Two Lives'Love: Prince Loves Excessively

Chapter 144

"Nine thousand years old, what a coincidence." Chu Qian Mo went downstairs, just to face the cold winter“ Why is Huang Sao here? " Leng Qiandong got off his horse in a hurry. It\'s just what people want. He was thinking that he didn\'t see the seventh emperor\'s sister-in-law for some days. He met her here“ This inn is about to open. It\'s said that it\'s a seafood restaurant. It\'s called "baixianfang". It\'s delicious. I\'ll come and have a look first. " In order to publicize his inn, Chu Qian Mo didn\'t even want to find an excuse“ If you can get such approval from Huang\'s sister-in-law, you\'ll see more support from Huang\'s younger brother in the future. " Leng Qiandong thought that before the dishes were ready, the emperor\'s sister-in-law said that it was delicious and coveted. She was afraid that she would have a good friendship with the owner. In that case, she would follow the seven emperor\'s sister-in-law\'s meaning. Otherwise, how can the nine princes be so popular? They have a good command of propriety“ Thank you very much for your care. " Chu Qian Mo saw that although nine thousand years old didn\'t practice martial arts, he also wore a sword behind him. The wendiexiu objects were perfect, and he always compared his own with a little ugly. It\'s better to give them away, out of sight and out of mind. Besides, Leng Qiandong was able to cooperate with himself in the hall of Supreme Harmony last time. It\'s really worth thanking, but you can\'t say anything about that help, otherwise it will cause unnecessary disaster. Then he handed over the hilt with the lion embroidered on it“ Thank you very much Chu Qian Mo "then do as you say, after the success, the mother will reward you heavily!" When the queen saw the hope, her disgust finally subsided Princess yuan has been frowning recently. Princess lanqian doesn\'t know how. She has been in poor health since the longevity banquet, and her smile has disappeared from her face. She is bored in the room all day. The imperial doctors in the palace looked at them one by one and said that it was no big problem. They often prescribed some prescriptions to regulate the body. But the medicine was always bitter. In addition, Princess lanqian said that she was not ill, but her temper became stronger and stronger. Every day, the sound of throwing medicine bowls came from the Muxi Hall of Jinyang palace. Not only did people keep silent, but even the concubine yuan sighed. Emperor Xikang has not been to Jinyang palace of concubine yuan for a long time. As soon as he comes in, he can see the sadness on concubine yuan\'s face. The plump beauty of Yuan Guifei\'s life is the charm that makes people tremble. Naturally, Xikang was distressed. He asked the reason in detail and searched in his brain. "Don\'t worry, princess. I\'ll let the seven princesses into the palace."