Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 711

"Why are you here?" Lu and Bai frowned. Seeing that she was still eating and drinking, she was quite disgusted: "do you mean to eat like this in front of a patient?"

Yujie really likes eating. In the past, her biggest wish was to eat all the delicious food in the world. But later, she drank too much and her stomach was broken. After gastrectomy, she couldn't eat a lot of food.

This stinky girl, is to come over greedy, she really don't know how delicious her own meal is, how much people salivate?

"I'm here for the night." Lingsheng grinned happily, but he didn't dare to ask him how he came here. He knew that they had a good relationship with sister Yu before. It was after her father made trouble that they seemed to be stiff.

However, it should be just that her father is stiff. People like Uncle Wu will never break up with others because of her father. At most, they are not in favor of each other. On the surface, they are still secretly communicating with each other.

Lu and Bai are also hungry. What's the misfortune of human beings? They all plug their teeth when drinking water. After six brothers and a son of a bitch threw him off the highway, his mobile phone also fell on his car.

There was no exit on the highway. He walked for four hours before he was found by the traffic police and was forced to take it down. God knows that the traffic police who often violate the regulations are caught. Why did he find him walking illegally on the highway after four hours!

Ling Sheng is here. Lu and Bai dare not ask what they want to ask. They know that Yu Jie is in a coma and in hospital. They can't get rid of six elder brothers.

In fact, he came here to apologize. If he hadn't said something wrong, he didn't pay attention to sister Yu. Maybe it would have been ten years or eight years before he realized it.

Ling Sheng also gave him a string to eat: "Uncle Wu, this roast mutton kebab is really good. Try it."

Lu and Bai frowned. Did you really eat and drink in front of the patient? Look at her virtue, like six elder brothers carved out of a mold, reached for another.

Ling Sheng reached out to grab: "this is mine!"

Lu and Bai ignored her and gave her a slanting glance: "Lingsheng, you girl's house, what kind of ball do you eat?"

Is that right?

Six elder brothers also don't know to teach her well!

Ling Sheng Wei Qu Baba's flat mouth, watching him snatch away his favorite food, pitifully stretched out a finger out: "I'll take a bite."

Lu and Bai frowned, very serious refusal: "you can't eat half a mouthful."

Ling Sheng complained to Nangong Lengyu and was indignant: "sister Yu, look at him. He is still an elder. He robbed me to eat!"

Lu and Bai Mei wrinkled their heads more tightly. They seldom opened their mouths and taught people a lesson. They held a handsome face: "what jade sister, I call jade sister, can you also call jade sister?"

Ling Sheng was taught by her family's five uncles for the first time. He looked at Nangong Lengyu and then looked at him: "what do you say I shout?"

Nangong Lengyu helpless smile: "about is just a name, what to shout is not the same."

Lu and Bai: "call Auntie!"

Ling Sheng insisted: "but Uncle Wu, sister Yu is too young, where can I call Auntie? If it is not for seniority, I will call your brother."

Lu and Bai gave her a set of fallacies and laughed angrily: "you also know that there are generations, call auntie."

Seeing Nangong Lengyu, Ling Sheng nodded his head and said, "jade Aunt

Nangong Lengyu said with a smile, "the fifth one is right. I'm not young. Your age is as big as the little star. You should call auntie." , the fastest update of the webnovel!