Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1046

"I don't have any secrets on my phone." When Ling Sheng looks at Yu Bei's eyes, he knows what he is thinking. Uncle Wu often talks about some state secrets. If the mobile phone is so easy to be attacked by hackers, it's not finished.

As soon as the incident happened, paparazzi reporters, like flies, rushed in and surrounded Ling Sheng. The security guards didn't stop them. They watched a group of people crowding over and crowding.

"Ling Sheng, is your classmate's information true?"

"Your son is really a bastard. Your private life is so chaotic that you don't even know who the father is?"

"Did you really make chicken before? Have you really seduced teachers since kindergarten? "

"When you were in high school, most of the boys in the school had sex with you. Do you admit it?"

"Ling Sheng, your private life has been exposed. Have you ever thought about how much impact it will have on your parents? Please face up to my question."

Journalists are all demanding information, not fatal, and the questions they raise are sharper and sharper. They push forward with all their lives. They all hope that they can get first-hand information and have prestige in front of leaders and colleagues.

The person who sent the video can definitely be someone who has a grudge against Ling Sheng. Otherwise, he would not choose to attack all people's mobile phones at this time and spread the video.

"Fake." Ling Sheng politely smiles at the reporters.

However, paparazzi reporters can't get too close to her. The boys in Baxian have already rushed to the front to protect the girls. What is keeping order in front of them is that they are actually good. After all, they are big stars. Paparazzi dare not push them too much. If they are security guards, there will be physical conflicts.

"What about your child? Is that child really your own son?" Reporter 1 is dead to fight to the front.

"Yes." Ling Sheng nodded with a smile on his face.

"And the father of the child?"

Ling Sheng pauses for a moment.

"Is it true that your child has no father?" Reporter 1.

"You don't know who the father is, do you?" Reporter 2.

Ling Sheng has tried to keep himself calm. As a public figure with good quality, he can't say dirty words. Even if he is angry again, he should keep calm: "my son has a father."

"Who is your son's father Reporter 3.

Ling Sheng shakes his head, still hanging on the face of polite smile, way: "inconvenient."

"I don't know who's in the father's video?"

"Ling Sheng, have you ever thought about the impact your private life will have on your parents if your private life is so chaotic and dirty?"

"It turns out that you are unmarried and pregnant, and you don't even know who your son's father is? What do you think of your former private life? "

"Have you ever regretted what you've done before?"

The reporters were so aggressive that she had to tell her who the father of the child was. If she didn't, she must have a ghost in her heart!

I don't know who the father of the child is, and how can I say it. It also confirms from the side that what is said in the disclosure is all true.

Yu Bei was so angry that he didn't want to see these fly like disgusting things. Just as he wanted to make a noise to drive people away, he saw the reporters behind him. Suddenly, he was quiet and didn't push forward. He gave way automatically.

Reporters do not know why, see the man in front of him, heart shudder, as if he is a high and dignified emperor general, people can not help but want to crawl at its feet.

Ling Sheng also noticed that the reporters were suddenly quiet like a chicken. Looking at the past, he saw that the man was coming towards her, slightly raising the corners of his lips, and smiling with pleasure. In a flash, the man came to her side.

Jun Shiyan grabbed the girl's waist and announced her ownership. Looking at the aggressive reporters and many onlookers, he said in a deep voice: "all the information disclosed in the video is malicious slander and rumor. We will investigate its responsibility. I warn all present that if you continue to spread rumors and expand the influence of this matter, please be ready to receive a lawyer's letter !”

That's what he said on the surface, but the way he wanted to use would never be so gentle and gentle. He just warned the media on the spot that they should not talk nonsense when they go out. If anyone dares to talk and write nonsense, he should not blame his subordinates for being merciless.

"Sir, who are you from Ling Sheng?" A daring reporter finally got up the courage to ask.

Other people do not know what's wrong. They are excellent journalists from various TV stations, portals, video websites and platforms. They have never seen battles in ordinary times. They have interviewed powerful families and even political leaders, but they have never felt this kind of awe.

The man in front of him is not very old, but his momentum is very amazing. He can see at a glance that he is not an ordinary person, but he has never seen him in any news reports."I am Ling Sheng's husband." Jun Shiyan looked at the reporter who asked the question. His handsome face was smiling and polite, but he was a gentleman. His eyes were filled with awe inspiring nobility. His thin lips opened gently, and he continued: "the child in the video is my son."

Besides the eight immortals, Lu and Bai Gu Shen, the people on the scene did not know who he was. When they heard him, they were shocked and looked in the direction of Ling Sheng. They were married! My son can play soy sauce!!

Gu Shen didn't expect that his third uncle recognized his son and Lingsheng on the spot. For a moment, he didn't know what it was like. All of them were depressed in his chest. Looking at Lingsheng's happy and gorgeous smile, he felt that he was in the eye.

LOXin only felt a fire in her chest. The burning fire almost burned her whole person. When the conjecture turned into a fact, she wanted to go crazy with jealousy. The noble and elegant man, no matter in appearance, power or wealth, was thousands of times stronger than Gu Shen.

But what makes such an excellent man? It's Ling Sheng's man. When did she hook up with the Third Master of Jun's family? What means did the little fox spirit confuse the third master, so that he even recognized her son.

"Is that true?" The reporter still didn't believe it. How could it be so clever? Just after Ling Sheng's black material burst out, there was a man who was so excellent in both temperament and appearance to recognize the child. , the fastest update of the webnovel!