Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 898

"I see." Ling Sheng thinks it's the same reason. Turning around, he wants to go after Jun Shiyan and Xiao Qi and go to the car behind him.

Huo CI slanted her one eye, eyebrows slightly raised, opened the door, a pair of Laozi has already seen through you, don't think in front of Lao Tzu's blind eyes, called her: "where to go, you sit here!"

"Sit next to me!" Huo Xuanzhou put out a head and grinned at Ling Sheng. He grinned and gloated. He wanted to be alone with Jun and Lao San. She was beautiful!

When Ling Sheng got on the bus, he pinched him fiercely. The ungrateful guy did not know whose credit it was, so he could go with him to the Su family.

Su Xiyin was very worried and wrote it on her face. She was not in the mood to talk to them.

Huo Xiao held her hand and comforted her with a warm voice: "it's OK. Father in law is in such good health. It's just ordinary cold. Didn't big brother say it? Don't worry. "

Su Xiyin said that it was impossible not to worry about it, and his words made her eyes red.

It's normal for young people to have a fever and a cold. As the old people get older, it's inevitable that diseases will follow.

But she always hopes that the two old people can always be healthy and healthy, which is not the wish of every child!

She just called her elder brother and told him what time she would be back home tomorrow. When she heard the elder brother's voice, she knew that her father was ill.

She asked what the disease, the elder brother also faltered has not said clearly, finally said is the small wind cold, still does not let her big night go back.

She always felt that where there was so simple, if it was really a common cold, big brother cry what, voice has changed, she is afraid of ah!

"Grandma, grandfather is right. It's inevitable to have a cold. It must be OK. It's just that you think too much." Ling Sheng has just sent a message to ask aunt Su Yan, but she has not received a reply. To tell the truth, her mouth is so comforting that she has no foundation in her heart.

The old people are old and over 90 years old. The bad thing is that they only pray for their health when they meet each other less than once.

"Sheng Sheng is right. Don't worry, grandma." Huo Xuanzhou also agrees. It's really the old people who are old and worry about their children all the time.

Su Xi Yin nodded, knowing that they were comforting themselves and sighed in their hearts. Where are children who are not worried about their parents!

Ling Sheng was worried all the way. The third master and her father had a car. I don't know if it would be very embarrassing. But with Xiao Qi there, it should be better.

When he arrived at Su's house, it was already midnight, and Su Chi was still waiting for them. When a boy of his age liked to be handsome, he wore a long windbreaker and jumped in the snow to keep warm.

When Ling Sheng saw him, he looked at the young man dressed as long as his demeanor was not warm. He also pulled his windbreaker: "you don't sleep at night, it's not too cold. You stand in the cold wind and freeze the popsicles!"

"Don't I come to meet you?" Su Chi rubbed her hands and gasped, her eyes straying, as if she were looking for someone.

Ling Sheng pulled at him again: "what are you looking at? Who are you looking for? "

Suchi, hehe, shook his head: "no, I didn't look for anyone."

Of course, she was looking for her boyfriend, Jun Shiyan, Jun Sanye, the richest man in the world. He heard from his grandfather that he would come over and wait in the cold wind to see if the famous Jun San ye had three heads and six arms.

Suno said that they met people and looked handsome. They were even more handsome than him and more handsome than their cousins. He doubted the sunshine of their little children.

He asked his grandfather, and his grandfather said it was just like that. He had two eyes and one nose. He was a person. When he asked his aunt, she said that he knew when he saw a real person.

Su Xiyin worried over, looking at him nervously asked: "ah Chi, how is the old ancestor?"

Su Chi called a person to say hello and then said: "Auntie, don't worry, the old ancestor is OK, has already woken up, also gave the big grandfather a lesson."

When Su Xiyin heard this, he was relieved. The eldest brother was the most vulnerable one among all his brothers. He was most vulnerable to the influence of his surroundings. His parents were a little sick, and his crying was normal.

Su Chi is still looking. Finally, he sees a man in the car behind him. He is uncle Huo. He walks with wind. He is handsome and natural.

All his idols are his cousins. If he can be as charming as he is when he is 40, he thinks his life is worth living.

Ling Sheng finally knew what he was looking for. He was waiting to see the third master. He followed his eyes and saw her father get out of the car first, followed by the third master holding Xiao Qi.

The man is wearing a long black down jacket, and the surroundings are a little dark. With the light of the car, it is more and more obvious that he exudes the charm that people can't move their eyes, especially when he looks at her, the corners of his lips are slightly raised, and he dotes on the gentle smile.

Ling Sheng on his eyes light, heart in the deer, low cough to cover up his gaffe, is not the first time to see, why he can be lifted to every time!If a man is too good-looking, it is also a sweet burden for her!

Su Chi's eyes are full of complexity. This is what my grandfather said, two eyes and one mouth. Is it a person?

In my grandfather's eyes, it's just a person? What kind of man do they want sister Shengsheng to look for? Want God!

The man in front of him, no matter his appearance or bearing, is not inferior to his uncle. He can even feel that he is still deliberately pressing his momentum, so as not to appear too sharp and too plain for others.

"Sister Sheng Sheng." Su Chi small voice, with a bit of loss, a little sigh: "your marriage, I agree!"

Ling Sheng is amused. What are you talking about, brother? There's no end to this. What do you mean?

"You and Mr. Jun, I agree." Seeing that she didn't understand, Su Chi whispered to her again.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the man in front of him was really good, especially when he was holding Xiaoqi, he could clearly feel that he loved Xiaoqi very much. When he looked at sister Shengsheng, his eyes were full of greasy energy, which was about to flow out.

Ling Sheng glanced at him. His sister's own man needs your approval! How could it be that the third master had to get the unanimous consent of a large family of people?

When Jun Shiyan came over, he just heard this sentence. He happily lifted up the corner of his lips. When he looked at Su Chi, he felt very comfortable. He said hello with a smile.

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