Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 329:

Ye Yu seemed to remember something, and said quickly, "Bo Yan sent a report this morning. She said that someone was secretly investigating you!"

"Investigate me?!"

Xiao Junlin frowned after hearing this, and asked in a bit of surprise, "Who is it?"

As the richest man in Tiannan Province, Xiao Junlin is now a big tree to attract wind.

But most of the forces in Tiannan Province actually know him well. Everyone watched him climb to this position step by step, and there was no need to investigate him!

So the person who suddenly stared at him must be from outside!

This is kind of intriguing...

Who will it be? !

305. This guy\'s movement is really big enough

"Bo Yan said that the person investigating you seems to be from the Xu family in Shangjing."

Ye Yu pushed the lensless glasses on the bridge of her nose and continued: "Xu Junjie, the head of the Xu family in Shangjing, came to Tianhai secretly just a few days ago. The purpose of his visit seems to be to investigate Xu Wanyue."

"Yesterday, after he went to the University of Economics and Law, he suddenly began to investigate Jingci\'s information, and secretly sent a lot of people to protect her."

"Xing Chou\'s report just now also confirms this matter, and now Xu Junjie is still sending people to investigate you more deeply!"

"In addition, Xu Junjie also sent people to clean up a lot of people who have offended Jingci since childhood, including the Qu Yuanlong from last night, who almost killed people. This guy\'s movements are also true. big enough!"


After listening to Ye Yu\'s half-talking and half-reporting, Xiao Junlin laughed directly!

Now that he is in the southern world, he is just like the emperor of the land and snake soil. His power can be said to cover the sky with one hand, and even a few old-fashioned families can\'t shake him in the slightest!

This Xu Junjie actually wanted to investigate him on his territory?

This is simply humiliating!

At present, no one has sanctioned him, and it is estimated that it depends on what he did to Xu Jingci before him.

As an intelligence officer, Boyan naturally saw at a glance that this guy didn\'t have much malice.

Naturally, this matter could not be concealed from Xiao Junlin.

He simply sifted the cause and effect in his mind, and all of a sudden he understood...

It must be that when he was a wealthy man, he accidentally saw or heard about Xu Jingci, and recognized at a glance that it was his biological daughter, so he was so excited to send someone to carry out Xu Jingci. Secretly protected, and then began to investigate Xiao Junlin again.


Sophisticated logic!

"Yes! Certainly so."

Xiao Junlin nodded secretly, glanced towards the back of the car, and immediately found that someone was already stalking him not far behind them.

Come to think of it, these should be Xu Junjie\'s people!

"Tsk! It\'s interesting? I found your daughter so soon!"

"Old Pang, turn around and go to Caifa University and take Jingci over."


Xiao Junlin gave an order.

The entire team quickly turned around and drove in the direction of Tianhai City.


Xiao Junlin was at the entrance of the University of Finance and Law, and received Xu Jingci who had just finished school.

As soon as this girl saw Xiao Junlin, she immediately flew like a nurturing swallow returning to her nest. She jumped into the nanny\'s car with a strong body, and at the same time brought a gust of fragrance, she also directly hugged Xiao Junlin\'s. With a smile like a silver bell on his neck, he asked, "Uncle, why are you free to come and see me today? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, something is wrong."

"Let\'s have a meal together at noon!" Xiao Junlin said with a chuckle.

"Really? Great! Where are we going to eat?"

Xu Jingci whispered happily.

In fact, she didn\'t care where she went to eat, but Xiao Junlin suddenly asked her to eat, which made her feel very happy!

"Little greedy cat!"

Xiao Junlin rubbed her head dotingly and said, "Go to Caesar\'s revolving restaurant, where the roast goose and rabbit heads are very good, as well as desserts, all of which are Michelin-level, do you like it?"

"I like it, of course I like it!!"

"As long as I eat with my uncle, I like anything I eat!!"

Xu Jingci let go of the hand that wrapped around Xiao Junlin\'s neck, and turned to hug his arm with a look of happiness on her face.

"Old Pang, let\'s go."

Xiao Junlin ordered again.

The convoy began to head straight for the revolving restaurant.

However, after Xiao Junlin took the time to glance at the people who were watching behind him, a playful smile could not help but draw the corners of his mouth.

After learning that Xu Jingci got into his car, Xu Junjie would definitely not be able to sit still!

After this guy found out his biological daughter, but didn\'t recognize each other immediately, it must be because he was afraid that Xu Jingci would not accept him, or even resisted and became self-defeating.

That\'s why I\'ve been hiding in the dark and watching quietly.

In this case, Xiao Junlin is ready to lead him out directly!

306. I understand your purpose

Xiao Junlin took over Xu Jingci\'s matter.

It reached Xu Junjie\'s ears within two minutes.

When he heard that Xiao Junlin picked up Xu Jingci and left the school, he immediately became nervous!

"Damn, damn! Where did they go?"