Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1051

Xiao Qi, no matter whether he was coquettish or begging, his grandfather was not willing to take him to the program. He hung his head angrily and was ready to think of other ways. Uncle Yu Zheng made a video with him, saying that he had great talent as a hacker. He went to ask Uncle Yu Zheng whether he could make money as a hacker.

"Wait a minute." Huo CI looked at the stinky boy and stopped him: "what's your grandmother doing recently? And not to see you? "

Xiao Qi scratched his head and shook his head. He was dejected. The original crisp voice became stuffy: "Xiao Qi doesn't know."

"If you can let your grandmother join us in the program, I will take you." Huo CI added a sentence carelessly.

Seven tengdi happily jumped up, eyes are shining, spirit is back: "grandfather, what you said is true?"

Huo CI sneered and knocked on his head: "when did I cheat you?"


Ling Sheng has been very busy these two days. Originally, she thought that she would temporarily change the male host of "brilliant" and take a two-day rest before the male host takes the position. Unexpectedly, the related work of l-star has started. As a global spokesperson, she has been shooting advertisements and blockbusters one after another. She wants to finish the job in these two days.

The cameraman and the advertising group are all of the highest standards in the world. They are all striving for perfection in all the shooting. If there is a little deficiency, they will have to start over again. They are even more tired than when she was making films and TV series. However, who should let her own company take the best shot.

After the morning schedule, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

Nangong Lengyu is a director system. She is in charge of all the shooting this time. She is also the most strict and professional one. When shooting, she is clear about public and private affairs, and will never bring personal feelings to work.

Ling Sheng is naturally the same. It is because she is her own company, and her mother is responsible for the overall planning. She is more serious when shooting. She can never let outsiders say how their family is. Her work is work, and she will never involve personal feelings. It seems that she is very unprofessional.

The directors and staff of the photography group and the advertising group work with her all the year round. Ella, the queen of fashion, has a very strict attitude towards work. Sometimes, she has reached a critical attitude. In the process of cooperation, which artist is not abused by her professionalism and pursuit of perfection.

The media interviewed the artists she had worked with. Many people said that it was a very enjoyable process for people to grow up rapidly. They were in pain and happy. They were looking forward to the next cooperation, hoping to have a chance to catch up with the queen. A seamless heavenly robe is as like as two peas.

is very satisfied with the two days of Ling Sheng's performance, and the two people treat their work with the same attitude.

"Well, I'll be here in the morning. It's hard work." Nangong Lengyu clapped her hands and called for a stop. She went to Ling Sheng and patted her shoulder. She could not see her emotion on her beautiful face. She just said, "go to dinner!"

Ling Sheng just nodded, should sound is, see her mother has already taken the camera, the pace is in a hurry, knead the temple.

At last, she can see how her mother's stomach is turning into what it is now. The high-intensity work, the appalling pursuit of perfection and the irregular working hours are definitely the culprits of her health problems.


Her mother is a workaholic. She works like a dog. She works like hell!

The shooting place is in an abandoned factory in the suburbs. The shooting time in the morning is a little long. The weather has not turned hot. The ordered lunch boxes are all cold. The staff are delivering the lunch boxes.

Ling Sheng went to take two boxes and went to find Nangong Lengyu. She felt the box of rice that had been completely cold. She frowned and turned back. She had no problem eating it. She was in good health, but her mother couldn't eat it. After a look outside, she didn't see the person she wanted to see. It was strange in her heart.

It's not right. The third master delivered every meal on time these two days. When he was not busy, he came by himself. When he was busy, he asked Xu Xi to deliver it. Why didn't he come today.

Outside, I don't know who screamed, and then someone called Huo Yingdi to come, and came with the aid dining car.

Ling Sheng looked at the man in the army green long windbreaker. He was tall and upright, and his noble spirit was overflowing. Among the crowd, he was shining with stars. His handsome face was wearing a gentle smile. He was talking to the staff around him.

Look, one hand holding a food box, the other hand also holding a little guy, is also the same self-cultivation army green long windbreaker, cute and handsome to burst, but not her son.

In an instant, I realized that it was not the third master who didn't come and didn't let anyone come. Her father must have informed him that he was coming. The third master couldn't steal the show of his father-in-law and didn't come.

Huo Ci was surrounded by a lot of people, to sign, to group photos have.

Zuo Ming is in front of him to maintain order. The core team responsible for shooting is specially invited by Ms. Nangong. The rest of the unimportant staff are all temporary workers. He is naturally excited to see Huo Da Ying di.Some people joked and asked questions that many people wanted to ask but did not dare to ask: "brother Ci, do you come to see Shengsheng, or to see the movie queen?"

Huo CI smile, do not answer the question: "do you say?"

The crowd of gourd eaters chuckled with kindness and began to mend their brains. The film emperor must have come to see the goose and the goose's mother. They just don't know when the film emperor will be able to reunite with the film queen. They are still waiting for the good news!

When Ling Sheng came over, she happened to hear her father's sentence. You said it with a warm smile. It was very soft. A sentence contained too much ambiguity, which made people daydream. How could she be so kind to come to see her, just take her as an excuse and come to see her mother.

Xiao Qi released his grandfather's hand and ran towards her: "Mommy, did you eat?"

Ling Sheng picked up his son and gave him a kiss. He hugged him and went back: "Mommy will have dinner soon. What about you and my grandfather?"

"And grandma?" Seven to her ear: "grandfather said that grandma's stomach is not good, boil all morning porridge, also boiled stomach medicine, you smell Xiaoqi body is not all Chinese medicine flavor?"

Ling Sheng sniffed with a nose, smiled and shook her head, only the smell of milk, mixed with her father's favorite perfume, no love of Chinese medicine: "no, Xiang Xiang."

"Xiao Qi is fragrant." Xiao Qi also smelled it, beamed with a smile and took a big breath in Ling Sheng's arms: "Mommy is also fragrant." , the fastest update of the webnovel!