Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1028

"I'm hungry. Go and buy me something to eat." Lingsheng was tired and didn't want to move his fingers. After entering the rest room, he directly collapsed on the sofa and looked at Xiaoye with a smile: "Kechuang, you see if there is any, I want to eat mutton kebabs, ten strings, no, two strings, and then give me a baked potato and Flammulina velutipes. If you have treasure in your hand, give me two strings."

Boo Hoo Hoo!

I'm so poor that I dare not eat anything. I have to take the least amount for fear of growing meat!

When she finished filming the play, she must let go of her stomach and eat well. She should pack a barbecue stand and roll it to the point where she can't walk.

"Sister Sheng Sheng, do you want milk tea?" Xiaoye asked her.

Lingsheng wants to drink milk tea, and his hair is white, but he can't drink it. He is cruel and heartless, whining low. No one has her pity. She is flat mouthed and wants to cry. Milk tea is still not needed: "mango, have more fun."

Milk tea is not good, the heat is too high, she is now filming, there is not so much exercise, eat in the heat can not be consumed, can only wait to turn into fat, think about greedy even, drink still can't drink.

Yu Chuhe is in the separate cloakroom. The clothes placed are not many. They are separated by plywood. The sound insulation effect is very poor. Listening to the soft and waxy voice of the girl, his eyes look gloomy.

Xiao ye came back in half an hour. Ling Sheng was already asleep. He was lying on the sofa with a coat on his body. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he immediately opened his eyes and sat up. Salivating at the food, he shrugged his nose and smelled in the air. His mouth was full of greedy saliva: "ah, ah, my delicious food is finally here."

Xiaoye put all the food on the table in front of her. She bought it according to her orders. She looked at the delicious food she enjoyed. She handed her drinks to her. Seeing her reach out to take it, she suddenly tightened her hand, and then gave it to her with a smile: "sister Sheng Sheng, you can have something to drink."

Ling Sheng did not want to drink a big, as a food, satisfied sigh: "really delicious."

Xiaoye's eyes are a little dodgy, and then she looks at the drink in her hand. Chuhe won't lie to her. It's really a sleeping drug. After drinking it, sister Shengsheng will just sleep for a while. She will be very energetic when she wakes up and won't find that she has moved her hands and feet.

After eating and drinking enough, Lingsheng felt a little sleepy. His eyelids began to fight. He yawned and said, "Xiao Ye, I'll sleep for a while. I'll call me after two hours. I'll have my play."

Xiaoye nodded and saw that she had already held a pillow, her head was leaning, and she had fallen into a deep sleep. She also put down a heart. Chuhe didn't cheat her. It was just a drug that could help sleep.

Seeing Lingsheng asleep, Xiaoye gets up and goes to the cloakroom. Who knows it's empty. Yu Chuhe is not here. He just took out his mobile phone and saw the message he sent: baby, come to my car. Xiao Zhao is waiting for you. He will take you to find me.

Yu Chuhe came out of his own rest room when he saw that Xiao Ye was gone. He happened to be next to Ling Sheng. Seeing the stupid woman who had been cheated by him left with joy, his eyes became more and more ironic. The stupid and ugly woman like a stupid pig is stupid even if she is dead.

In the rest room, Ling Sheng was sleeping soundly, but her body suddenly began to burn, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"Sheng Sheng." Yu Chuhe stood in front of her, looked down at her, saw the girl's face, has begun to blush.

"Brother Yu?" Ling Sheng vaguely heard someone calling her. He opened his eyes and saw the man standing in front of her. He was looking at her. He wanted to get up, but he found that his limbs were soft. He narrowed his eyes: "what can I do for you?"

Yu Chuhe looked at her, slowly squatted in front of her, a face of hypocritical worry: "Sheng Sheng, what's the matter with you? Is it hard? "

Ling Sheng's head turned into a paste and shook his head: "I don't know. I don't have the strength. It's so hot. How can I be so hot? What's wrong with me?"

Yu Chuhe knew that he had already got it. He looked very proud and said, "you may be ill. Do you need me to help you?"

"How can you help me?" Ling Sheng is soft and has realized that there is something wrong with her. Her strength seems to be emptied in an instant. She feels that even consciousness is beginning to be emptied.

"It helps you cool down, of course." Yu Chuhe smiles indecently.


when junshiyan got out of the car, he looked at the wechat message again. The little girl took a picture of the delicious food for him to show off. After showing off, she never called back. She was afraid that she was just eating and forgot that he was still waiting for her news!

He picked up his lips and grinned. He took the lunch box that was handed over from the banquet. He looked at the direction of the film set, and strode over to see his snacks. By the way, he brought her some delicious and low calorie food.

Anyan watched the man leave and got on the car. The third master was a perfect boyfriend. He came to see Miss Ling every day and gave food and drink. However, a few days ago, Miss Ling quietly avoided people and ran to the car to meet him.

Today, I don't know why. The third master went in. Isn't Miss Ling afraid that she will be photographed by a reporter to spread rumors and expose her relationship with the third master?Yu Chuhe looked at the beauty lying on the sofa. His face was red and transparent, like a ripe apple, waiting for people to pick. He told himself in his heart that he was not in a hurry. In a few minutes, she would kneel on the ground and beg for him after she had a complete attack.

Jun Shiyan looked at the expression bag that the little girl finally sent him. Her long and narrow eyes had a gentle smile. The moving picture expression package was her own expression. Two lovely rabbit ears were added to the small head. When kissing, the lip print would turn into a big red heart.

When I got to the door, I saw that the little girl had not replied to him. Maybe he was asleep. The studio was still shooting. The back lounge was very quiet. I stood at the door, knocked on the door and waited for a moment, but no one answered.

Yu Chuhe was thinking of a good thing when the door was suddenly knocked. His eyes were grim and he glanced at the direction of the door. He looked at Ling Sheng on the sofa and cocked up the corner of his lips with confidence. He heard the voice of his agent, Yang Zhicheng, at the door.

Yang Zhicheng and Yu Chuhe have been colluding with each other for a long time. They sit in the rest room of yuchuhe to prevent anyone from destroying Yu Chuhe's good deeds. When he came out, he saw a handsome and noble looking man standing at the door of Lingsheng's lounge with a food box in his hand. He walked over with a smile on his face: "Sir, who are you looking for?"

Jun Yan eyebrow micro Cu: "Ling Sheng."

Yang Zhicheng laughed more and more kindly: "you said Sheng Sheng, she went out to dinner with my family Chuhe. Now she's not here. Do you have anything to do with her? When she comes back, I'll pass it on to you. What do you think? "

Well, the man in front of him is gorgeous and noble. He has a king's aura that ordinary people can't match. He is as noble and elegant as an emperor.

Jun Shiyan only glanced at the man in front of him, but did not answer. Someone in the room heard the little girl's breathing, which was very fast. In addition to the breath of his little girl, it seemed that there was another person's breathing sound. He was sure that he was a man.

So the man in front of him is lying to him.

"I'm Yang Zhicheng and Yu Chuhe's agent. Are you interested in entering the entertainment industry, sir?" Yang Zhicheng's eyes flashed with shrewd light.

Looking at the man in front of him, if he enters the entertainment circle, what evergreen trees, what little fresh meat and what little life are all properly crushed by him, and the man in front of him can not describe his appearance with the beauty of flourishing age.

"No interest." Jun Shiyan was already impatient. As soon as he reached out to knock on the door, he heard a hot word from the little girl coming into his ears. Suddenly, his eyes were cold, and without thinking about it, he kicked his foot at the door.

"What are you doing? Who are you?" Yang Zhicheng didn't expect that a man would kick the door. He changed his face and yelled at him to stop him: "I warn you, you are breaking the law, mud is a burglary. I'll send someone to arrest you immediately!"

Jun Shiyan looks dangerous and killing. When he pushes Yang Zhicheng aside, he kicks on the door again.

Yang Zhicheng fell to the ground and screamed bitterly. When he got up, he had to continue to organize. He could not let a man ruin the good things of Chu River. He struggled to get up and heard a bang. His eyes widened in horror.



Jun Shiyan saw the little girl who was held in his arms by a man. His eyes turned red in an instant. When he stepped forward, he took the little girl out of the man's arms, followed by a kick and kicked Yu Chuhe's stomach.

This foot, containing the power of a great force, and the burning anger of a man in his fury, Yu Chuhe had no time to react. He watched Lingsheng snatched by a man, and he himself, with a bang, hit the opposite wall.

Yang Zhicheng had been scared out of his wits for a long time, but he didn't know how strong a man was. As soon as Yang Zhicheng flew up, he hit the wall. A scream of killing a pig rang out and fell on the ground again. A mouthful of blood was sprayed on the floor.

"Who are you? Do you know where this is? " Yang Zhicheng was terrified and saw that Yu Chuhe was beaten. For a moment, his face was ferocious, and he roared with anger: "come on, someone's going into the house to commit murder!"

Jun Shiyan hugs the little girl with heartache, and her heart is tightly grasped together. The little girl has fallen into a coma. She can't help tearing the clothes on her body and mumbling the heat in her mouth. The temperature on her body is also abnormal.

"You wait, I won't let you go. You just wait to go to jail and go to jail." Yang Zhicheng checked Yu Chuhe and tried to calm himself down: "Chu River, Chu River, wake up."

Jun Shiyan looked at the eyes of mole ants with contempt and disdain. His knife was cold in general, and his thin lips opened lightly: "what did you do to her?"

"What have we done? What else have you done Yang Zhicheng was seen by a man. He felt cold and shivering. The huge pressure made him want to kneel down and beg for mercy: "do you know who our Chuhe is? You're finished. Your life is over. "

"You all die." Jun Shiyan only said, holding the little girl in his arms, he lifted his feet and left. When he arrived at the door, he ordered an Banquet: "catch them, I will handle them myself."They dare to attack the little girl he put on the top of his heart.

"What are you? You dare to threaten me." Yang Zhicheng knows that man's identity is not simple, but his identity is not simple, and Chu River's identity is not simple. Seeing that the man is going to leave, he is busy with an angry roar: "you stop him, stop him!"

At the door, the director, the deputy director, and the relevant personnel of the production team all rushed over, but he Sha stopped him. He gave them a wink and said in a low voice. Look at me, I'll look at you, and I'll look at you. I'll see you. I'll make way for him.

Yang Zhicheng didn't know what happened to them. His chest heaved violently and he roared at the director: "Lin Ping, I think you don't want to continue shooting this movie. Are you dead? Stop him now, hurry up

However, no matter how he yelled, no one listened to him. He just looked like a clown, yelling and making people laugh.

When Anyan came to Yang Zhicheng, his eyes were gloomy, as if he were looking at a dead man: "agent Yang, right? My third master, please. I hope you and Mr. Yu can come with me. Don't make it difficult for me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!