Ultimate Female President

Chapter 391

Hou Liang sent Anna to the group company for the last time before he left. When the car was parked in the courtyard, Anna seriously told Hou Liang. Knowing that Hou Liang still had many people to meet, she took out the phone and called out& 1t;/ p>

The other side also answered the phone soon and started chatting in a foreign language& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang heard it clearly. There was a thick middle-aged man\'s voice. He also promised with great strength, and soon hung up the phone& 1t;/ p>

In the past, Anna was a senior adviser on Wall Street, and Hou Liang knew this& 1t;/ p>

Anna gave Hou Liang a phone number and told him that this person was the boss of Morgan building and his name was winaudo. Once you encounter any situation, contact this person immediately. You have finished speaking, and you will be able to help. Don\'t be embarrassed to go out& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang also immediately picked it up. Knowing that Anna was very concerned about herself, he smiled and said, "Nana, I should come back soon. Be careful during this time. I think Shuanglong company and Lin Wanyou will also find trouble. I also offended them because of the company."& 1t;/ p>

Anna nodded, suddenly blushed, and soon put her arms around Hou Liang\'s neck, and her small mouth was also sent up& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang felt that this time was different. Anna no longer kissed casually. She was very serious and hard. Her hands around her neck were stronger than usual& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang also tightly hugged Anna& 1t;/ p>

The time of this kiss was not short until she was out of breath. The two people separated. Anna quickly got out of the car and went upstairs without looking back& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang looked at Anna\'s back in the car and was a little gloomy. The great beauty had not left her for so long. Even if she went to the provincial capital, it had not been a week at most. This time, it might take longer& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang still went back to his third floor without looking for Lin Xiaoling and Xiao Ling. Before saying a few words, Hou Liang told them that he was going abroad to see his mother. He didn\'t know how long he would go. The work at home was handed over to two people. If there was anything, call them at any time& 1t;/ p>

Lin Xiaoling and Xiao Ling didn\'t expect Hou Liang to leave. They also took out money to buy some food for Hou Liang\'s mother& 1t;/ p>

Naturally, Hou Liang couldn\'t ask for it. He told the two people that they had already helped themselves a lot at work, and they didn\'t need it. Don\'t be polite to yourself. That\'s why he left the company and drove straight to Zhang Xiaoqi\'s school& 1t;/ p>

Zhang Xiaoqi wants to have a look and tell others, including Mu Ling, that they can take care of themselves as long as they make a phone call& 1t;/ p>

Zhang Xiaoqi saw Hou Liang at the gate of the school. Hou Liang also gave Zhang Xiaoqi the 3000 yuan he had prepared. He wanted to give more, but the 3000 yuan was enough for Zhang Xiaoqi. Hou Liang didn\'t want to give more& 1t;/ p>

Zhang Xiaoqi was also very happy and a little lost. She rushed up and kissed Hou Liang tightly, and it took a long time to let go& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang told Zhang Xiaoqi to be careful and go to Heihu if necessary. He may come back soon& 1t;/ p>

On the way back from school, Hou Liang called Yun Dan. Yun Dan told Hou Liang that he was already waiting for Hou Liang in the hospital with his mother and Wang Meimei& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang came directly to the hospital. Qi Deyuan and xiebaozhen were also in the ward, and Heihu and Guo Lei were also in the ward. They all came to see Hou Liang\'s mother, which made Hou Liang very moved. He said goodbye to several people and everyone went downstairs together& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang\'s mother was not unable to move, there was no problem at all, or she was a little weak, which was normal. Several people came directly to the airport& 1t;/ p>

Heihu and Guo Lei kept putting several people on the plane, and then drove Hou Liang\'s car back& 1t;/ p>

Along the way, several people were very happy. Yundan took a plane for the first time. He was so novel about everything and could catch up with anyone, which made everyone laugh all the time& 1t;/ p>

Yundan didn\'t know how long the plane would take to get there, so he asked Hou Liang, who told Yundan it would take more than 20 hours& 1t;/ p>

It was late at night when the plane landed. Yundan was a little dizzy. It didn\'t take long for Hou Liang to tease her. If it took more than 20 hours, it would be 2 p.m. when he got on the plane, so he should arrive in the morning& 1t;/ p>

Wang Meimei and Hou Liang\'s mother told Yun Dan that it was the problem of jet lag, which made several people extremely amused& 1t;/ p>

Several people took a taxi to the Central Hospital of New York Medical University and found a good hotel to stay. They will not find anyone until tomorrow& 1t;/ p>

Hou liang thought that this big hospital must be much better than the capital hospital before he came, but the situation was not like what Hou liang thought, it was also similar, and it was not even as good as the capital hospital, but foreigners had different ideas and donated more kidney sources& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang called Professor Lei Ke. Professor Lei Ke soon told Hou Liang and others to go upstairs and said that he would just inform director Laili. They were all good friends of Dean Qi& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang and others soon met Professor lake and director Laili& 1t;/ p>

Professor lake is a man in his fifties. His head is a little sparse. Wearing a pair of glasses, he looks very knowledgeable& 1t;/ p>

Director Laili is different. She looks less than 30 years old. She is really white and beautiful with a tall figure, which is quite different from the smart and capable middle-aged woman Hou Liang imagined& 1t;/ p>

As Dean Qi Deyuan had already called and the preliminary work was already ready, Professor Leike discussed with director Lai Li and arranged for Hou Liang\'s mother to be hospitalized, which was on the eighth floor of the building& 1t;/ p>

Professor lake also asked Hou Liang about his affordability. Naturally, Hou Liang told Professor lake that everything was OK. Several people were still mainly sick of their mother, and they should be taken care of conveniently& 1t;/ p>

Professor Lake then told director Laili to arrange several people in a high room. There was no problem with nursing and accommodation& 1t;/ p>

Director Laili also asked whether Hou Liang\'s mother had breakfast. At this time, wangmeimei told director Laili that she was fasting in the morning and that she was a full-time nurse. She knew all these things and could be examined immediately& 1t;/ p>

Professor lake and director Lai Li were also very happy. They immediately arranged for wangmeimei to take care of the elderly and cooperate with the nurses in the hospital& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang and Yundan are discussing hospitalization and payment& 1t;/ p>

Yundan also promised to come down crisply. These things can be left to Yundan. Children\'s legs are fast, especially Yundan. It\'s incomparable and energetic& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang originally thought that he would encounter a lot of trouble, but the actual situation is not like this. Everything is convenient in the hospital. Just live in the big ward. Two rooms and a big living room are very good& 1t;/ p>

Wang Meimei cooperated with the nurse to take her mother to do various examinations. Yun Dan ran around upstairs and downstairs. He didn\'t know he was tired, but his language was a little dysfunctional, but this little guy was also very smart and could always cope with it. Hou Liang was all right& 1t;/ p>

It was more than four o\'clock in the afternoon, which was the end of the rush. My mother also had an injection. Wang Meimei and Yun Dan were accompanied on both sides. Hou Liang also asked when to have the operation& 1t;/ p>

Wang Meimei told Hou Liang with a smile that there was no hurry. She had to wait for a series of examination results. There was no problem. Professor lake and Dr. Lai Li arranged it& 1t;/ p>

When eating, Yundan went down to get it, and there was everything in the hospital. There was also a restaurant, which was found by this little guy& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang and Wang Meimei also asked differently, where did Yundan get the money& 1t;/ p>

Yun Dan just giggled and took out a pile of dollars in his pocket, which also looked like thousands of thousands of dollars: "I\'m rich, quite rich! This is given by Uncle Ge and uncle Zhong, and sister Yuxin was asked to change it. I said no, they must give it to me. They said it was convenient, but you don\'t know, I didn\'t say it if I wanted to be rich."& 1t;/ p>

This made several people laugh, but Hou Liang was also very grateful to Uncle Zhong and Ge Honglin. Although he didn\'t want their money, this was also some of their intentions and thought very considerate& 1t;/ p>

Today is also the first day to be hospitalized. Tomorrow we will invite Professor Rick and director Riley. This is human nature, and we can\'t forget the etiquette& 1t;/ p>

In the evening, Wang Meimei lived in the same room with Yun Dan and Hou Liang\'s mother, and Hou Liang was in another room. This time, Hou Liang was idle. She had not been so idle, so she called Qi Deyuan& 1t;/ p>

Qi Deyuan also asked with concern. Hou Liang naturally thanked him and said that he would also like to thank Qi Deyuan after going back. This time, it was really a big help. Professor rake and director Laili are both very good and experts in this field. Because Qi Deyuan studied here, he has a very good relationship& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang and Qi Deyuan talked for a while and then called Qi Mei, Mu Ling, Liu Shu and others, just to tell them& 1t;/ p>

He also told Hu Yulin and others to pay attention to the development of Sanshi group and get back their money earlier. In fact, it\'s just waiting for the assets to be realized& 1t;/ p>

The second day Hou Liang\'s mother was hospitalized, there were still some examinations. Yun Dan ran around and got some results. But when Hou Liang went to find director Laili, he was told that director Laili didn\'t come to work& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang returned to the ward somewhat puzzled and was about to call Professor Lei Ke. Professor Lei Ke knocked on the door and walked in, smiling and saying, "Hou Liang, Professor Lai Li has some things at home that may not come these two days. I\'ll see the results. You wait a day or two. If you don\'t come, I\'ll operate on your mother myself."& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang naturally nodded repeatedly. Because he was not too familiar, it was not easy to ask what had happened at Lai Li\'s home, and he directly gave some examination results to Professor rake& 1t;/ p>

Professor Lake looked at it and laughed, "this situation is really unexpected. Your mother\'s physical condition is still very good. Then I\'ll arrange it in the next two days. Don\'t worry. Some things need some preparation!"& 1t;/ p>

Wang Meimei nodded repeatedly and told Hou Liang that it was like this. She could not have surgery when she came. Her mother was in good health, which was very rare& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang can also understand that these two days have passed& 1t;/ p>

In the evening, Wang Meimei and Yun Dan chatted with their mother, but Hou Liang was so busy that they left the ward at random and wanted to go out for a walk& 1t;/ p>

When I went downstairs, I saw two people coming in outside, one of whom was still injured on his head, which was also a normal thing in the hospital& 1t;/ p>

But these two people are very tall, with tattoos on their arms. Whether they are domestic or foreign, they can see whether they are good people& 1t;/ p>

When passing by, one of them whispered some curses, and the other looked around. Only Hou Liang was there. He was still a foreigner and didn\'t say anything. He directly pulled this person up the elevator& 1t;/ p>

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