Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 74:

Now they have no doubts, and they are full of good yearning for the future life!

Even if it is a piece of the big project of 100 billion, it will be at least one-tenth, right?

You must know that they have sucked the flesh and blood of the Xiao family for so many years, and their total assets are less than 5 billion...

"Don\'t worry, Mr. Yu, as long as you can really do it, then what you say is what you say. My Shen family will only follow Mr.\'s lead!"

Everyone in the Shen family kept making promises.

"Come on, dear girl, don\'t stand still, hurry up, pour tea for Mr. Yu!"

Diao Ningxin patted her daughter Shen Xiaoyu on the back and urged.

People are as good as them, and it is natural to see that this kid is jealous of his daughter\'s beauty.

So they were complacent at once.

Having a daughter is like Shen Xiaoyu!

The golden turtle son-in-law follows one after another, and one is more powerful than the other...

It\'s really God\'s death for his Shen family!

068. Lin Yiqing? let her go

The world villa area.

Xiao\'s villa.

Xiao Junlin is making tea in the garden pavilion.

On the table in front of him, various photos and documents were piled up.

Yu Fengsheng came to the Shen family, and the news of seeking cooperation with the Shen family was immediately presented to him in the form of various texts and photos.

"This kid actually went to Shen\'s house at this time?"

"Hey! He must be trying to use the power of the Shen family to get the qualification for the auction, right?"

"According to the characters in the original book, he should be able to help the Shen family, then hug the beauty back home, and drive the first train of the whole book!"

Xiao Junlin flipped through the photos and documents and quickly made a judgment in his heart.

Yu Fengsheng and others obviously did not expect that Xiao Junlin would send someone to follow them.

Even more unexpected, he was able to guess the follow-up development with a little clue...

Now, not only is he paying attention to the land auction in Dijiangbei City, but Yu Fengsheng is also paying attention.

Xiao Junlin is familiar with all the plots and his growth trajectory, but the exact development of the events is impossible to guess!

After all, the plot of the original book has begun to change slightly because of his addition...

Only by always paying attention to Yu Fengsheng\'s movements, can he grasp the enemy\'s opportunities, rush in front of him in everything, and then lay down all kinds of traps to kill them by the way, in order to completely kill them!

This is a big project involving hundreds of billions of dollars, and the profit alone is conservatively estimated to exceed 100 billion!

Such a big cake must belong to him Xiao Junlin, and no one wants to take it away!

"After Yu Fengsheng came to Dijiang, where did he go, what did he do, where did he live, etc., have you checked out the details?"

Xiao Junlin pondered, and suddenly asked.

"It\'s all checked out."

Sheng Quan handed over a new document and said, "Master, these are all just delivered, take a look."

"it is good."

Xiao Junlin nodded and looked at it seriously.

In this document, all the experiences of Yu Fengsheng after he came to Dijiang were recorded in detail.

Gambling stones, buying lottery tickets, investing in real estate, futures, I made a fortune after another, and even went to the underground arena to fight black boxing!

Befriended one after another, including Xinghong Group Xie Junfeng, and showed them Feng Shui...

In the past few days, more than 5 billion yuan has been collected in the futures market.

"So, this kid\'s current total assets should be around 8 billion?!"

"If he wants to cooperate with the Shen family, he has to help the Shen family pay off the debts of all suppliers except me.

This foreign debt is about one billion? Apart from his fixed assets, the amount of money that he can take out will be less than 6 billion..."

"In the original book, he finally spent 5.3 billion to win the land, which is similar to the budget I made!

Then I have 8 billion in my hand, should I be able to cut off Hu? Is it stable? "

Xiao Junlin frowned and analyzed it in his heart for a while, but the result was still a little uncertain...

Even though the numbers seem to be moving in a positive direction, he is infallible in taking the land.


Always be afraid of anything.

Xiao Junlin remembers that after Yu Fengsheng won the land in the original book, he also asked Xinghong Group to jointly develop it.

Because of his lack of contacts in all aspects, Xinghong Group is his best partner.

The Shen family was just incidental, just smiling for the Bomei people!

Just Xie Junfeng...

Xinghong Group will also go to this auction.

With the relationship between Yu Fengsheng and Xie Junfeng, if he finds out that he is grabbing land with him, he might even go to Xie Junfeng to borrow money...

This cannot be avoided!

But it would be perfect if he could pull Xie Junfeng to his side in advance, or provoke the relationship between Xie Junfeng and Yu Fengsheng.

Xiao Junlin pondered the operational aspects of this, and a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Lao Sheng, prepare a car for me and go to the chairman\'s house."

For people of their level, home addresses are not a big secret to each other.