Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 965

Ling Sheng watched her father go out with two knives. She didn't dare to ask Jun Shiyan to run away. She could only find her mobile phone to call him.

Don't come up. Don't come up!

The elevator needs help to push it in. Jun Shiyan is still waiting at the bottom. Xiao Qi shouts: "Dad, run quickly, my grandfather will cut you down!"

Huo Xiao looked at his wife and sighed: "he came here to add what chaos!"

It's not chaotic enough. He ran to and fro and hit the muzzle of the gun. Seeing Huo CI go out with a knife, he also kindly stopped him: "Huo Ci, don't chop people to death!"

"Ci'er, ci'er, calm down. It's none of Jun San's business." The son is busy, look at the Xiao step to go up again, what's the matter

Huo Xiao is very confident: "he dare not!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a bang and a scream from Xiao Qi, who was frightened. He was in a panic and ran after him.

How dare you do it!

Xiao Qi stood at the door and looked at his grandfather standing at the door of the elevator. When the elevator opened, he swung his big knife and chopped at the people in the elevator. He closed his eyes and screamed.

Jun Shiyan came up in the elevator. As soon as the elevator opened, he saw a flash of cold light in front of him. Two big knives flew face-to-face. His body was short, and the knife was directly inserted into the car behind him.

When Su Xiyin caught up with her, she saw Huo CI throw the knife in directly. She was so scared that her legs were soft and almost fainted.

Ling Sheng ran over in a hurry, helped his grandmother, and then took a look at the past. On the elevator car, two knives were deeply inserted into it, greatly relieved. Fortunately, the third master hid quickly.

Jun Shiyan didn't know what had happened. He calmly looked at the knife behind him and then looked at Huo's words: "it's all my fault. Please calm down."

Huo Xiao was also shocked. He thought he was going to kill people. He came to his back and took a puff: "son of a bitch, you think I've been living too long for your eyes. If you don't let me get angry, you won't stop suffering from heart disease?"

Huo CI furiously roars: "still don't give me roll out!"

Jun Shiyan didn't know what happened. He looked at the little girl at home. He was looking at him with red eyes and smiling at her. He told her not to worry.

When the knife just came, he was merciful. Otherwise, if the elevator just opened, he would not be able to escape even though he could react quickly.

Therefore, what he committed should not be punished to death.

Jun Shiyan just came in.

Nangong Lengyu also came. Looking at a room full of people, she angrily pointed to Lingsheng and Jun Shiyan: "tell me what happened! Ah Yan, I believe you so much. You cheat me again and again. Do you deserve me

They are really good. It's not good to tell a lie. They have to make a fake pregnancy. Can we make fun of such things as children?

Ling Sheng's own ridiculous things, but also pull Jun Yanxia water, naturally can't let him with himself be punished, originally also has nothing to do with him: "this matter, has nothing to do with the third master, I forced him to cooperate with him."

Huo Ci and Nangong Lengyu were gnashing their teeth at the same time: "stop me!"

"I do things by myself, and I do them by myself. It has nothing to do with my grandmother or with my third master." Lingsheng has already given up his life and death, and doesn't care about anything.

"Father in law, mother-in-law, this is my fault. If you want to fight, you should be punished. Just don't embarrass Shengsheng."

"You two are still in love now, aren't you? Fight for punishment, don't you? " Huo CI sneered and pointed to his nose: "Jun Laosan, do you have no principle? You can do whatever she wants you to do, right? "

He knew that this matter must be the idea of the stinky girl. The three grandsons of Jun and Lao, who are not so bold, dare to make fun of this kind of thing.

"Yes." Jun Shi Yan Ying Tao.

"She wants you to die. Are you going?" Huo CI is a grumpy fury again.

Jun Shiyan looked at the little girl beside him and said, "go."

Huo Xiao looked at the atmosphere, was pinched by his wife, coughed, but said: "OK, OK, how big a thing, what can't die, the child knows wrong not to go."

Huo CI knew that his father was a man of no principle. He was not angry for a long time. He was still standing in the side of the smelly girl. His parents could not let her do whatever she wanted. This was not the end of the matter. Otherwise, she would be more lawless after she started.

Xiao Qi stood by Su Xiyin, looked at this and that, and finally whispered, "grandma, do I have no sister?"

Su Xiyin was the little guy's words to listen to some bitter smile, the baby finally reacted, looking at the baby sad little appearance, squat down to comfort him: "after your mother will give you a little sister."Huo CI mercilessly cut them both one eye, the gas is eager to exhaust them to death, forget, looking at the gas, all quickly rolled on the clean.

Nangong Lengyu pointed to them and sighed: "look at you two, even a child is not as good as you, see what you are doing, do you like it?"

Things have already happened. What else can I do? My daughter has just found out. No matter what, she is not willing to say too much.

In the final analysis, neither of her nor Huo's parents has done their duty, and no one has the right to blame her.

Ling Sheng looked at her son. During this period of time, the happiest thing was her son. Every day, she touched her stomach and talked to her sister. Suddenly, there was no younger sister. She must be very sad and lost.

Now she just wanted to turn back the clock, so as to kill her brain pumping at that time. It was a lie that caused a lot of flying dogs!

Huo CI cold face, pointing to the two of them: "you two roll over to me."

Nangong Lengyu frowned. What does he want to do?

Huo CI see her follow up, also did not stop, just don't want to let small seven see just, avoid some children, into the room after closing the door, swept them two: "the child is you want to want, want not to want it?"

Ling Sheng and Jun Shiyan didn't understand what this meant and looked at each other.

Huo CI sneered and pointed to Ling Sheng Nu: "aren't you pregnant? I'll give you two months. If you don't get pregnant, I'll take care of you. "

Damn, the child must be pregnant, born, and born! , the fastest update of the webnovel!