the number of super gods, the crimson realm has the upper hand. It was only under the influence of the Dragon God's blessing field that the bone dragon Legion and the dragon and Tianma strongmen barely stood on their feet and no longer had the risk of collapse.

What puzzled LAN Xuanyu was that the top strong men in the crimson realm always felt timid when they were fighting. More crazy attacks are launched by the weaker ones, especially the crimson creatures below the divine level.

Are they afraid of death? Are you worried that after you die, you will no longer be who you are?

LAN Xuanyu didn't venture into the battlefield. He's not even a super God now. If he plunges into such a battlefield, it's certainly useful, but it won't be too big. And all the bone dragons, as if nothing, have contact with him. He can command the bone dragon army roughly, at least in the direction. It's the most important thing for him to be in charge. Moreover, once things can not be done, the first time to escape is the right thing.

Once the dark red mother has defeated the Tianma knight and the red dragon, I'm afraid I really have to go. To stay is to die.

Of course, he hopes that the time will be longer, because if it is longer, the possibility of reinforcements arriving will be greater.

The more he came into contact with the crimson realm, the more he felt that this powerful plane seemed like a bottomless pit, constantly showing more powerful power. The mother of crimson is absolutely resourceful. At this time, the situation is also because she can't count herself and the bone dragon Legion.

The crystal LAN Xuanyu used before was a gift from his father. It was the last gift that Tang Wulin got when he buried the keel in the Dragon kingdom.

At that time, the sleeping dragon bones in the Dragon kingdom were about to run out of dragon power. Later, when the Dragon kingdom came to tianlongxing, it was always nourished by tianlongxing. And it also brings the chance of Tianlong Xinglong change, so that the dragon can inherit.

With the constant nourishment of the life energy of Dragon Star, these keels began to become more and more powerful and gradually recovered some of their former energy. But they are all dead after all, and there are only some divine instincts left.

When LAN Xuanyu summoned them with his Dragon God blood through the crystal, the sleeping dragon bones in the Dragon Kingdom revived and instinctively wanted to protect the Dragon God, so they came to the space. At this critical moment, he resisted the army of the crimson realm.A faint smile appeared on LAN Xuanyu's face. In his eyes, he had some powerful brilliance.

Although in such a battlefield, what he can play at this time is only an auxiliary role, but his first appearance on the highest level of the stage still makes him feel excited.

From time to time, the eyes of the mother of crimson swept to him, and LAN Xuanyu looked at her fearlessly. He is now the backbone of the whole court, and he must not be half cowardly.

"Boom --" Ziwu just accumulated the fighting spirit of another Tianma knight, which shocked the mother of crimson again.

Then, the knight burst out, "brothers, I'm here too!" The next moment, his whole body Tianma fighting suddenly burst, into pure jade, crazy to the mother of crimson launched a shock.

At this moment, even the woman who was transformed by the red dragon could not come near to help. The breath of the old Tianma knight in the explosive state was too strong. It is also close to the level of half step God King. However, his brilliance can only last for a very short time.

The mother of crimson is suspended in the distance. She has a pair of hand hooks in her hand. She brings up a lot of light and shadow, and bravely blocks his way. No matter how he breaks out, he still can't cross the thunder pool.

This is the absolute gap in strength. Instead, the mother of crimson is stepping forward step by step. The crimson energy constantly makes the fighting spirit of Tianma break down in front of her. Ziwu's breath has become weaker and weaker.

At the same time, the cold eyes of the crimson mother turned to look in the direction of LAN Xuanyu, and the malicious eyes showed him the next target without reservation.

The emergence of LAN Xuanyu is the biggest variable in today's war. You don't need to know that the mother of crimson must want to get rid of it. As long as you kill LAN Xuanyu, the bone dragon army will no longer exist, and the war will be over. Other dragon and Tianma strongmen are nothing at all.

LAN Xuanyu takes a deep breath, the reinforcements haven't come yet. Can I return it now? Retreat and everything collapses. He has to stick to more time.

It seems to feel his mind, a huge bone dragon suddenly turned and gathered towards him.

The rest of the dragon and Tianma strongmen also followed the bone dragon Legion to the direction of LAN Xuanyu, and so did the red dragon. The woman's eyes stopped on LAN Xuanyu's face for a moment and flew directly towards him.

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