Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 871

After the shock, the peanuts of fan suizheng became very big. The first star and the second generation in the entertainment industry had Muyou. They asked my Sheng Baobao to say that they were the second. Who dares to be the first? Dare you?

Which one said Huo CI lived with my Sheng Baobao, fell in love, married and had children. Stand up, stand up, and say you, with your face outstretched, do you fight by yourself or by me? Just ask if your face hurts!

Who said that my Sheng Baobao had no father and no mother, I asked you, do you have such a cow's parents in your family? Let's pull it out, yo!

The masses of gourd eaters from all walks of life were so shocked that they wanted to know the follow-up. But the two immortals, after dropping such a heavy bomb, disappeared!

What's more, even if there is no one who can tell the truth, even if the Lord doesn't come out, you can come to a person who can tell us something, and satisfy our fragile little soul of thirst for knowledge.

When Mei Xuelin saw the news, there was a moment of blank in his head. He deeply felt that he should go to Huo boss now and hand in a resignation letter with a smile!

What is this?

Sheng Sheng is Huo Ci, his own daughter!

Shengsheng is the daughter of Nangong movie queen!

Yes, Shengsheng is their own daughter!

Calm down, calm down, must be calm, call to ask: big boss, I want to resign with you!

Lingsheng and Nangong Lengyu have already turned off their mobile phones. No matter how they make trouble, they can't see their eyes and their hearts are clean. Anyway, if you go to make trouble, I can't see anything.

Ling Sheng knows that the fan support club of her family must have been bombed for a long time. However, she was a little bit pleased. She deeply felt that this identity was almost forced to explode! The brilliance of the halo made her want to float.

It's really not her narcissism. The daughter of the film queen in the entertainment industry myth, does she have the first one? When you go there, you ask, who is competing?


Ling Sheng did not expect to go home and pay a visit to the tomb. She recognized her mother and did not say anything, but her parents directly exploded her identity, which caught her off guard.

After burning the cemetery, the family went back.

Xiao Qi was lying in her arms with red eyes and waving her hand in the direction of the tombstone: "Mommy, when will we come back to see grandma?"

"Tomb Sweeping Day." Ling Sheng felt that Qingming still had to find time to come back. His adoptive mother raised the original owner to such a large age that he still had to go home twice a year to pay homage.

"I'll be with you then." Nangong Lengyu reached for Xiao Qi, looked at the little guy and patted his little head with pain.

Knowing that he grew up with that grandmother, she was grateful. After all, she was helped to raise her daughter and bring up her grandson.

Just in front of the tomb, she gave her a promise that she would take good care of Sheng Sheng and Xiao Qi, so that she could rest assured in heaven.

Lingsheng did not dare to open the microblog, the mobile phone directly turned off, otherwise I did not know how many calls to receive!

Jun Shiyan answered the phone and handed it to her: "it's your father."

Ling Sheng is very strange, why does her father call her, but before she asks what, there is a roar: "you call Mei Xuelin quickly! You're your own agent, you're going to take care of it yourself. "

"Dad, I..."

Ling Sheng didn't know what happened at all. Without saying a word, she was hanged on the opposite side, leaving her alone in disorder in the wind.

When I started the plane, I knew when I called back that sister Mei was going to resign. She was very angry and didn't want to take her: "Lingsheng, you are so powerful that I can't take you. Really, let your father find someone else for you. I can't afford to serve you both."

Ling Sheng probably guessed what was going on. He was busy paying attention: "sister Mei, I beg you. You can't resign. Only you can take me. I only trust you. If you leave, what can I do?"

"What do I care about you? You father and daughter are great Mei Xuelin is going to be so angry that she trusts them so much that they don't even trust her?

Keep it from her?

How can you keep it from her for such a long time!

When she was a fool, she thought they were It's It's a lover!

No way to meet people, she also when what gold medal agent, even this smell is not!

"Sister Mei, as you know, in places like entertainment, my relationship with my father will cause a lot of trouble." Ling Sheng sighed, pitiful: "and I didn't tell you last time, Huo Ci, he is my father!"

Mei Xuelin really remembered that once, she told her, but she When she said that, she didn't think she was joking: "you don't have to talk about these things for me. If you come back, you can find me to terminate the contract. I can't afford to serve you."

Ling Sheng's ability to play is absolutely first-class: "no, I don't care. Anyway, I just want you. No matter how you raise the brokerage agreement, we can discuss anything as long as you don't leave me."

Mei Xuelin: are you cheating on me? I tell you it's no use. I've already handed in my resignation to your father. I'll go right away. I'll go at once. If I intervene in your father's and daughter's affairs, I'll be a fool! "Ling Sheng cried and hawed: "sister Mei, don't do this. I'm wrong. I'll apologize to you when I go back, OK? I'll fly back to you in a minute

Mei Xuelin: No, don't grind it for me. I've made up my mind. It's useless to break the sky. When will you come back

Ling Sheng couldn't help but change his way: "sister Mei, aren't you going to hold a charity painting exhibition in February? I'll do it for you. Do you think it's ok? "

"I need your paintings. I don't have them myself, do I?"

Ling Sheng temptation: "out of print, you know, my grandmother's home, Su's side, my ancestors like to collect antiques, calligraphy and painting, many of the paintings are peerless, priceless, national treasure level."

Mei Xuelin hesitated, no, national treasure is not, buy her is it, when she was so easily shaken, ruthless: "no need!"

Jun Shiyan whispered two words in her ear. Ling Sheng laughed like a little fox: "and the Third Master also likes to collect calligraphy and paintings. His things are good things. You can borrow them as long as you want."

Mei Xuelin knew that she was a little fox. She didn't have many hobbies. In addition to her work, she also liked calligraphy, painting and jewelry. She opened a gallery in her early years because of her interest, and her income has been very good. She did not plan to do an exhibition after the new year. When she heard her words, she was not very firm and wavered: "can you really make it?"

"Of course, there are also some uncles in my family. You know, besides my fifth uncle Lu and Bai, everyone has some goods in their hands. As long as I open my mouth, I can definitely get them for you, enough for you to hold several art exhibitions." Ling Sheng knew that he was going to succeed. He carefully stretched the tune and acted coquettishly: "sister Mei." , the fastest update of the webnovel!